

sandwich karen karens coworkers workers work workplace disrespect disrespectful revenge petty karens-in-the-wild reddit reddit-thread lunch

'I was fed up': Gaggle of Karens harangue sandwich shop workers; jaded employee buys their meal for themselves and literally eats their lunch

The most insulting thing you can do to another kid in grade school is eat their lunch. You reach over, belligerently grab their sandwich, and take a bite right in front of them just to prove that you have power over them– Countries have gone to war over less. In this case, one sandwich shop employee did the unthinkable and took the ultimate sandwich-revenge when a group of Karens pushed him over the edge.
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workplace-stories jobs employment-discussion job bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace work workplace-discussion workplace Horrible Bosses workers employment toxic-work-environment - 21280005

'I had over 80 hours of PTO': Employee gives notice, loses all their PTO

The relationship between an organization and its employees is built on a foundation of trust... breaking that trust can result in negative consequences for both parties. Employers should realize that failing to honor an employee's accrued leave can damage the morale of the remaining team and lead to a loss of trust. Eventually, this will harm the organization's bottom line—in the form of higher turnover, less institutional knowledge, and less productivity—costing far more than fronting the cost…
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walk-out workplace-stories jobs toxic-workplace tales-from-the-workplace work i quit quit employees workers quitting employment - 21262341

'They didn't like that': Ten workers quit on the same day after having their requests ignored

Everyone has been a part of that workplace where management absolutely refuses to listen. If you send them an email asking for something as simple as a new kettle for the break room, suddenly they don't know how to read; if you try and have a meeting with them to go over requests, suddenly there's no room in the schedule; corner them in the break room that still has a broken kettle, and suddenly they've never used their ears in their entire life. Try as you might; your chances of getting throug…
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workplace-stories jobs work quit workplace-discussion workplace workers stories quitting employment - 21181189

'Yesterday was my last day': Employer makes worker "jump through hoops" to take PTO, quits instead

Jumping through hoops might be fun for your labrador, Charlie, but it does not make up a means of effective management. Sure, it might feel like you're doing something and having a significant impact on your team, but if you took a step back, you'd see that your directives have everyone needlessly running around in circles. Busy work is work, but it's not getting anyone anywhere. This worker shared their experience with a popular online community for workplace matters, explaining how they had g…
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malicious-compliance reddit malicious compliance coworkers coworker worker work employee workers work-from-home wfh professional workplace toxic timecard timesheets micromanaging micromanager boss ceo

'8:24am- Sneezed, got tissue': Micromanaging boss gets exactly what he asked for when a sassy employee fills out his timekeeping card with over-detailed accuracy

Working when your boss is looking over your shoulder is not only irritating, but makes your productivity way worse. Obviously work speed is going to suffer when you have a nepo-baby clipboard-poker breathing heavily at your back and judging your every move. but for some reason, management doesn't get that concept.
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salary boss worker maternity leave employee manager salesperson coworkers upper management commission ceo Office incompetence managers sales workers bad bosses company coworker paycut - 21189125

'The only reason I took it was for the raise': Boss begs their salesperson to cover their position while they're on maternity leave, then cuts their salary last minute, shorting them ~$200 per week

C-level management seems to forget that their ‘family’ of employees is really only working so they can get that money bag every two weeks. Despite their lofty claims that everyone's on the same team and needs to reach company goals, a lot of workers are starting to refuse to do more work unless they're financially compensated– as it should be!
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boss workplace-stories-reddit jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story manager malicious compliance work malicious-compliance-reddit managers workplace Horrible Bosses workers dress code - 21180421

'No one wants to look [at] hairy man-legs': Dude complies with new workplace summer dress code by shaving his legs

If there's one thing that every organization on this earth loves… it's stupid strict rules that have no business existing in the first place—usually coming from a middle manager who decided to write and enact a new policy without ever asking others with more insight and experience for their input. Bonus space on the bingo card here for this manager also being someone either freshly promoted on a power trip or brand new to the organization and trying to look like they're doing an effective job a…
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workplace-stories malicious compliance work coworkers malicious-compliance-reddit it IT guy workplace workers - 21131013

IT Guy quietly deletes illicit files off employee's work computer, they complain and out themselves

If you're keeping files on your work computer that you really shouldn't be keeping on your work computer, it would be foolish to complain when those files mysteriously disappeared during a scheduled security wipe… It would probably be best at that point to cut your losses and hope that whichever poor IT guy had to delete them either didn't see them or never mentioned a word about it to anyone. But, if you're keeping files like this on your work computer in the first place, good judgment clearly…
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workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs manager retail bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace retail worker work managers workers employment - 21077253

'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

You really shouldn't say something that you don't mean that could cause an outcome that you don't want to someone who will happily oblige you. Retailers love to set rules and swear by them as if they had been written in stone since the dawn of time—and definitely not something they made up 15 minutes ago. These rules will blatantly disadvantage workers and be strictly enforced to the point where there is no nuance for grey-area scenarios. After all, being able to predict extremely obvious gray…
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'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers who don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers that don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

While it's easy to agree with the sentiment that “You shouldn't be eating out if you can't afford to tip,” the last person you want to be hearing that message from is their boss who refused to pay them a living wage in the first place.
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'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

Giving notice to a job is the right thing to do—when you have the right employer. Like any relationship, the working relationship is built on trust, and a strong relationship that is filled with goodwill should always be honored. But when you know that the person employing you is prone to petty fits of rage—which often include firing people on the spot with no prior warning—maybe it's best not to let this person know that you plan on leaving their business in the next few weeks. After all, they…
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antiwork talesfromretail employment-discussion toxic-workplace workplace-story retail work coworkers workplace-discussion workplace workers employment - 20909573

'A manager can not compete with his employees for work': Manager expected to compete with staff for commission to earn a living wage

Leading from the front is important for any leader—you need to walk the walk that you talk… but when it comes to sales and commission, you don't want to be competing with your own team to make the wage that you should be earning anyways for managing the business. Anyone who has ever worked in a retail environment that heavily prioritizes sales probably has encountered the subject matter of this post. For those who have never worked on a sales floor for commission, if the environment isn't manag…
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boss workplace-stories fired workplace-story work coworkers petty revenge workplace workers employment - 20948229

'She blocked me from getting the job': Boss blocks employee's promotion, employee repays the favor and costs her $500k

Do unto others as you would have them do unto you… The “golden rule," which has appeared in many forms across human history—is also sometimes called the “ethic of reciprocity.” Whichever religion or cultural norm you associate this with, that religion or culture probably intended the “ethic of reciprocity” to work in a positive way and encourage people to do good things to other people in exchange for receiving goodwill from others in return—you know, the kind of behavior that encourages founda…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story tales-from-the-workplace workplace workers employment - 20715525

'This will cost you big time': Employer tells worker they can't leave until relief arrives, they comply and rake in the overtime

Working overtime is basically your employer admitting they haven't hired enough people. Thankfully laws that require increased compensation for overtime end up forcing a win-win; Employers get extra coverage in peak times, and employees get better compensation for working longer, often unscheduled hours. That is, if you're not a salaried worker and don't live somewhere where these laws don't exist. This worker, luckily, was in an industry that mandated strict overtime for any hours worked over…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace employee working-life toxic-workplace employees overworked-employees workplace Horrible Bosses workers story employment toxic-work-environment - 20526085

'I got sent home early': Boss complains about overtime after forcing employees to skip their unpaid lunch break

Some people want to have their cake and eat it too. But it's really not so much about the cake itself as it is the control over that cake; they want the cake to submit to their authority and stop questioning it all the darn time. The thing is, this cake-haver probably isn't qualified to tell the cake what to do, which is why they're so darn insecure in the first place… I don't really know where this is going or what this metaphor is supposed to mean, but people aren't cake—and you shouldn't try…
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stories-from-home-owners firing liar on the job fired renovations home-owning lying liars home-owner-stories workers contractor blue collar home owner home construction workers - 20196357

'Call you as soon as I leave the ER': Contractor fakes injury using a photo from the internet to avoid working, gets fired

Contractors have a certain reputation, and while that might not be fair to all contractors and may have more to do with the complicated challenges of sourcing the correct materials in reasonable timeframes, this stereotype exists for a reason. Everyone has had that experience or knows someone who has had that experience with a contractor who repeatedly fails to meet deadlines, fails to communicate, and sometimes just plain fails to show up when everything is already ready to go. Some contractor…
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