
manager workplaces malicious compliance toxic work workplace workers creativity in the workplace toxic-work-environment - 21885701

'I get an email from management stating my numbers are "concerning"': Worker investigated for being too productive at their new job

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'Double your salary': Clever employee applies for his own job disguised as his spouse; gets paid double doing the same work

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'They had to close the part [of the company] I was working in': Worker quits when boss tries to coerce them into coming back early from sick leave

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'I'm feeling guilty': Minimum wage worker goes from making $13/hr to $32/hr, using dishonesty to climb the ladder and support his newborn baby

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

'Come back to work': Micromanaging boss demands worker return to work during their unpaid lunch break

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'I was fed up': Gaggle of Karens harangue sandwich shop workers; jaded employee buys their meal for themselves and literally eats their lunch

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'I had over 80 hours of PTO': Employee gives notice, loses all their PTO

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'They didn't like that': Ten workers quit on the same day after having their requests ignored

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'Yesterday was my last day': Employer makes worker "jump through hoops" to take PTO, quits instead

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'8:24am- Sneezed, got tissue': Micromanaging boss gets exactly what he asked for when a sassy employee fills out his timekeeping card with over-detailed accuracy

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'The only reason I took it was for the raise': Boss begs their salesperson to cover their position while they're on maternity leave, then cuts their salary last minute, shorting them ~$200 per week

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'No one wants to look [at] hairy man-legs': Dude complies with new workplace summer dress code by shaving his legs

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IT Guy quietly deletes illicit files off employee's work computer, they complain and out themselves

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'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers who don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

'Do not come here and dine with us'': Internet turns on business owner for mocking customers that don't tip servers, gets 1-star review bombed

'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job

'Effective immediately': Employee gets fired on the spot after giving notice to their restaurant job