
worker workplace-stories in-the-workplace fired toxic-workplace workplace-story work coworkers employment-stories laid off workplace story legendary-coworker new-management employment - 20473861

'Business went from $200k to zero': Efficiency experts fire the wrong guy and cost the company their biggest account

‘That’s when I knew I was done with retail.’ : Wild Karen calls Manager on Employee who accuses her of shoplifting, then gets away with it

‘That’s when I knew I was done with retail.’ : Wild Karen calls Manager on Employee who accuses her of shoplifting, then gets away with it

‘You Should Treat a Customer With Respect!’ : Entitled Lady Grabs Worker by the Arm, Demands Refund for Ice Cream She Already Ate

‘You Should Treat a Customer With Respect!’ : Entitled Lady Grabs Worker by the Arm, Demands Refund for Ice Cream She Already Ate

You want 70, um ok, 1,2,3,..... | My sister buys these fish to feed to my BIL's pet fish. She goes into the pet store and says she would like 70 of the little guys. So, the net goes in and right into the bag. Well my sister looks and goes, "that's not 70".

Woman unhappy with uncounted fish, demands employee count them out, gets less fish

worker antiwork toxic-workplace manager managers workplace Horrible Bosses employment - 1788679

'Have yet to receive my first check': Workplace refuses to pay worker because their address was incorrect

woman gives her two-week notice, gets humiliated by upper management

'Two-week notice from hell:' Management humiliates worker in front of her entire team after she quits in the most respectful and professional way possible

pro revenge worker machinist revenge coworkers prorevenge trade reddit thread Reddit blue collar - 17502469

Under-Appreciated Machinist Walks Off the Job, Takes Vital Blueprints With Him, Leaves Company Nonfunctioning

Boss Texts Employee After Hours to Accuse Her of Faking a Covid Test, Employee Epically Calls Her Out and Quits Effectively Immediately

Boss Texts Employee After Hours to Accuse Her of Faking a Covid Test, Employee Epically Calls Her Out and Quits Effectively Immediately

Server Shares What It's Like Working the Brunch Shift in 100+ Degree Weather While Karen Customers Complain About the Dumbest Things

Server Shares What It's Like Working the Brunch Shift in 100+ Degree Weather While Karen Customers Complain About the Dumbest Things

Karen Exercises her Right to Scream Nonsense at Poor Starbucks Worker, Proudly Exclaims "It is Not Illegal to Yell Here"

Karen Exercises her 'Right' to Scream Nonsense at Poor Starbucks Worker, Proudly Exclaims "It is Not Illegal to Yell Here"

futurama Image robot worker - 4893400064

What's True in the Present Is Still True in the Future

america employment Image management problem work worker - 4621374976

America's Problem

dead Death desk employee health Image safety worker - 4539392768

Nobody Notices Anyway