

women woman mother single-mother fired work workplace employee employees boss manager coworker worker quitting getting-fired story hardworking working-hard working job business company pay money

'I made $140k last year and now I work for $15/hour': Admirable single mother gets fired but persists, putting her pride aside and finding a minimum wage job to bring home the bacon for her family

No matter how much we complain about clocking in every day at the office or on the job site, we need that paycheck every two weeks–otherwise, what're we doing here? Although we may feel like we're on top of the world one minute, we could lose our job in a second...
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'I saw red, but then I had an idea': Woman engineer punishes her coworkers by agreeing to "get coffee" for them

'I saw red, but then I had an idea': Woman engineer punishes her coworkers by agreeing to "get coffee" for them

If you do something badly enough , you might not get asked to do it again. In the workplace, you've got to do this strategically. You want to mess up some basic chores in order to get out of them, but you also don't want to be viewed as being bad at your job. This is common in many workplaces. Even though we all do dishes every day, in the office, everyone conveniently “forgets” how to load the dishwasher. Other people will pretend they can't figure out how to work the printer, and someone else…
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‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

‘Get up, now’: Woman with disabilities gets told off by elderly lady who demands she give up her seat on the bus

Even though most people would go back to being kids in a heartbeat, becoming adults also has a lot of benefits. Especially being able to call your own shots, and do whatever you want to do whenever you want to do it, without having to answer to anyone. When I was a kid, the one thing I was so excited about adulthood was owning a car and not having to take the bus anymore. Now as an adult, even though I do have a car, I still find myself taking the bus to work, and I completely understand why yo…
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realtor real-estate house home executive woman female man story 2024 wage wages market market-price over-asking asking-price sale pay money rich wealth

'I offer $55k over asking price [on a different house]': Snobby realtor loses $10,000+ on a sale after underestimating a female executive's net worth

It's 2024 and there's still a wage gap between men and women. Although bigotry in the workplace is no surprise anymore, you'd think that out in the purchasing world, money would speak louder than gender. However, in our next tale, a chauvinistic realtor shoves his foot in his mouth after assuming a woman's financial capability... And no amount of fresh-baked cookies, commission incentives, or low-interest rates could change her mind after that blunder.
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‘Have fun driving on ice for the next few weeks': Snow shoveling neighbor gets back at woman in neighborhood, refusing to plow her driveway

‘Have fun driving on ice for the next few weeks': Snow shoveling neighbor gets back at woman in neighborhood, refusing to plow her driveway

When you do someone a favor, the last thing you would expect them to do is to be ungrateful. After all, you don't owe them anything, and you are simply doing something for them out of the goodness of your heart. So it makes no sense that the woman in this story was so out of left field with her kind neighbor, who at first, was happy to plow her driveway after seeing it was covered in 12 inches of snow. Driving over the ice that was soon going to form would be no easy task, and this man decided…
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'Every time he asked me a question I said, "Hmm, not sure"': Tropical fish store's expert employee tries to help customer, customer asks to be aided by 'someone who knows things'

'Every time he asked me a question I said, "Hmm, not sure"': Tropical fish store's expert employee tries to help customer, customer demands to be aided by 'someone who knows things'

Even though she was only 17 years old, this woman was already an expert on koi and other tropical fish . It's fortuitous that she got a job to match, starting off at a retail tropical fish store. Whether you have a pet or not, spending time at pet stores is a fun and free activity to do. Many stores have tons of cats and dogs, some have gerbils or birds, and others have aisles and aisles of fish tanks. As far as retail jobs go, I imagine this is a pretty calm place to work most of the time.
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‘This VP was heartless’: Woman worker gets ‘quiet fired’ 2 days before wedding, forcing her to quit

‘This VP was heartless’: Woman worker gets ‘quiet fired’ 2 days before wedding, forcing her to quit

Lots of people tread on eggshells around their boss, but are not always able to avoid the occasional crack that happens when you miss a spot. This particular story takes treading on eggshells to a whole different level, as in order not to upset this VP, you had to be… for lack of a better word, a man. OP was the 13th young woman to quit the job due to being ‘quiet fired’ after the VP learned she was getting married. How dare employees get married, am I right? How dare they live their own lives,…
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garden gnome suburban suburbs wife mom neighbors woman neighbor neighborhood drama reddit thread payback gnomes

'I said, "isn't it the cutest?"... He turned red': Suburban woman reclaims her property line with a garden gnome, shutting down her grouchy, nosy neighbors with a silly statue

Neighbors legally have no say on what the folks next door do with their land. So if you're in the midst of a neighborly feud and a grouchy ol' porch surfer is giving you a hard time about your garden decor, you could easily (and legally) say that that's gnome of their business.
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'How Dare You Spend That Much Without My Permission?’ : Rich Woman Buys Niece Ridiculous Christmas Ridiculous Gifts Amounting to 4K, Sparks Drama With Family

'How Dare You Spend That Much Without My Permission?’ : Mega Rich Woman Buys Niece Ridiculous Christmas Gifts Amounting to 4K, Sparks Drama With Family

Family and holidays often mix together in a variety of ways. It isn't all fun and roses… You need to walk on eggshells, for the most part, as everyone has their own special set of triggers. For example, maybe you don't want to mention that you're majoring in art to Grandpa, who thinks anything besides finance is a waste of time (This generation knows nothing!). And maybe don't mention that you've been taking yoga classes (our back, guys) to your mother, who doesn't shy away from her brutal opin…
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‘Don’t You Dare Press Charges, And Stop Documenting My Daughter's Behavior’ : Crazy Landlady Freaks After Video Footage of Her 45 Year Old Daughter Vandalizing Tenants Property Surfaces

‘Don’t You Dare Press Charges, And Stop Documenting My Daughter's Behavior’ : Crazy Landlady Freaks After Video Footage of Her 45 Year Old Daughter Vandalizing Tenants Property Surfaces

This is what living with Norman Bates looks like.
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Chaotic Messy Man Recounts the Horrors of His Bachelor Pad After Realizing the Simple 'Hacks' of His Genius Woman

‘I ain’t even own a washcloth before you'
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revenge petty revenge funny woman stranger reddit thread Reddit - 17705477

Misogynistic Stranger Tells Woman to "Smile More" Immediately Regrets It, Others Share Their Stories

A woman was told by a stranger on the street to smile more, and with quick-thinking reflexes, she uttered a response that most of us would only think of in the shower hours later.
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American Gets Fired From French Company She Relocated to Paris For, They Said She Was Not a ‘Cultural Fit'

American Gets Fired From French Company She Relocated to for Not Being a ‘Cultural Fit'

That's gotta hurt
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aita gym etiquette Reddit kevin woman - 17410309

Non-Threatening Guy Gets Upset and Displays How Non-Threatening He is by Freaking Out on Woman at Gym

A girl was working out in an empty gym on the elliptical when a guy came in and got on the elliptical right next to her, despite rows and rows of empty machines. She was a little uncomfortable about this and decided to cut her workout early. That's when the guy took offense to her being threatened by her presence and decided to display how non-threatening he was by losing it on her and accusing her of thinking he was a predator. Uh, dude. Are you calling yourself out? This thread was posted to…
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aita neighbors lifing woman gym neighborhood fitness neighbor - 16397061

Creepy Neighbor Peers Through Woman's Windows, Says She Can't Walk Around Her House Topless

Maybe just keep your eyes to yourself?
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13 reddit text images of boyfriend giving girlfriend ultimatum over cat | thumbnail blue background "fter she got the cat she kept asking me what's wrong. I told her it was so inconsiderate of her to get the cat because I am allergic and what if we decide to move in together one day? I said I don't see this working out if she plans to keep the cat. She told me I'm overreacting and we just started dating so I shouldn't try to "control" her "

Entitled Dude Gives Girlfriend Of Two Months Cat UItimatum: It's Him Or The Cat

Pretty presumptuous fellow
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