
‘The heavily soaked ceiling caved in… I had to act’: Tenant gets even with landlord after complaints about leaks during rainy season are met with silence

‘The heavily soaked ceiling caved in… I had to act’: Tenant fills basement with garbage bags before vacating, after complaints to landlord about leaks during rainy season that were met with silence

Sure! Call the land owner

'She... demanded I be "banned for life"': Snowboarding teen tells a Karen to 'call the land owners'

'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

'Revenge Is Best Served Cold' : Neighbor Get's What He Deserves After Repeatedly Destroying Siblings Snowman

Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'They have zero etiquette': Guy serves ice cold revenge to neighbor who steals his freshly shoveled parking space

Neighbor took my parking spot after I shoveled. I poured water in his windshield.

'I poured water on his windshield': Man freezes out his neighbor after snow shoveling snafu

Don't blow your snow in the street

'He blows all the snow directly into the street': Snow plow driver enacts ice cold revenge on inconsiderate neighbor

Boss man sent this to the mailing list as our city was preparing for winter storm Xylia. We aren't a Waffle House

'Yes, there is a storm coming. No, we will not be closing': Hypocrite boss forces employees to come to work during severe winter storm

Canada neighbors kids snow cars truck entitled winter frozen windshield wipers - 19538181

'AITA for refusing to help my neighbor?': Snowy snafu turns entitled woman against wise neighbor

'That is enraging on OOP's part': Staffer snaps at colleague because of his winter outfit

'That is enraging on OOP's part': Staffer snaps at colleague because of his winter outfit

HOA Facebook group Karen probably thinks it’s everyone else but her who is wrong.

'Next time I won't hesitate to call': HOA Facebook Karen goes on unhinged rant about kid playing basketball in the cold

Nailed It: 20+ Holiday-themed December FAILS

Nailed It: 20+ Holiday-themed December FAILS

Snow Worries: A wintery mix of 20 icy fails to shiver your timbers

Snow Worries: A wintery mix of 20 icy fails to shiver your timbers

A collection of winter life pro tips that can help anyone glide through the season. | Lost_Gypsy_ 5h Put window insulation kits on lose up 55 homes heat through windows. This will drastically help electric bill and minimize draft. My wife is working on today actually, and will finish get home.

Winter Life Pro Tips To Glide Through The Season

amateur meteorologist wholesome weather forecast video

Untrained Meteorologist Drops Wholesome Weather Recap

giant icicle almost hit cameraman while filming on camera close call scary

Gigantic Icicles Fall From Above, Narrowly Miss Cameraman

Winter hits Florida and people react in hilarious fashion on Twitter | Hypothermia Iguanas Falling Trees May Smell Burning Dust #haiku #FloridaWinter Wind Chlls 20s 30s Iguanas Falling Trees Space Heater Fire Hazard Hypothermia People& Pets May Smell Buming Dust Tuming on Heat This Is Normal. FLORIDA IS CLOSED BUSY TRYING FIND OUR JACKETS

Winter Hits Florida, People Lose It (16 Tweets)