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'It cost Kyle $200 and an 'I told you so'': Guy chickens out of a DIY fishing injury hack from his experienced brother-in-law, pays the price at the emergency room instead

Unforgettable boy's trip
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'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

'Apparently, it was worth the grounding': Dad and daughter team up to stick it to controlling ex-wife/mom, get revenge using a potato

“You and your kid delivered a perfect revenge served a la hot potato. The ex got a rotten surprise that matched her insides.”
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work workplace boss bosses golden-retriever golden-retriever-boss manager supervisor gen-z funny viral wholesome reaction tiktok

'Golden Retriever' Boss's Reaction Goes Viral When His Gen Z Employee Starts Live Streaming in His Office: 'Your boss is the sweetest'

He's so confused
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work working wholesome boss worker workers employee job job-hunt job-hunting career guidance advice jobs employee employees sage wisdom company workplace passion money

'Making lots of money is great but...': Wise career-man enlightens job seekers searching for $120k+ per year of the pitfalls of chasing cash instead of passion

Do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life.
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‘I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse': Hiring manager stands up to HR in order to secure an offer for an unexpected internal worker, resulting in worker doubling his salary

‘I gave him an offer he couldn’t refuse': Hiring manager stands up to HR in order to secure an offer for an unexpected internal worker, resulting in worker doubling his salary

We all know how negative the stories about bosses and managers can be when it comes to Reddit. It is a safe space to vent, complain, and plot petty revenge against those who are in charge of the way our workplaces… well, work. It seems that for every genuinely good manager out there, there are around 10 bad ones, and those are usually the ones we read about on Reddit. However, this Reddit story is like no other, as it comes to show that there are still good managers out there, who even go out o…
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'She's been singing your praises for a good five minutes': Good samaritan gets promoted while shopping at a local store he didn't work at

'She's been singing your praises for a good five minutes': Good samaritan gets promoted while shopping at a local store he didn't work at

You're walking down the aisle, stacking up bottles of shampoo, boxes of cereal, cartons of milk… you answer people's questions, whether they ask nicely or not, because you need a salary at the end of the month. Sometimes you work the cashier, other times work the logistics. You're really a one-man show, but don't get paid enough to do it. Welcome to working at a supermarket. Tough times, tough times… One good samaritan was shopping at their local supermarket, eyeing the taco section. They'd bee…
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millennial elder-millennial millennials boomer childhood child raising kid kids baby parent parents parenting relatable geriatric pregnancy pregnant family wholesome advice heartwarming

Elder Millennial wrestles with the idea of starting a family at 38 years old, receives wholesome advice from other 'geriatric' parents happy they waited: 'Kids make you feel young'

Having kids changes everything in your life. The gravity of raising a tiny human from birth alters a parent's brain chemistry, changes their priorities, and enriches their life in every way–but what if you're not ready for all of that until you're older?
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gen x gen-x gen-xers nostalgic boomer kids parents adults flashback 80s 90s wholesome bike bicycles heartwarming neighborhood genx boomers millennials gen z

Happy Gen Xer rejoices after witnessing a group of bicycle kids who actually enjoy playing outside: 'This was the most mid-1980s thing ever'

Nostalgia can strike at any moment, but for a Gen X dude who hasn't seen kiddos playing outside in decades, the feels hit strongest when he sees a pile of bicycles on a neighborhood lawn.
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wholesome story homeless home work job company business employee employer interview stories heartwarming happy-ending friendship getting-a-job  unhoused

'I bought him $75 outfit for an interview': Wholesome stranger goes the extra mile to get a homeless man a job at his company, heartwarming friendship ensues

Faith in humanity restored
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‘You go girl:' Boss gives off major green flag energy when he has the best reaction to a prank of his employee being mean to a customer over the phone, goes viral

‘You go girl:' Boss gives off major green flag energy when he has the best reaction to a prank of his employee being mean to a customer over the phone, goes viral

Every boss needs to have their employee's back like this guy!
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Top 21 Hopecore Posts of the Week for Anyone In Need of a Pick-Me-Up (April 19, 2024)

Top 21 Hopecore Posts of the Week for Anyone In Need of a Wholesome Pick-Me-Up (April 19, 2024)

Have you had your recommended daily dose of happy tears yet today?
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27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

27 Wholesome Posts for Overworked Employees Who Need a Vacation

Take me away, far, far away. Let me use my PTO and take a day off. Please, boss, don't make me stay. See, that rhymes. I'm a good rhymer. I also really need a vacation. Employees get PTO but if we're being honest, it's frowned upon to take them. A job is like a marriage. Remember your vows. ‘I, worker, take you, job, to be my partner, to have and to hold from this day forward, for better or worse, for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish'… you get the idea. You ne…
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good neighbor neighborhood wholesome neighbors community boomer wholesome gen-x wholesome-story wholesome-stories music mixtape cd reddit

'I won the neighbor lottery': Lonely old man makes a treasured friend after making mixtapes for his music-loving neighbor

It's about time we read some good news. Usually, neighborhood stories are all about neighbor drama, HOA's, and the Karen next door ruining a pleasant Sunday afternoon, but this next tale is truly a wholesome one.
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cat cats pet pets feline felines cat-lover cat-owner adoption cat-adoption karen crazy entitled piper scottish-fold cute wholesome kitten cat-stories cat-story reddit

'[This]' is crazy, it's been almost TWO YEARS': Cat owner fights off an entitled Karen who tried to steal her cat back after abandoning it

Being a pet owner is a big commitment. For the entire life of some hapless critter–whether it's a dog, a cat, a bird, or a fish–you're responsible for taking care of your pet. After so many years, it's easy to grow so fond of an animal that it becomes a part of your family, which is why the cat lover in our next story was ready to fight tooth and nail for their rescue feline.
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pros cons parents parent parenting wholesome kids kid having-kids procreating childfree childless family generations children adopt life relatable reddit

'Hard to explain this dad bod': 36 Childfree adults share the surprising disadvantages of not having kids

Count your blessings, parents
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20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

20+ Heartwarming Posts for Fed Up Employees Who Are Ready to Say ‘Bye’ to Their Boss

Why don't more employees take some well-deserved time off? First of all, the workload. It's hard to feel ‘okay’ with taking time off when your workload feels crushing. Bosses like to pile it up instead of hiring someone else. Why pay 2 salaries when you can pay 1? Not that they enjoy paying you for overtime… of course, they try to cram your projects and responsibilities into 8 or 9 hours. They don't want to pay you more . Second, work culture. Maybe they don't feel comfortable asking for time o…
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