

scary wtf creepy close calls freaky stories weird - 16056837

People's Creepiest "Something's Not Right Here" Moments

It's always good to pay attention to your own gut instinct. When a complete stranger holding a rock walks up to you in a parking lot and asks for directions, “looking like a complete jerk” and not helping them is still a better option than being hit with a rock. So here are some freaky moments when people could tell something was off. For some more close calls, here are life-ruining bullets that people dodged.
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big absolute units

Absolute Units That Are Large And In Charge

Living their biggest life.
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sports interesting exciting weird badminton - 107771137

Pro Badminton Rally Is Surprisingly Riveting

Most of us only think of badminton as an activity that belongs in the same shed as croquet, but when these guys get going, it's surprisingly exciting to watch two grown men thirst after a taste of that shuttlecock. So here's to the weirdly riveting sport that people surprisingly actually care about; badminton.
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things that are like cults

Things That Aren't Exactly Cults But Certainly Feel Like Them

Our dear leader, essential oils.
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objects that look like they have faces or look like other stuff | statue of a furnace that looks like a face with a burning mouth | rock covered in moss in the shape of a dog

Inanimate Objects that Look Like Other Stuff

There's personality everywhere!
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weird kids at camp worship me boy, incarnations of a zucchini | glumshoe can't do justice one weirdest camp stories know. My friend tells so well, and can offer only pale shadow his story. Last summer, he working with one younger units comprised ten year old boys. They had spent night camping on another beach and were just readying themselves depart Make sure have all things called my friend Don't leave anything behind!

Tumblr Story: The Saga of "Me Boy" The Camp Zucchini

Alright then, sure.
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Blursed images that are both cursed and blessed | a whole unpeeled banana squeezed into standing upright in the slot of a suggestions box

Blursed Images That Are Cursed And Blessed

Delightful and twisted all at once.
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Double-take images caused by strange perspective | man looking as if his head is sticking out from a green bag on top of a container | mugs hanging on a wall looking blurry

Real-Life Illusions of Double-Takery

Eyes are kind of easy to trick.
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wtf facts fascinating strange amazing science weird fun facts - 16000005

People Share Their Most Brain-Meltingly Intriguing Facts

If there's one thing knowing facts about our world helps us with, it's having a better understanding of the context we find ourselves living in. Knowing that lemons haven't always been, or that there are sharks older than the United States can help us better comprehend our own place in this weird and wacky world. For more of this junk, here are strange science facts to ponder.
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things from people's childhoods that were later discovered to be weird

Things from People's Childhoods They Later Realized Were Weird

Everybody's family is a little weird in some way , but as a kid, you don't know any better. This leads to most of us having an awkward moment later on with friends; it turns out everyone else's parents created weird little falsehoods that only they've ever heard of, too. Whether it's pronunciations, explanations for the amount of random kids who stayed with your family, or simply the financial situations between private and public school families, people perceive the world in their own little w…
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interesting things America has that europe doesn't have

Particular Things America Has That Europe Doesn't

But is the root beer worth it?
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27 images of random things cut in half | thumbnail left three pints of ben and jerry's cut in half, thumbnail right range rover vehicle cut in half

Peculiar Images Of Random Things Cut In Half

So strange, but so intriguing
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wtf pizza gross creepy eels weird animals - 107739393

Dozens Of Eels Demolish A Pizza In Seconds

Alright, that only needs to be seen once.
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double take weird perspective moments

Double Take Inducing Moments Of Skewed Perspective

Take that, eyes.
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warning danger scary signs

Terrifying Signs That Aren't Messing Around

Thanks, sign.
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funny design failures of packaging, installation and construction | QUESO TILSIT NATURAL slices of cheese imprinted with green ink logos | BUSZKA Funeral Home Inc. Commitment Curing Disney font

Weird and Self-Defeating Failures of Design

They could have used a second opinion.
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