washing machine

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'Brake check karma': Reckless driver aggressively makes a sketchy pass then gets exactly what he deserves with a washing machine through his rear window (VIDEO)

'My roommate doesn’t seem to get this': Woman keeps 'borrowing' things without permission, so her roommate makes a plan to catch her

'My roommate doesn’t seem to get this': Woman keeps 'borrowing' things without permission, so her roommate makes a plan to catch her

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

‘Revenge Cost Approximately $3.50’ : Lady Gets Sneaky Payback on Entitled Neighbor Who Removes Her Laundry From Shared Washing Machine in Order to Use It Herself

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Dude Performs "On The Road Again" Duet With Washing Machine

Reddit story of a customer who tries to lie to a business and keep two washing machines.

Customer Lies to Get a Free Washer, Doesn't Get Her Way

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Landlord Won't Pay to Fix Washing Machine, So Woman Racks Up Laundry Bill to Force His Hand

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Watch This Lonely Dude Embrace the Moment and Make Sweet Music With His Washing Machine

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You've Seen a Brick Destroy a Washing Machine, But Like Most Things, Slapping Some Googly Eyes on it Makes it That Much Better

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At Least You Tried, Buddy

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How Else am I Supposed to Clean This iPhone?

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This Kid is Determined to Make the Washing Machine a Percussion Staple

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Somebody Accidentally Put This Kid on Spin Cycle

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Balance Washing Machine: Check!

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How Not to Move a Washing Machine

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Does a Hell of a Job on Stains, However

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Velcro Door Handle

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