
antiwork workplace-stories in-the-workplace jobs toxic-workplace workplace-story job-seeking work coworkers programmers trending-topic workplace viral Tech job interview employment - 20127493

'You're probably getting paid less than the people hired after you': Experienced programmer getting paid less than fresh new hire sparks online discussion over pay

cultural French-Exit irish English-Exit colloquialisms Ireland lol viral linguistics american Irish-Goodbye funny - 17941765

Irish People On TikTok Are Just Discovering the American Term "Irish Goodbye" and Are Very Confused

twitter Twitter Thread elon musk tweets tweet celebrity twitter work-story workplace-stories fired work laid off viral tweets tech news Horrible Bosses viral Tech developers - 19629317

Update: 'I would like to apologize': Elon Musk forced to apologize after publicly shaming disabled developer who was questioning their employment status

workplace viral stories work-story workplace-stories workplace-story employment - 19521285

'Just don't go': Company plans picnic, expects employees to pay, internet responds to viral image

antiwork viral viral-story workplace workplace-story workplace-stories break room ceo coworkers Horrible Bosses toxic-workplace

'I am at a loss for words. This is pathetic…': CEO's viral request that employees donate their leave to sick coworker draws worker's rage online

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 17, 2023)

Top Trending Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (January 17, 2023)

Ring camera "culture" is so bizarre. for the sake of going viral, y'all will publicly shame your neighbours for doing the most inconsequential things. gotta love our surveillance state lol

'Go talk to your neighbors instead of spying on them': Security camera culture tweet sparks debate about community surveillance

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

Update: Guy tries to quit his job and gets told 'No'

Viral Thread: Airline passenger chronicles the bizarre adventures of their missing luggage on Twitter

Viral Thread: Airline passenger chronicles the bizarre adventures of their missing luggage on Twitter

A collecting of trending and viral screenshots of Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars

20+ Entitled People, Karens, and Choosing Beggars Who Wanted the World Handed to Them on a Silver Platter

What do you call the end piece of bread?

30+ People share different culture's names for that 'end piece of the bread', a surprising amount of cultures have the same idea

Owner prohibits drive through employees from wearing jackets during cold winter months

Viral Thread: 'We look sloppy': Employer forbids employees from wearing coats while working drive through window, doesn't consider just providing coats as uniform

mechanics are very confused when they find sour patch kids in car's air filter, goes viral

'Mechanics who have never seen anything like this before': Woman baffles servicemen and goes viral for having Sour Patch Kids in her car's air filter

The other day I saw someone refer to being a parent as a "lifestyle choice." And I dang near choked on my coffee. A lifestyle choice is being vegetarian. Or adopting a lot of cats.

'PARENTING IS NOT A LIFESTYLE': LinkedIn user insists parenting isn't a lifestyle choice in viral post, argues harshly with anyone who disagrees

management antiwork fired toxic-workplace workplace Horrible Bosses viral - 1813511

'Don't bother ur fired': Employee fired over text for not showing up for a shift they weren't even scheduled for in this viral thread

My bf started a new job, sent me this, and turned off his phone

'This means completely turned off': Employer's autocratic cellphone policy goes viral