

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

'Mental is hocus, health not pocus': 20 Hilariously hard to read signs

Graphic design is not these people's passion. And that's okay! They're just regular people making regular signs, for reasons such as “don't park in front of this trash can.” Oh wait… we also have a few professional signs in here too. They're quite hard to read, yet they can be found in restaurants or in advertisements. I think sometimes the graphic designers will make a sign, and their client keeps picking at it. They want it to be prettier or more attention-grabbing. So the artist reworks it a…
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design fail bathrooms ugly design weird pics bad design funny photos funny pictures shirts ugly graphic design funny weird - 35814661

'Pay your parking fee before existing': 45 Design fails that were total flops

Some of these designs make you wonder how they ever got past the drawing board and out into the real world. Someone had to look at these designs and say, “Yep, I'll greenlight this.” It really makes you want to know the backstory of these images.
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25 Perflexing interior design choices that make zero sense

25 Perflexing interior design choices that make zero sense

Home decoration is highly personal, as these people with very specific tastes can tell you. The things that you love to have in your home might baffle other people. But when it's your home, you can do as you please! The only way other people will get to judge your all-yellow bathroom or your jagged DIY sink is when you sell the place. Not all DIY projects are created equal. It's one thing to paint or wallpaper your living room to your taste. It's a whole other story when you start cutting up yo…
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20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

20 Poorly-designed items that are almost impossible to clean

We're all for interior design, but some of these things are beautiful… and impossible to keep clean . Cleaning is a never-ending chore. You'll always have to do dishes and laundry, and those floors won't mop themselves. In any house, there are bound to be a few hard-to-reach corners or crevices. When that's the case, people tend to just ignore it. Who cares if the top of a cabinet is dusty, or if that one crawlspace has built up some dirt? Well, it's a whole different story when it's a prominen…
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25+ Designs made for people with bad taste

25+ Flawed designs made for people with terrible taste

Sometimes you see a product online that makes you go, “Who in their right mind would ever buy this?” It seems like some products are just made for nobody. One example is overly specific shirts, like that viral tee that read, “Never underestimate a mother who listens to iron maiden and was born in August.” Is anyone wearing those shirts sincerely, or are the wearers only being ironic? It's hard to say, and if I ever come across someone rocking an overly-specific shirt, I'll be sure to ask them.
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20 Horrendously Spelled Tattoo Fails

20 Ugly and Horrendously Spelled Tattoo Fails

It's not like they last forever or anything!
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yass, yassified, parents, parent, dad, dads, daddy, look alike, twins, twinning, family, genetics, looks, looks like, totally, fail, crazy, crazy video, lol, insane, trend, trending, viral, tiktok

"Apparently we're all just yassified versions of our dads": Daughters Everywhere Are Reminding Us How Genetics Work in This Viral Trend

Genetic code just got lazy and did a copy/paste on their faces
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skillfully made creations of bad and weird taste

Impressive Creations of Absurd Taste

Totally normal, not weird things.
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fun pictures of opossums

Opossums That We Weirdly Identify With

What are they anyway?
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parents of ugly babies explaining their experience

Parents of Ugly Babies Share What That's Like

Call it humble beginnings, or something.
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Skillfully made but very weird creations | realistic human face made out of meat with olives for eyes | Chernobyl nuclear disaster snow globe

Skillful Creations of Questionable Taste

"No, it's good, but yikes."
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Koala gross sound video

Koala Sounds Just Awful

It's like a boat engine made out of pig parts.
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ugly, strange, weird and stupid design fails | woman in a green snakeskin outfit carrying a regular purse inside a clear plastic purse | curtains that are white at the top and yellow at the bottom that look like cigarettes

Stupid, Ridiculous and Weird Design

Not every look can be pulled off.
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Twitter thread of strange house | Middle-Aged Rust Belt Voter @frazierapproves Ijust discovered greatest house listing all time starts out very unassuming and modest. | Then see yard and think "wow s somewhat surprising" 9:02 AM 5/18/20 Twitter iPhone

Unique House Listing Is Weird and Kind of Awesome

Now that's a home.
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Stupid, bad and funny tattoo fails | If are stealing tattoo, don't copy nipple | tattoo of a wolf looking worried while howling in front of a full moon

Regrettable Tattoos as Memorable as they are Permanent

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Actors who get cast as ugly people.

Stories of Actors Who Got Cast to Play Non-Gorgeous People

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