
true facts

A fascinating Twitter thread about how our eyes are deceptive cameras | foone @Foone want know something about bullshit insane our brains are? OK, so there's physical problem with our eyes move them short fast bursts called "saccades right? very quick, synchronized movements only problem is: they go all blurry and useless during this >

Twitter Thread: Our Vision Systems Are Lying

Eye can see clearly now.
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Twitter thread points out how trippy our brains are | foone @Foone want know something about bullshit insane our brains are? OK, so there's physical problem with our eyes move them short fast bursts called saccades right? very quick, synchronized movements only problem is: they go all blurry and useless during this

Twitter Thread: Our Brains Are Absolutely Bonkers

Yay, weird brain stuff.
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Tumblr thread actually makes history fun to read about | REI tilthat TIL Tiffany Problem Tiffany is medieval name-short Theophania 12th century. Authors can't use historical or fantasy fiction, however, because name looks too modern. This is an example reality is sometimes too unrealistic. via incorrectdiscworldquotes "Authors can't use fantasy fiction, eh see about Terry Pratchett, probably

Tumblr Thread: History Actually Becomes Fun

Yay, knowledge!
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A Tumblr thread describes all the wild medieval battle tactics. | Medieval castle stairs were often built ascend narrow, clockwise spirals so right- handed castle defenders could use their swords more easily. This design put those on way up at disadvantage (unless they were left-handed steps were also uneven give defenders advantage anticipating each step's size while attackers tripped over them. Source Source 2 Source

Tumblr Thread: Medieval Battle Tactics Were Wild

Yay, history is fun.
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Various Old Wives Tales unpacked for not being true | Daily Blast LIVE DAILY BLAST LIVE dailyblastlive Eating chocolate does NOT cause acne s not chocolate itself s high fat and sugar candy general can change skin. Indulging chocolate bar time time won't give breakouts WivesTalesDebunked

Old Wives Tales Debunked (8 Tweets)

Stressful times do actually turn that hair gray.
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A collection of people's very best useless facts | Spoonfeed is longest word English dictionary with its letters reverse alphabetical order

People's Best Useless Facts

Why do useless facts have to be so interesting.
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A collection of misconceptions that people are tired of hearing as fact | blackboard with chalk writings on it. Einstein failed math. Nope, he didn't, he top class.

Common Misconceptions People Hate Hearing Repeated As Fact

Some people really need to get fact checked.
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A collection of myths that are untrue and infuriating about women | JARlaah women don't snore seriously, l've heard this loads and always baffles People breathe they sleep, sometimes makes some noise, male or female. Let em breathe.

Myths About Women That Are Totally Untrue

It's time for the myths to stop.
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weird but true trivia fact about donkey kong

A List Of Some Real Facts That Sound Fake But Are Indeed Legit

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Historical Snapshot Tweets

26 Historical Snapshot Tweets Showing How Much The World's Changed

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dark game of thrones episode explained

Game Of Thrones' Very Dark Episode Explained In Factual Twitter Thread

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wtf facts that sound like conspiracy theories

19 Well-Known Facts That Sound Like Conspiracy Theories

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true facts

23 Mind-Blowing Facts That Sound Fake But Are Actually True

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happy facts

32 Happy Facts That Will Give You A (Momentary) Positive Outlook On This Mad World

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wtf facts to make you feel smart

19 Interesting Facts to Make You Feel Smarter for a Second

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twitter finance taxes wealthy social media true facts - 7639557

Article Factually Breaks Down Ideas About If The Wealthy Ever Really Paid 90% In Taxes

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