
true facts

oddities interesting crazy true true-facts tacts true-story fun-facts reddit reddit-thread askreddit

20+ Unbelievable Oddities Once Considered 'Crazy Talk' That Ended Up Being 100% True

Where would humanity be without the crazy dudes at 7-Eleven, shouting about the end of the world? What about you kooky coworker who thinks that we live in a simulation? Or even your strange uncle who thinks that birds are actually surveillance drones? Can you imagine a world where there weren't any doubters or any speculators?
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'You notice things a second after your brain does': 30 strange fun facts to share at a party

'You notice things a second after your brain does': 30 strange fun facts to share at a party

You know that feeling when you're at a party and there's a long awkward silence and someone decides to break the tension with a random, bizarre fact that leaves everyone stunned and confused? Well, if you don't know that feeling, we've got you covered with a fresh collection of strange facts compiled from this r/AskReddit thread. So if you're hoping to be that person who makes everyone's heads turn during the next awkward pause, this is your opportunity to lean into the strangest version of you…
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nature facts askreddit reddit thread Reddit funny weird animals true facts fun facts - 20961029

'Frogs swallow using their eyes': 20 weirdest facts to share at a party

You know that person at a party who always has some random and bizarre fact to share with the group? You know who I'm talking about: that dude who always chimes in with something about the mating season for niche flies or the habitats of squirrels or a behind-the-scenes detail from a famous movie. You get the picture. Well, what if we told you that this dude could be you ? That's right. We've compiled a list of the 20 weirdest facts you could share with your friend group at your next party. So…
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'That's Offensive' : Most Blunt Unpopular Opinions For The Brave Internet Knights Who Don't Shy Away From Controversy

'That's Offensive' : Most Blunt Unpopular Opinions For The Brave Internet Knights Who Don't Shy Away From Controversy

Everyone is entitled to their own opinion, but man, some of these opinions deserve a facepalm. Don't get me wrong, free speech is great and all, but that automatically means we have the right to judge your judging. Some highly opinionated folk have taken to Reddit to express themselves in the r/unpopularopinion sub, which is totally fair — that's the point of the sub. If you want to get riled up, now you know where to go. The thing with being vocal on the internet is we're privileged enough to…
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'I Have An Accurate Theory' : Best Philosophical Shower Thoughts For The Ponderer

'I Have An Accurate Theory' : Best Philosophical Shower Thoughts For The Ponderer

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29 Stupendous Starter Packs to Start Your Sorry Day With

29 Stupendous Starter Packs to Start Your Sorry Day With

Some stereotypes were created for a reason.
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interesting facts

Freaky Facts That Are Difficult To Believe

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minor painful relatable injuries

Minor Injuries That Are Way More Painful Than They Deserve To Be

Work your magic, trailer hitch.
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fun useless facts

People Share Their Most Tantalizingly Useless Facts

Ohh, shiny facts.
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A collection of strange and interesting science facts to ponder.

Strange Science Facts To Ponder

Pretty much at the science fair now.
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funny facts that almost sound true

Hilarious Made Up Facts That Seem 100% Believable

A collection of hilarious made up facts that you would almost believe are real.
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beliefs people are passionate about

Obscure Points People Will Never Back Down From

They're not wrong.
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A funny Tumblr thread raps off strange tidbits of unconfirmed knowledge. | narwhalsarefalling fun fact im weirdly knowlagable history soda dont even drink soda why do know so much about narwhalsarefalling coke and pepsi taste different because coke invent before refrigeration so designed be drunk warm, while pepsi designed after refrigeration invented so designed be drunk cold. as result tastes are different but if drink pepsi cold and coke warm theyll taste same.

Strange Tumblr Thread Raps Off Unconfirmed Factoids

Real or not, still interesting.
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A quick Tumblr thread shares the story of a terrifying monster mold in Chernobyl | Text - The image is of a reactor core lava formation in the basement of the Chernobyl nuclear plant. It's called the Elephant's Foot and weighs hundreds of tons, but is only a couple meters across. Oh, and regarding the Medusa thing, this picture was taken through a mirror around the corner of the hallway. Because the wheeled camera they sent up to take pictures of it was destroyed by the radiation. The Elephant's

Tumblr Thread About Horrifying Monster Mold

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A Tumblr thread about people guessing top secret info with common sense | phoenixyfriend 5 spazzcat Follow tilthat TIL Tom Clancy's stories were so detailed, many assumed he ex-military fact he never served. He wrote most his stories his spare time whilst working as an insurance salesman. via alternative-munster Follow He actually interrogated by Feds this.

Tumblr Thread: Tom Clancy's Brain Freaked Out The Military

The dude was an insurance salesman.
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People share the funniest historical facts that they know | Ginger_Chick 12h has been all over reddit forever, but fact Andrew Jackson's pet parrot ejected Jackson's funeral swearing, will never not make giggle.

Funniest Historical Facts That People Know

The truths of this world are often stranger than fiction.
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