
'GO AWAY!': Trainee follows her boss's demands to be left undisturbed, she maliciously complies, resulting in instant karma

'GO AWAY!': Trainee follows her boss's demands to be left undisturbed, she maliciously complies, resulting in instant karma

Apparently booking a seat on a train is not a real booking if someone else decides to sit there.

'Loopholee becomes loopholer': Train passenger gets seat stolen, finds an extra petty loophole

commute Travel train leave me alone coworkers Awkward advice alone - 19479045

'I don't want a travel buddy': Introvert trapped in super awkward commute with talkative new coworker

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

‘Fine, I’ll Play the System’ : Man Commutes 175 Miles per Day to Work, Company Refuses to Reimburse Him for Transit, Leading to Malicious Compliance

Subway fashion: 30+ people who matched their surroundings a little too well

Subway fashion: 30+ people who matched their surroundings a little too well

No Karen, I didn't buy a seat for your bag.

'My seat was playing host to Karen's bag': Karen tries to take up two seats on the train, passenger gets petty revenge

30+ Extremely good dogs wearing bags to ride the NYC subway system

30+ Extremely good dogs wearing bags to ride the NYC subway system

AITA for not moving from my booked seat for an elderly person?

'I'd booked the seat and wasn't going to move': First class train passenger refuses to move for elderly woman

AITA for telling a stranger "it's weird you chose to sit right next to me when there's so many other seats available" on the public transit?

Creepy Guy Gets Called Out for Sitting Next to Passenger on Empty Train

late boss learns to respect applicants time

Boss Won't Respect People's Time, Employee Cleverly Trains Her

news wtf plane crash plane train airplane lucky rescue - 107811073

Pilot Pulled From Plane Crash Seconds Before It's Hit By Train

assigned-seat public transportation story entitled ticket seat mom train - 16131333

Entitled Mom Takes Stranger's Reserved Seat, Doesn't Understand Why He's Upset

employee buys train ticket but boss demands they buy a more expensive plane ticket

Employee Buys Train Ticket, Furious Boss Demands They Buy Plane Ticket At 3X The Cost

crazy surprising dangerous train Video - 107425281

Woman Narrowly Avoids Getting Hit By Train

railroad awesome faith in humanity restored train Video win - 106749953

Heroic Railway Employee Rescues Child From Oncoming Train

weird stuff seen on the subway

Strange and Freaky Moments on the Subway