
‘I gave my answer and that’s that’: Employee refuses boss’s insulting request to stay late to paint the office

‘I gave my answer and that’s that’: Employee refuses boss’s insulting request to stay late to paint the office

Selfish coworker throws tantrum at work bestie for not throwing her a going away party: 'I did nothing. Her last day came and went'

Selfish coworker throws tantrum at work bestie for not throwing her a going away party: 'I did nothing. Her last day came and went'

Guy leaves 1-star online review after discovering reckless driver's small business: ''Your conduct when representing the business needs improving'

Guy leaves 1-star online review after discovering reckless driver's small business: ''Your conduct when representing the business needs improving'

Employee stands up for themselves when boss reaches out to him after working hours solely to belittle him, refuses to have his boundaries overstepped

‘‘Can I set some boundaries here?’: Boss starts company group chat to text employees outside of working hours, one employee is fed up with boss's entitlement and fires back

'Time is money': New boss enforces efficiency policy, backfires as employees start making mistakes, boss's job is on the line

'Time is money': New boss enforces efficiency policy, backfires as employees start making mistakes, boss's job is on the line

Customer support employee complies with entitled supervisor's suggestion to never go off script, then supervisor gets put on performance review for his suggestion

Arrogant supervisor tells customer support employee to never go off script, so the employee maliciously complies and causes a ‘Million-Dollar Client Meltdown’

'I wasn't going to sign something that wasn't my fault': Micromanager tries to shame barista for leaving work due to family emergency despite advanced warning

'I wasn't going to sign something that wasn't my fault': Micromanager tries to shame barista for leaving work due to family emergency despite advanced warning

'No employee is allowed to work from home': Remote employee forced to come in unexpectedly despite medical issues, boss won't return his phone calls

'No employee is allowed to work from home': Remote employee forced to come in unexpectedly despite medical issues, boss won't return his phone calls

'I think my boss is tracking me': Nanny calls the cops on entitled Mommy Boss after discovering boss is tracking her every move

'I think my boss is tracking me': Nanny calls the cops on entitled Mommy Boss after discovering boss is tracking her every move

'Nobody knew who I was': New employee gets ghosted on their first day at work, then receives passive-aggressive message from management

'Nobody knew who I was': New employee gets ghosted on their first day at work, then receives passive-aggressive message from management

Remote worker discovers his gossiping coworker is secretly recording their conversations: 'What is her problem?'

Remote worker discovers his gossiping coworker is secretly recording their conversations: 'What is her problem?'

Toxic supervisor gets what he deserves when scorned employee lights a fire underneath him, former scorned employees follow suit and he gets fired

‘I was so angry’: Employee reveals workplace mistreatment by toxic boss and starts a chain reaction from former scorned employees, boss gets fired as a result

43-year-old medical assistant offered $12/hour with no benefits for new position during interview: 'I walked out'

43-year-old medical assistant offered $12/hour with no benefits for new position during interview: 'I walked out'

'Fire me and I fire back': Irresponsible telemarketer gets let go, enacts payback by stinking up the bathroom for 6 months

'Fire me and I fire back': Irresponsible telemarketer gets let go, enacts payback by stinking up the bathroom for 6 months

Boss fires employee but expects him to stick around and work harder during 3-month notice period, so the employee decides to talk to recruiters to get his life back

‘Management is acting more toxic’: Employee is fired but expected to work harder during his 3-month notice period, so he talks to recruiters during office hours

'I choose to no longer entertain this position': HR abruptly cancels job candidate's scheduled interview and hires someone else, that person rejects them, HR comes crawling back

'I choose to no longer entertain this position': HR abruptly cancels job candidate's scheduled interview and hires someone else, that person rejects them, HR comes crawling back