

'I’m here to work, not make friends': Guy plays loud unpopular music at work to spite coworkers

'I’m here to work, not make friends': Guy plays loud unpopular music at work to spite coworkers

Not all people's tastes in music go together, which is exactly what this dude used to his advantage to get back at his coworkers. Once upon a time, there was a shared radio in this industrial work setting, where everyone was able to have their turn as DJ. One guy, the Redditor who shared this post to the r/pettyrevenge subreddit, decided to make a communal playlist comprised of a little something from everyone's tastes. This seemed like a decent thing to do, as it gave everyone a fair amount of…
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HR Fires Employee While On Medical Leave: 'the company's needs have changed during your absence'

HR Fires Employee While on Medical Leave: 'the company's needs have changed during your absence'

Can anyone else smell a lawsuit coming? Imagine going on medical leave because of a series of upcoming scheduled surgeries. It's not like you're just on an endless vacation; you will be in recovery during this time. It will not be fun; it will be strenuous. It's not that you want to take a break; it's that you have to take a break. You simply cannot work in the way that you normally do. Now, imagine that your workplace is completely receptive to this need and is allegedly supportive of your cha…
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'I decided it was a matter of opinion': Boss makes casino workers where name tags stating their hometowns, cue malicious compliance

'I decided it was a matter of opinion': Boss makes casino workers where name tags stating their hometowns, cue malicious compliance

Why would any customer at a casino need to know an employee's hometown? People come to casinos for a very specific purpose. That purpose is not to make small talk with the employees about their childhood experiences or what their suburb looked like or what their parents did for a living. So how come this boss had the audacity to require employees to list their hometowns on their name tags in order to be able to make conversation with the casino customers? It's one of those ridiculous work polic…
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'Have you been feeling extreme emotions following a missing food incident?': Employee leaves hostile note on fridge after lunch thief incident

'Have you been feeling extreme emotions following a missing food incident?': Coworker leaves hostile note on fridge after lunch theft

Is there anything more frustrating at work than opening the communal fridge only to find that your lunch has been stolen? But wait: it only gets worse. This turns out to not be the first time that this has happened, so clearly, it was not an accident. There is a lunch thief in the office and they need to be stopped. So you decide to do something about it. You post a sticky note on the fridge to call this mystery human out on their nonsense. And then… just when you think you may have intimidated…
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'Never say that's not my job': Bad boss posts passive-aggressive signs all over the office when workers return

'Never say that's not my job': Bad boss posts passive-aggressive signs all over the office when workers return

Now that we've made it through the week, I think we can all agree that it's best to ease into returning to work at the start of the new year. Throwing your employees into the deep end does nothing more than start the year off on the wrong foot. Enforcing bogus rules, policies, and mantras will only make your employees change their New Year's Resolutions to “get a new job.” I remember distinctly feeling that my
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'I would duct tape them to the bottom of her desk': Coworker keeps stealing bananas, employee claps back by hiding rotting ones under her desk

'I would duct tape them to the bottom of her desk': Coworker keeps stealing bananas, employee claps back by hiding rotting ones under her desk

We have seen plenty of stories about what happens when coworkers steal food, but this would be the first time where the revenge involves rotting bananas taped under a desk. But if you ask the Redditor who posted this online to the almighty r/pettyrevenge subreddit, he would say it was the most logical way to get back at this thieving coworker. Believe me, if I had the chutzpah to pull this off, I would because I have been a part of many toxic work environments in which the communal refrigerator…
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'18K gone in less than 30 seconds': 20 workers share the biggest mistakes they've made on the job

'18K gone in less than 30 seconds': 20 workers share the biggest mistakes they've made on the job

We all make mistakes, but these employees made errors so egregious that it nearly cost them their jobs. In fact, in some cases, these workers were straight-up fired. In other situations, they managed to maintain employment regardless of whether or not that was deserved. This thread was compiled from the following r/AskReddit thread, and while fully grown individuals made some of these mistakes, I cannot help but think about my interning days when reading these wild stories. The number of times…
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‘Feeling happily petty’: Guy gets even with his messy coworker by ruining his rubber band collection

‘Feeling happily petty’: Guy gets even with his messy coworker by ruining his rubber band collection

It’s one thing to be messy in your own space; it’s quite another to allow your messiness to affect your coworkers. That’s the kind of petty annoyance that can make someone’s workplace environment all the more toxic. Not only is your coworker forced to come into the office and share a desk with you, but now they are subjected to your total and utter lack of organization skills? Grow up and learn to clean after yourself! Of course, dear reader, I do not mean you . I’m talking about this Redditor’…
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‘I should get a bump in pay too’: Worker asks for 20% raise, boss says to get another offer he can match, worker maliciously complies

‘I should get a bump in pay too’: Worker asks for 20% raise, boss says to get another offer he can match, worker maliciously complies

This manager has no business arguing with his employee; he asked for it. After the employee discovered that the new hire would be getting paid 20% more than their current salary for doing the same job, the employee sat their manager down for a talk. This thread was posted to Reddit’s r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/inertzero . Let’s just say that the initial conversation about getting the same raise did not necessarily go as planned. OP figured things would go in their favor given the fact…
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‘Does he just want us all to quit?’: Boss enforces mandatory two-hour stand-up meeting at 8:00 am every day, worker rebels

‘Does he just want us all to quit?’: Boss enforces mandatory two-hour stand-up meeting at 8:00 am every day, worker rebels

Talk about starting 2024 on the wrong foot! It feels like there are a million ways for a horrible boss to anger and frustrate their employees, but even those of us here at FAIL Blog understand that sometimes there is no other choice and hard decisions have to be made. That being said, choosing to enforce mandatory meetings two hours early every single day where everyone has to stand does not feel like a decision that needed to be made. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Classic-Dog8399 , who…
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'My work gets everyone a birthday cake but me': Top Mildly Infuriating Work Stories

'My work gets everyone a birthday cake but me': Top Mildly Infuriating Work Stories

This past year, we've seen some classic mildly infuriating moments in the workplace that serve as a necessary reminder that workplace culture is in desperate need of a makeover. This collection of stories, compiled from the top work-related stories from Reddit's r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit, showcases a variety of ways your boss, manager, or supervisor can intentionally or unintentionally offend you. Some of these stories include scheduling mixups, managers not honoring previously requested da…
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'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

'I am counting EVERYTHING': Retail worker maliciously complies with supervisor's contradictory instructions

If you give unclear, contradictory instructions to your employees, you're just asking for problems. It makes you wonder how these supervisors got promoted in the first place. Clarity is pretty much the most important part of the job, and if you can't do that, you have no business expecting your team to follow you blindly. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/Correct_Campaign3707 , who worked on the Member Service team at a retail company and was tasked with ch…
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'Work tried to punish me. It backfired': Tax associate blamed for not coming in on day off, maliciously complies and ruins boss's reputation

'Work tried to punish me. It backfired': Tax associate blamed for not coming in on day off, maliciously complies and ruins boss's reputation

If your boss fails to find someone to cover for you on your day off, do not take the blame. No matter how much your employer tries to make it seem like this is all your fault, you are entitled to that day off, especially if you gave them as much notice as this employee did. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/MaliciousCompliance subreddit by u/TheVaneja , who worked as a tax associate and wound up practically running the show at a small office in a Walmart despite not technically being promote…
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'Our manager said we shouldn't be talking about our wages': Employee goes to HR after fiery argument with manager over discussing pay

'Our manager said we shouldn't be talking about our wages': Employee goes to HR after fiery argument with manager over discussing pay

Never go to HR to resolve a dispute between you and your manager; unless there are special circumstances, HR will likely side against you. The reasoning behind this is simple: HR is not there to be an objective mediator. They are there to protect the company at all costs. If that means sacrificing a few low-level employees at the company, then that's exactly what they will do. Of course, there are exceptions, and occasionally HR will fire managers but not because of their inappropriate behavior…
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‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

‘Everyone was bitter about it’: Boss refuses to pay employees for mandatory work trip

There are so many problematic layers to this tale of a horrible boss and her underpaid employees. Not only were they pressured to attend a mandatory unpaid work trip, but also they were threatened with retaliation if they failed to go. Furthermore, when the employees arrived, they learned that they were expected to share hotel rooms with their coworkers. And here comes the best part: in each room, two coworkers were given one bed to share. It doesn’t get more lawsuit-worthy than that. Now, did…
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‘Let go after one day’: New receptionist pressured to work longer shift on first day, gets fired after standing up to boss

‘Let go after one day’: New receptionist pressured to work longer shift on first day, gets fired after standing up to boss

Typically when you accept a position, you and your new employer have agreed upon some set rules and expectations that neither party is meant to violate. In non-toxic work environments, we call this a contract. But in toxic work environments around the world, contracts tend to not matter to awful employers. When this happens, do not forget your power as an employee, even if you’re a new employee, to stand your ground. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/marora25 , who was hired primarily as a…
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