
Company offers fully remote work in exchange for 24/7 monitoring of all home network traffic: 'Why would a company even want to bother with this?'

Company offers fully remote work in exchange for 24/7 monitoring of all home network traffic: 'Why would a company even want to bother with this?'

Power-tripping Karen thinks she's the boss, employee gets back at her and takes over: 'I'll get you fired and get your position'

Power-tripping Karen thinks she's the boss, employee gets back at her and takes over: 'I'll get you fired and get your position'

‘If you think you can find a loophole, think again’: Software developer maliciously complies with new boss’s strict 9-5 hours, team productivity tanks

‘If you think you can find a loophole, think again’: Software developer maliciously complies with new boss’s strict 9-5 hours, team productivity tanks

'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss refunds me every penny'

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss [refund] me every penny'

'Boss wouldn't pay [for] two months after she fired me': Former employee calls out disorganized ex-boss for never getting her final paycheck

'Boss wouldn't pay [for] two months after she fired me': Former employee calls out disorganized ex-boss for never getting her final paycheck

Employee gets suspended for no reason, stinks up work truck before quitting: 'Before I returned the truck, I release 6 stinky air fresher tags in it'

Employee gets suspended for no reason, stinks up work truck before quitting: 'Before I returned the truck, I release 6 stinky air fresher tags in it'

32 remote employees buy device to bypass CEO's silly idle time requirements, now the CEO wants one too

32 remote employees buy device to bypass CEO's silly idle time requirements, now the CEO wants one too

'They triggered an avalanche of quitting': Dishwasher sends scathing quitting text to whole restaurant staff, fallout ensues

'They triggered an avalanche of quitting': Dishwasher sends scathing quitting text to whole restaurant staff, fallout ensues

Employee triumphantly claps back at bosses after sending the wrong email blast: 'Everyone minus *insert CMO and director names*, it was a pleasure!'

Employee triumphantly claps back at bosses after sending the wrong email blast: 'Everyone minus *insert CMO and director names*, it was a pleasure!'

Insecure CEO tries to force job candidate to delete review after interview gone wrong: 'We want to ask you to delete this comment'

Insecure CEO tries to force job candidate to delete review after interview gone wrong: 'We want to ask you to delete this comment'

Coworker gets final raise after 10 years at the company, resigns and gets 15% salary bump at new job: 'Loyalty will make you poor'

Coworker gets final raise after 10 years at the company, resigns and gets 15% salary bump at new job: 'Loyalty will make you poor'

Nepo baby demands overview of coworker's project so he can take full credit for it: 'He had no part in creating this program'

Nepo baby demands overview of coworker's project so he can take full credit for it: 'He had no part in creating this program'

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

IT worker learns everyone's salaries from 10+ years ago vs. now: 'How do companies get away with this?'

IT worker learns everyone's salaries from 10+ years ago vs. now: 'How do companies get away with this?'

Guy gets fired, company won't reimburse flights for upcoming work trip: 'Now that I'm not part of the company, I'm obviously not attending said retreat'

Guy gets fired, company won't reimburse flights for upcoming work trip: 'Now that I'm not part of the company, I'm obviously not attending said retreat'