

Power-tripping Karen thinks she's the boss, employee gets back at her and takes over: 'I'll get you fired and get your position'

Power-tripping Karen thinks she's the boss, employee gets back at her and takes over: 'I'll get you fired and get your position'

It doesn't matter if you work in a high-powered corporate environment or a three-person company; there will always be that coworker who thinks they're in charge of you. Perhaps they were just hired before your time. Perhaps they're older. Perhaps they ate slightly senior within the company hierarchy. Still, if they're not your manager, they have absolutely no business ordering you around. We are going to call this personality Perpetua after Bridget Jones's coworker who is very much guilty of th…
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‘If you think you can find a loophole, think again’: Software developer maliciously complies with new boss’s strict 9-5 hours, team productivity tanks

‘If you think you can find a loophole, think again’: Software developer maliciously complies with new boss’s strict 9-5 hours, team productivity tanks

Who doesn't love when a manager's strict and unnecessary rules get called out in front of senior management in the most humiliating way possible? We guess that the manager didn't love it, but clearly, everyone else on this software developer's team enjoyed this comeuppance. This manager, Dave, came waltzing in and insisted that all software developers adhere to a strict 9-5 work schedule with minimal breaks. The Redditor explained how this was not ideal for the team's productivity, given that c…
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'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

'As I handed her the coffee I told her I quit': Manager demands that employee makes her coffee at the end of every shift, employee finally snaps

Some managers make such ridiculous demands that one has to wonder if they are trying to make their employees quit. Sometimes, that is the case, and other times, it's just that these managers have egos and enjoy engaging in power dynamics. If this description fits your manager, our advice would be to get out while you still can. Here, we have a barista whose manager would insist on having a coffee made for her at the end of every shift after everything in the store had been cleaned up and finish…
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Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss refunds me every penny'

Boss makes employee cancel vacation, employee's girlfriend confronts boss: 'I then demanded my boyfriend's boss [refund] me every penny'

Friendly reminder to get your PTO confirmed before getting non-refundable flights! This employee's girlfriend learned that the hard way. People in the comments section were a bit tough on her for putting pressure on her boyfriend to make his boss refund every penny of their planned vacation after the boss denied the employee's PTO request. Still, we have reserved at least some sympathy for her. It's not like this employee wasn't entitled to that time, and while he wants to advance his career, h…
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'Boss wouldn't pay [for] two months after she fired me': Former employee calls out disorganized ex-boss for never getting her final paycheck

'Boss wouldn't pay [for] two months after she fired me': Former employee calls out disorganized ex-boss for never getting her final paycheck

It's always important to stand your ground when your employer has not honored their end of your contract. It can be easy in work dynamics to forget the fact that your contract is a two-way negotiation and you have rights no matter who is in charge. This former worker had the “audacity” to ask for her final paycheck two months after her toxic, disorganized boss fired her. After a period of radio silence, this Redditor finally decided to go off email and send a direct text message to her ex-boss…
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Employee gets suspended for no reason, stinks up work truck before quitting: 'Before I returned the truck, I release 6 stinky air fresher tags in it'

Employee gets suspended for no reason, stinks up work truck before quitting: 'Before I returned the truck, I release 6 stinky air fresher tags in it'

If an employee quits after poor treatment and is then tasked with returning something, do not expect that item to be returned in pristine condition. This worker had gone through a whole ordeal with her employer after multiple coworkers were let go due to a shortage of hours (yet somehow, they were still always hiring new employees… talk about messy and disorganized!). One week, this employee was taken off multiple shifts and given forced days off with absolutely no advanced warning. She wound u…
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32 remote employees buy device to bypass CEO's silly idle time requirements, now the CEO wants one too

32 remote employees buy device to bypass CEO's silly idle time requirements, now the CEO wants one too

The way this stubborn CEO handled the fallout of this situation says quite a bit about his leadership style. This formerly in-person work environment went fully remote a few years ago and opted to stay that way, which was a big win for the 32 employees who fought for this change. That being said, there was a catch: the CEO enforced silly idle time requirements, which resulted in heavy monitoring of their productivity on Microsoft Teams. It got to the point where employees were regularly shamed…
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'They triggered an avalanche of quitting': Dishwasher sends scathing quitting text to whole restaurant staff, fallout ensues

'They triggered an avalanche of quitting': Dishwasher sends scathing quitting text to whole restaurant staff, fallout ensues

This, folks, is how to get other people to follow your lead. Not only was this dishwasher justified in calling out toxic management for their incessant outbursts, but he chose to do it in the best way: a group text with the entire staff in the same chat. And oh, what a group chat message it was! It's the kind of major confrontation that could only inspire groupthink and spark a subsequent craze of mass quitting. Here's hoping we get an update from the original poster explaining the details of w…
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Employee triumphantly claps back at bosses after sending the wrong email blast: 'Everyone minus *insert CMO and director names*, it was a pleasure!'

Employee triumphantly claps back at bosses after sending the wrong email blast: 'Everyone minus *insert CMO and director names*, it was a pleasure!'

There are great ways to quit and then there are iconic ways to quit. This former employee should be inducted into the Hall of Fame for workers who have had it with their horrible bosses. Before we get into the petty revenge itself, let's start with some backstory. This office was already a tense environment on a daily basis, with employees regularly crying at their desks and getting publicly ridiculed by the CMO and director for innocent and minor mistakes. One day, this Redditor's former cowor…
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Insecure CEO tries to force job candidate to delete review after interview gone wrong: 'We want to ask you to delete this comment'

Insecure CEO tries to force job candidate to delete review after interview gone wrong: 'We want to ask you to delete this comment'

Sometimes, writing a measured review is the only way to frustrate the people who did you wrong. It's funny how we often associate these kinds of critical reviews with entitled Karen on the internet when it has to do with customer service encounters. However, when it comes to reviews of companies, we tend to immediately side with the people writing the review. What does this say about our culture and inherent biases? Well, it has a lot to do with authority complexes and power dynamics, as do mos…
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Coworker gets final raise after 10 years at the company, resigns and gets 15% salary bump at new job: 'Loyalty will make you poor'

Coworker gets final raise after 10 years at the company, resigns and gets 15% salary bump at new job: 'Loyalty will make you poor'

This is what happens to companies that put a cap on the amount of raises they will give to their employees. This loyal employee had been working at his company for ten years, at which point he received his final raise. Naturally, a lack of mobility or incentive does not do much to maintain a sense of loyalty from even your most loyal employees and coworkers. This boss came to understand that the hard way, as this employee only waited to receive his final raise so that he could then leverage tha…
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Nepo baby demands overview of coworker's project so he can take full credit for it: 'He had no part in creating this program'

Nepo baby demands overview of coworker's project so he can take full credit for it: 'He had no part in creating this program'

Ah, nepo babies! They never fail to lean into their entitlement when it suits them. Here, we have a college-aged dude whose father essentially founded a company to give his son experience. This Redditor , one of the only full-time employees at said company, had been collaborating closely with their employer on an eLearning course, which was a time-consuming hands-on project for the both of them. However, when it came time for the boss's son to apply for summer jobs, he called the Original Poste…
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'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

'[Karen] got fired for her recklessness': Entitled employee refuses to follow password guidelines, company's emails get hacked, she pays the price

It's not easy for the Karens of the world to follow rules. They tend to operate according to their own flawed and delusional sense of reality and ethics. So when this Karen employee was told to follow a specific set of rules when setting up her new work email and she didn't like the fact that she couldn't name her password after her generic dog's name, she decided to do away with the rules entirely and do what she wanted instead. Unfortunately for her, she would learn the consequences of those…
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IT worker learns everyone's salaries from 10+ years ago vs. now: 'How do companies get away with this?'

IT worker learns everyone's salaries from 10+ years ago vs. now: 'How do companies get away with this?'

You would think that this kind of information would not be so easily accessible by non-HR employees! And yet, like most companies, this one's HR department did not do its due diligence. Instead, a lowly member of the IT department discovered records of everyone's salaries from ten years prior, learning that not very much has changed. No matter how long certain employees have been at the company and no matter how many changes have occurred in the world, almost no one seems to have gotten a raise…
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Guy gets fired, company won't reimburse flights for upcoming work trip: 'Now that I'm not part of the company, I'm obviously not attending said retreat'

Guy gets fired, company won't reimburse flights for upcoming work trip: 'Now that I'm not part of the company, I'm obviously not attending said retreat'

Talk about a cheap company! This HR department had to let go of seven employees as a result of budget cuts, but it gets worse. When one of those employees brought up the fact that he would like to be reimbursed for the flights he already purchased for the upcoming work retreat (which he obviously will no longer be attending), HR denied his request! Their so-called “explanation” was that the former employee could instead get a flight credit with the airline for a future trip of his own. How igno…
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Employee receives gossipy message about her from coworker by accident: 'She really grinds my gears'

Employee receives gossipy message about her from coworker by accident: 'She really grinds my gears'

Everyone has had that moment of panic when you send a gossipy text about someone and worry that you accidentally sent it to that person. Nine times out of ten, you're just being paranoid, but every so often, you find yourself with a ton of explaining to do. Now, what would you do if this situation occurred but it wasn't about a family or friend and instead this was about a coworker? What you do if the roles were reversed and you didn't send the unkind message, but this time, you received it? Wo…
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