
'Don't be cheap': Employee told by HR he can't use travel budget for tips, cue malicious compliance

'Don't be cheap': Employee told by HR he can't use travel budget for tips, cue malicious compliance

Company requests employees to ‘donate’ PTO to colleagues affected by the LA wildfires to ’make up’ for hours lost: ’[This is] just so the company doesn't hurt, not their people’

Company requests employees to ‘donate’ PTO to colleagues affected by the LA wildfires to ’make up’ for hours lost: ’[This is] just so the company doesn't hurt, not their people’

‘Okay, then I'm gonna take the other job’: Employee tries to quit his job but is interrupted by boss's unwarranted nagging, so he shows up to his next shift and quits on the spot

‘Okay, then I'm gonna take the other job’: Employee tries to quit his job but is interrupted by boss's unwarranted nagging, so he shows up to his next shift and quits on the spot

‘I don't believe in PTO’: Disgruntled employees reflect on the worst things their toxic bosses have said to them on the clock

‘I don't believe in PTO’: Disgruntled employees reflect on the worst things their toxic bosses have said to them on the clock

Boss won't stop bothering employee while he's on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’

Boss won't stop bothering employee while they're on holiday PTO, employee sends him a message: ‘We can discuss them when I am back from PTO’

Boss denies employee’s accrued PTO, gets handed resignation on the spot, and left scrambling to cover employee’s shifts: ‘Maybe treat your workers better?’

Boss denies employee’s accrued PTO, gets handed resignation on the spot, and left scrambling to cover employee’s shifts: ‘Maybe treat your workers better?’

Boss demands employee gets doctor’s note after she skips optional office Christmas party, pushing her to report boss to HR: 'I was blindsided’

Boss demands employee gets doctor’s note after she skips optional office Christmas party, pushing her to report boss to HR: 'I was blindsided’

Red flags turn full-blown blaring sirens on employee’s first day at business claiming to be family, advised to run for his life: ‘Get out of there’

Red flags turn full-blown blaring sirens on employee’s first day at business claiming to be family, advised to run for his life: ‘Get out of there’

‘My Shawshank Redemption’: Employee uses narcissistic coworker's tactics against her and then swiftly resigns, leaves her to deal with the bed she made for herself

‘My Shawshank Redemption’: Employee uses narcissistic coworker's tactics against her and then swiftly resigns, leaving her to deal with the bed she made for herself

 askreddit Opinion opinions funny funny stories ask reddit work workplace Jobs job Boss bosses coworkers workplace-stories red flag red flags toxic-workplace toxic-work-environment toxic-boss in the workplace human resources hiring now hiring candidates job interview

'How do you feel about overtime?': 20+ Job interview signs that hint at a bad work environment

Boss demands employees provide details about their PTO, forcing them to lie to keep their private life, private: ‘Causes me unnecessary stress’

Boss demands employees provide details about their PTO, forcing them to lie to keep their private life, private: ‘Causes me unnecessary stress’

'My boss is a literal insane person': New hire gets called into boss's office 3 weeks in with boss claiming no one likes her

'My boss is a literal insane person': New hire gets called into boss's office 3 weeks in with boss claiming no one likes her

‘Sure thing, boss!’: Newly-hired toxic manager fires dedicated employee for only completing tasks within his job description, entire department ‘collapses’ as a result

‘Sure thing, boss!’: Newly-hired toxic manager fires dedicated employee for only completing tasks within his job description, entire department ‘collapses’ as a result

'They call me 5:01': Overworked employee refuses to stay late after 5:00pm, boss makes a nickname out of it, employee owns it

'They call me 5:01': Overworked employee refuses to stay late after 5:00pm, boss makes a nickname out of it, employee owns it

Micromanager boss insists reliable employee finish urgent project by ‘strictly adher[ing]’ to company manual, so the employee take his sweet time and flops on deadline

Micromanager boss insists reliable employee finish urgent project by ‘strictly adher[ing]’ to company manual, so the employee takes his sweet time and purposefully flops on deadline

'My boss is stealing money from my 401k': Employee seeks legal action after discovering his boss has been secretly withdrawing contributions to his retirement account

'My boss is stealing money from my 401k': Employee seeks legal action after discovering his boss has been secretly withdrawing contributions to his retirement account

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