

A discussion about a meme gets turned into a meme on tumblr | mareebrittenford Young Man Take breadsticks and run said young man Man door hand hook car gun plaid-n-converse memeception | elphabaforpresidentofgallifrey HIT TERMINAL MEME bl00dlikeice @caesarianconfection fidefortitude said hate this so many times on this website, and never actually meant because hate this is just shorthand this is an example meme given twist wasn't expecting with intent surprise Which is itself meme on this site

Tumblr Meme Dissection Gets Meme'd Out of Control

It's memes all the way down, man.
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Tumblr user says a coconut is a mammal and starts discussion on classifying different animals | just-shower-thoughts Mammals both produce milk and have hair. Ergo coconut is mammal. maliwanhellfires know being facetious, but this is an actual issue with morphology-based phylogeny.

"Coconuts as Mammals" gets Tumblr Started on Animal Classification

Where's that dang coconut udder.
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Tumblr thread explains why the guy from Lilo and Stitch is the best Disney Prince | David Kawena Lilo and Stitch is ultimate Disney prince because he is there Nani AND Lilo and even Stitch despite everything 's going on their lives. They're going through some tough stuff. Their parents die and all sudden Nani has be mom her sister who is socially awkward and depressed and 's hard enough as is

Tumblr Thread Explains David Kawena, The Best Disney Prince

He's a genuinely good dude.
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Journalist explains how Danish parliament works compared to American Congress | tweet by Michael Grunwald Replying MikeGrunwald First all, there dais hearing room, just like any congressional hearing, except politicians weren't on dais six experts who were testifying were on dais. Can imagine? As if hearing about them and not politicians? politicians were sitting front row audience. They all stayed their seats entire hearing. And do know they did? They listened second row and didn't see any them

Journalist Compares Danish Parliament to American Congress

It seems more efficient.
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Twitter thread on debate party idea | tweet by christineexists my friends routinely have bracket nights where pick 16 something tonight types chairs argue about them until crown winner

Twitter Thread on Random Brackets Is a Really Good Idea

If you need a conversation starter, here you go.
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Woman's Twitter story about going to Cats movie screening doesn't go well | tweet by Brydie Lee-Kennedy BrydieLK come an open air screening Cats and no one else is here.  Update: 3 people and many many bats have joined us

Woman Goes to Screening of Cats, Goes about as Well as it Should

I mean, it's Cats.
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Informative tumblr thread on how magenta and other colors are just your brain guessing.

Tumblr Thread Explains How The Color Magenta Technically Doesn't Exist

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Tumblr thread debates meaning of updog in funny joke thread.

Tumblr Thread About Meaning of "Updog" Is Satisfying Journey

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Tumblr users sketch silly pictures inspired by abstract gender chart.

Tumblr Pokes Artistic Fun at Overly Abstract Gender Chart

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A twitter thread of Grinch, a dumb sled dog.

The Story of Grinch, The Loveably Dumb Sled Dog

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Tumblr thread explains Disney's mythical vault of dirty images its artists create.

Funny Tumblr Thread Explains Disney's Mythical Secret Porn Vault

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Examples of how scientists name things with stupid puns.

Short Thread On Naming Shows How Much Scientists Love Stupid Puns

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Twitter thread Woman's cute little dog stands on top of her golden retriever all the time. Also there's a pug.

Silly Twitter Thread on How One Woman's Dog Hangs Out on Top of Other Dog

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thread about lobsters being immortal

Microbiologist's Twitter Thread On Lobsters Being Giant Immortal Monsters Is Legit Unbelievable

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jokes about bathtub tray

Woman Points out Hilarious Ignorance of Bathtub Tray Manufacturers

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tumblr thread

Educational Tumblr Thread Demonstrates The Real World Benefit Of The Arts

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