

Tumblr thread on goblin personality | thealphapigeon Ya'll talk about Mom Friend and Older Sibling Friend but hear nothing about Goblin Friend Eats food up off floor screaming something about five second rule Sweatpants count as look Throws everything pile on nearest surface as soon as they're home "Haha 's gross let see" Hoards some sort. Mugs, pens, notebooks, anything Sitting dark room hours wrapped up seven blankets front laptop unblinking Makes weird noise effects express emotions Laying on

Tumblr Thread: People with Goblin Personality

Some of us have goblin energy.
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Funny tumblr post on Snoop Dogg's wholesomeness | @veryfunnymemes @hrtablaze This guy is making fun Kanye West guy bakes cookies on tv but pretends be gangster _ShamGod There is whole generation people who don't remember Snoop on trial murder world.

Tumblr Thread: Snoop Dogg Appreciation

You've gotta be careful around Martha.
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Tumblr thread on what a stick of butter is | emilianadarling holy fuck guys after years being vaguely confused came across measurement stick butter recipes, today learned United States they sell butter these skinny stick things: SWEET UNSALTED) NET WT. UKDA 4 02 BUTTER (113 g) PACKED DY PLANT 22 DWEET UNSALTED USDA NET WT. 4 0Z (113 g) BUTTER PACKED BY PPLANT 27031

Tumblr Thread: The Cultural Confusion of a Stick of Butter

Depending on where you're from, it's not obvious.
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Guy orders Garfield toy and get sand, and can't find a solution | Quinton Reviews @Q_Review bought big Garfield plush GarfieldEats, personally talked their CEO about getting delivered, fought weeks get delivered, and s sand. There's nothing box but sand s, like, sand child's castle playset hell | SABLE BL WHITE SA Sandtastik Alew Play Sand DEAL INDOOR PLAY USE CL UNTABLE OUTDOOR AREAS MOLDS GREAT MOST EeRONMENTALLY FRENDLY CONTAING NO FREE SILICA CONTANS NO PREE GUARTZ *oNATTURAL 25 ib (11.3 kg)

Dude Orders Garfield Toy, Gets Bags of Sand

Honestly it's shocking that there's still Garfield hype out there.
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Tumblr explains the early 2000s phenomonon of losing "The Game." | rainnecassidy If old enough remember just lost Game. raggedyanndy

Tumblr Explains The Origins of Losing The Game

Streak broken.
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Tumblr thread about Pokemon being drawn the sizes of the animals they are based on | sinnerbird im going start thread pokemon drawn sizes things theyre based on here start very-salty-popcorn very small boi enters

Tumblr Thread: Pokémon Drawn to Actual Scale

Huh, they really just look like colorful animals now.
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Absurd made up dangers of black pool Tumblr thread | facs facts--just-made-up Fun fact about Vantablack- Because absorbs all light heats up very fast. If exposed direct sunlight takes all UV and heat and contains them, and can reach heats well over 212°F boiling point water. So if did coat pool material water would boil as soon as sun touched killing everyone swimming

Tumblr Thread Explains "Dangers" of Black-Tiled Pools and Gullibility

Oh man wow.
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Tumblr thread about being ant god resulting in ant war | cerothenull S quinnred probablybadrpgideas If Cthulhu can be summoned by humans who are so far beneath why can't humans be summoned by ants answer is they should be. 20thcenturyvole Well if bunch ants formed circle my house l'd certainly notice, try figure out where they'd all come and possibly wreak destruction there. | weasowl 's why knowing and correctly pronouncing true name is so important ritual. Imagine impossible would be not go ta

Tumblr Turns Ant Thread Into A Holy War

Next stop, Ant Crusades.
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Tumblr thread on why Deer leave their fawns alone | fawn curled up beside fake deer which is used target practice | vampireapologist lot people are super upset by this, so here is reminder someone who has worked professionally with deer fawn tucked down alone like this is almost never an orphan. Fawns are extremely small, and their best defense is stay hidden as often as possible. Unless they are nursing or moving new spot, tucking themselves down grass or against bigger objects is their best de

Tumblr User Explains Why Lone Baby Deer Is Probably Fine

It's not Bambi.
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Tumblr thread on why no one in Star Trek has pockets | jimkerk least realistic thing about star trek is starfleet uniforms don't have pockets and nobody complains about crisisoninfintefandoms My instinct is agree with this, but like really think about No money, no credit cards, identification is all vocal/ fingerprints/retinal, so no wallet. Again, doors are voice activated, or just unlocked by entering code. No keys.

Tumblr Thread: Why No One on The USS Enterprise Has Pockets

Pockets are a privilege, not a right.
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Woman's Twitter thread on real Time Travel Jesus Assassination movie | Laura Robinson @LauraRbnsn 14h There is deadly serious Christian action movie about Muslims who invent time travel so they can go back time and kill Jesus so he can't die our sins and course my husband bought because he's an actual monster. Q 87 2727 444 Laura Robinson @LauraRbnsn 14h My husband finds this hilarious have cringed myself back injury which will never recover. 04 109 Laura Robinson @LauraRbnsn 14h As an adult con

Woman Gives Synopsis of Jesus Time Travel Assassination Movie

Oh lord.
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Tumblr thread about mating habits of gay klingons | demongoth thinking about klingon courting works by female roaring and throwing heavy objects and male reading love poetry demongoth gay klingons:

Tumblr Has Questions about Gay Klingons

Classic Tumblr.
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Twitter story of chicken relationship | Amanda Brunton @Amand 19h This is Domino. She's hen rescued. She wants lay an egg, but has keep stopping order SCREAM AT WIND every time there's big gust. Life as chicken is very complicated sometimes. 2,523 views 27 30 160 | New hens have be quarantined, preferably with quarantine buddy way, if they have recovered something infectious but remain carrier find out other bird gets sick learned some carpentry and made her coop, and bought her new friend. 27 5

Woman Details Her Chickens' Charming Lesbian Relationship

It's a match made in hen.
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Twitter thread on how wizards are like magical wine snobs | Oliver Clegg @deathbybadger always imagine #dnd wizards be bit like wine purists FIGHTER need fire spell, now! WIZARD: oho well this *is* interesting (opens book) aganazzar's scorcher? incendiary cloud? perhaps quick 'essaim de météores if 's not too robust at this time day-

Twitter Thread on Wizards as Magic Snobs

We know people like this.
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Twitter thread on whale explosion is lesson in listening to experts when it comes to coronavirus | Doncaster Council Doncaster Council @MyDoncaster November 1970, officials Oregon, USA decided blow up rotting whale carcass whole thing went horribly wrong. Why do bring this up? Well, this story can teach us 3 things about #coronavirus

Whale Explosion Thread is a Lesson in Listening to Experts

Don't explode a whale and listen to smart people who tell you not to.
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Tumblr thread on how cats are needy and talk like disparaged victorian children | froody Removes my cat my lap do something else My cat: Father is evil? Father is unyielding? Father is incapable love am running away am packing my little rucksack and going out explore world as lone vagabond can no longer thrive this household.

Tumblr Agrees Cats Talk like Disparaged Victorian Children

They say it with the eyes.
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