
'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Three-day suspension if anyone sang Gwen Stefani's "Sweet Escape"': 30+ Foolish rules that schools and workplaces insisted on

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'Your parents are literally the worst part of my job': 20+ teachers share the one thing they wish they could tell their students

'I offered a solution': Student requests algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

'I offered a solution': Student demands algebra teacher regrade paper, teacher gives her lower grade

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, her Mom comes to the rescue

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, Mom comes to the rescue

school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say revenge teachers petty revenge teacher parenting back to school dad family elementary teacher-stories mom parents Father - 22420485

'Mom was going to keep having her arrested as long as she could': Disgruntled family gets back at tyrant school principal by having her "arrested"

aita school elementary school mother principal crazy things parents say teachers reddit story teacher parenting back to school etiquette dad elementary teacher-stories reddit thread mom parents Father - 22400773

'He thanked me for being a concerned "Daddy" as a backhanded insult': Tik-Tok Teacher dismisses parent's concern about his videos of their child

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

‘The students were on their feet, cheering': High school teacher's assignment backfires when one student uses it to break the rules

‘The students were on their feet, cheering': High school teacher's assignment backfires when one student uses it to break the rules

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

'Their parents overwork them to ensure the A+': Teacher forced to assign extra credit to appease helicopter parents, assigns lengthy tasks to get back at them

terrible coworkers class workplace-stories jobs job classes work coworkers studio quit teacher Professors workplace coworker quitting yoga managers - 22288901

'My co-worker is running a yoga studio...instead of working': Professor debates telling on colleague who's making them "carry the burden"

teacher teachers teacher-stories school back-to-school parents parenting parenting-fail mom father mother dad principal elementary

'Parents are unbelievably delusional': Teachers share out-of-pocket requests from the parents of their students

'My new English professor is my uncle only he has no idea': 15+ Funny Back to School Flops and Mishaps

'My new English professor is my uncle only he has no idea': 15+ Funny Back to School Flops and Mishaps

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

'[I] didn't do a single lab report all year': Teacher changes grading policy, student maliciously complies to get out of doing work

'I can do this in my head': Teacher makes student show his work, tells him it should take up the whole page, cue malicious compliance

'I can do this in my head': Teacher makes student show his work, tells him it should take up the whole page, cue malicious compliance