
'Had a student write down "hand shoes" instead of "gloves"': 25+ Students whose tests answers made their teachers laugh out loud

'Had a student write down "hand shoes" instead of "gloves"': 25+ Students whose tests answers made their teachers laugh out loud

'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

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'I was having my main character moment': Summer camp student gets unjustly marked tardy after walking into class a few seconds late; she epically rebels by ditching class immediately

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had creative answers to their teacher's questions

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had extra creative answers to their teacher's questions

'Teacher hates Senior Skip Day': teacher threatens to fail students if they don't show up for test, students maliciously comply

'Teacher [tries to ruin] Senior Skip Day': Teacher wants to fail students if they don't show up for test, students get even after a round of golf

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'I had the plague': Sick teacher forced to come into work after calling out sick; admin thought they called her bluff but were horrified by her arrival

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'Naturally, I graded them all with [a] zero': Professor catches out cheating students, ruins their vacations and fails them in his class

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‘Everyone knew it was ridiculous’: Preschool teacher reluctantly complies with boss's outrageous bathroom break schedule after a student wets themselves; gets justified when the entire school backs her up

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

 'I sent all these voicemails and screenshots to my module organizer': Group project leader won't give all members equal credit for coding project

'I sent all these voicemails and screenshots to my module organizer': Group project leader refuses to give all members equal credit for coding project

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'The instructor walked away, shaking his head': Student's terrible handwriting trumps forensic expert

25+ Funny School Flops for Teachers and Students Who Desperately Need Their Summer Vacation

25+ Funny School Flops for Teachers and Students Who Desperately Need Their Summer Vacation

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'Professor accused me of using AI': Student has to prove essay wasn't plagiarized, just subpar

'A teacher once brought her various pet parrots to be photographed': 30+ School photoshoots that turned out cringy and strange

'A teacher once brought her various pet parrots to be photographed': 30+ School photoshoots that turned out cringy and strange

'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

'I was devastated': Driving instructor tricks teen into failing their driving test

‘Sir, this is what you wanted': Physics teacher gets schooled by students after he demands they plot graph, despite not knowing the range of values upfront

‘Sir, this is what you wanted': Physics teacher gets schooled by students after he demands they plot graph, despite not knowing the range of values upfront