

workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs manager retail bad jobs tales-from-the-workplace retail worker work managers workers employment - 21077253

'I pulled 6 doubles that week': Retail worker told to take all the overtime they want, obliges

You really shouldn't say something that you don't mean that could cause an outcome that you don't want to someone who will happily oblige you. Retailers love to set rules and swear by them as if they had been written in stone since the dawn of time—and definitely not something they made up 15 minutes ago. These rules will blatantly disadvantage workers and be strictly enforced to the point where there is no nuance for grey-area scenarios. After all, being able to predict extremely obvious gray…
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antiwork talesfromretail employment-discussion toxic-workplace workplace-story retail work coworkers workplace-discussion workplace workers employment - 20909573

'A manager can not compete with his employees for work': Manager expected to compete with staff for commission to earn a living wage

Leading from the front is important for any leader—you need to walk the walk that you talk… but when it comes to sales and commission, you don't want to be competing with your own team to make the wage that you should be earning anyways for managing the business. Anyone who has ever worked in a retail environment that heavily prioritizes sales probably has encountered the subject matter of this post. For those who have never worked on a sales floor for commission, if the environment isn't manag…
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customer service karen entitled retail karens entitled people retail worker karen-customer talesfromretail tales-from-retail - 20912389

'I'll smash this on the floor': Retail worker faces off against waffle wielding Karen

What should you do with your delicious dessert waffle when you're done chowing down on it in the nostalgic comforts of a mall food court? Dispose of your waste and neatly stack your tray in the holder on top of the trash can? No. If you're this Karen, you're taking it to the nearest clothing store and demanding that the workers there dispose of it for you—under firm threat of having smashed waffles and ice cream all over the floor and clothes. Hey, at least it's not as bad as cleaning out the c…
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customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail firing idontworkherelady fired karen-manager manager retail work working the-retail-life karen-coworker managers retail-stories working retail karen - 20677125

'Forget it, you're fired!': Dude gets fired from a store where he didn't even work

It should be understood, at this point, that straying into a store with a uniform consisting solely of a specifically colored shirt—whilst wearing that same color of shirt—is a risky move. It should also be understood that even wearing a similar color shirt is likely to attract every Karen and disgruntled manager within a 100-meter radius. If you choose to do this, you do so at your own peril, but at least you can write a story about it later to share online. This guy happened to stray into a l…
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workplace-stories in-the-workplace dumb rules employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance tales-from-the-workplace coworkers micromanaging workplace employment talesfromretail retail tales-from-retail - 20544773

'She got fed up': Manager regrets demanding that retail cashier ask for their transaction approval

Unnecessary rules and processes must be followed to the letter—because some manager who has never actually done the job decided it must be so. As long as they only waste your time, they'll remain in place indefinitely as you're hounded mercilessly about the resulting drop in productivity (thanks to these new processes.) However, as soon as these processes infringe upon the time of the manager who made them, it's miraculous how quickly they can disappear, which means the easiest way to get rid o…
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funny-workplace-story talesfromretail funny-customer-stories manager owner malicious compliance retail revenge karen-customer karens in the wild karen - 20489477

'Ten thousand pennies, plus the extra twenty-five dollars, weighs a lot': Owner plays a reverse uno to Karen customer's malicious compliance

This customer wasn't happy about the service she had received or the price she had been charged—especially surprising considering she had been given a discount. She thought she could even get against the shop for the perceived slight against her and decided to execute a ‘malicious compliance’ by paying her repair bill entirely in pennies. She failed to calculate the fact that the owner might be happy to oblige her preferred method of payment—simply to watch her have to haul in sacks and sacks o…
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karens entitled customer talesfromretail bike shop 1-star-reviews retail customers 1-star-review customer entitled customers entitled karen customer support customer service karen-customer retail-stories - 20459269

Guy leaves bike shop 1-star review for helping him for free

This is precisely the type of thing you encounter while working in a bike shop. Of all the customer service roles you could ever work, working in a bike shop will confront you with some uniquely bewilderingly entitled experiences. The idea of “you haven't done enough for me for free” will somehow recur time and time again as 1-star reviews bombard you for going out of your way to help someone who doesn't understand how much they don't understand about their bike. Bonus points here for being bla…
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workplace-stories talesfromretail in-the-workplace employee toxic-workplace workplace-story malicious compliance retail quit employees workplace quitting employment - 20417541

'They were not happy': Employee quits according to their old notice period when employer refuses to give them a new contract

You can't have your cake and eat it too—and the people who work for you are people, not cake. I don't really know exactly how to unpack that statement further… but let's just say that you shouldn't be surprised when your workers want greater compensation in exchange for the increased responsibility you've been giving them. If they're doing the job of a manager already, make them a bloody manager. The amount of hoops that retailers want their employees to jump through in order to achieve a promo…
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Fussy guest demands discount for lack of parking. Worker maliciously complies.

Entitled customer demands refund for 'first come first serve' basis parking that they didn't pay for, hotel worker maliciously complies

There are glorious times in customer service when doing what the customer has asked necessitates doing technically nothing. It's a rare occurrence but oh-so-good when it happens to chance upon you. When this worker promised to give an angry Karen a refund, they did so by promising to refund the amount that it would cost them to park on the street: Nothing. This left the Karen happy to go merrily on their way, and with the problem now out of sight and out of mind, she was never the wiser. It's g…
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karen moron retail harass harassing cashier service industry rewards-card credit-card cash-register register rewards sales story return karens drama reddit tales-from-retail

'Are you a moron?': Retail cashier gets chewed out by a Karen after offering her a rewards credit card for the second time

Working retail is the biggest soul sucking job known to man. Nobody grows up aspiring to be a cashier working the register, forced to endure customers's stupid jokes ("if it doesn't scan it's free, right?"), listening to mild pop music on loop, and surviving inadequately balanced AC. However maddening the endless onslaught of beeping barcodes, inventory nights, matching aprons, and dealing with incoming merchandise, the worst thing by far about working in retail are the Karens.
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer work customers customer workplace entitled retail-stories entitled people - 20196101

'We've decided we can't meet your expectations': Dealership deals with an entitled customer

Dealing with a demanding customer can be a nightmare—ask anyone in customer service. It's not as straightforward as you might think either—the more you bend and break for them, giving in to their demands, the more they will ask for in return. It's like a lion attacking a herd of wildebeest; the hunter can sense the weakness, and showing any will make you a greater target. Plus, if you actually manage to close a sale with these people, there is an infinitely greater chance that they will become…
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customer support customer service karens talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers 1-star-review customer customer-stories karens in the wild entitled karen entitled people - 20178181

'Apparently she thinks knowing this allows me to hack her': Karen insists custom computer guy is trying to hack her and her child

When you deal with customers, no matter how big or small your operation is, there's the inevitable risk that, at some point, you'll stray across an unreasonable one. It's incredibly likely that your experience with this someone with culminate with them blaming you for problems and unhappiness of their own making while gesturing wildly in a manner reminiscent of a wacky waving inflatable arm-flailing tube man—just to be sure they've gotten their point across. If the experience doesn't end in an…
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