

Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Micromanager fabricates write-up for job security until he is caught red-handed by employee's secret recording

Providing customer service is never an easy task for a number of reasons. The hardest part is the fact that you cannot predict who you'll run into or what type of attitude they're going to have. The story below is an account of a frustrated employee. The original poster (OP), who is employed in retail, was hit with threats over a $1.63 charge. But rather than standing with OP and protecting the worker from the enraged client, management decided to stick by the client and reprimand OP for suppos…
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customer support customer service workplace discussion employment issues antiwork workplace-stories talesfromretail jobs employment-discussion job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers workplace Horrible Bosses tales-from-retail employment in the workplace - 35440389

Retail chain cuts workers' hours rather than paying overtime: 'They are going to schedule all the full timers at 35 hours so that no one goes over 40'

Ahh, retail… a fine industry where middle manglement regularly tries to shove a dirt sandwich down your throat while whispering sweetly to you it's actually honey. The story shared in this post is a tale as old as time in retail, where management will happily tell you with a smile that the company's official policy is that the customer comes first… but that the unofficial policy is that making sure staff never claim or report overtime also comes first. So, then, what happens when you're working…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents retail karen-customer customers karen-customers entitled customers entitled people karma karens in the wild entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 26161669

Frustrated customer reveals entitled family's plan to exploit home improvement store and steal product: 'I made sure a pricing error did not occur'

Navigating your way through a crowded store is one of those experiences you won't soon forget, squeezing through cramped aisles between situationally unaware strangers who have made it their prerogative to move as erratically as possible. To make matters worse, you always seem to be in a hurry when this happens, and you need to get in and out as fast as possible while everyone else is moving like the walking dead. As whenever queueing—or any basic social order and decorum—is expected there's al…
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'One day, I had a belligerent customer come in': Teenage cashier gets back at impolite retail customer

'One day, I had a belligerent customer come in': Teenage cashier gets back at impolite retail customer

Some people have never considered that they can go for a shopping trip without bothering the employees. It's never crossed their mind that they could go grocery shopping without telling a teenage employee that the fruit “was better last week." This is the person who whines to a clothing store employee that the fabric seems cheap. Some customers get a thrill out of whining about unimportant, and sometimes unsolvable, first-world problems.
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail job malicious compliance retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers customer workplace tales-from-retail - 25506821

'Look it up': Customer talks himself out of a price-match and has to pay more when retail associate looks it up and realizes it's against their policy

In retail, the number of customers who are convinced they know better than you is endless… Better than you when it comes to the products, better than you in terms of your store's policies, and better than you when it comes to the legalities under which you're trading. Having access to all the information with little understanding has emboldened people into thinking that they're experts after a few Google searches, even on impressively technical subjects. Of course, the rehearsed script often ru…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail server retail waiter karen-customer customers waiting karen-customers april fools customer talesfromyourserver food service service tales-from-retail tales from your server service industry - 25279749

Restaurant boss says all leave requests will be denied going forward, staff asks him if he's making an April Fool's joke: 'He was not'

Dodgy off-book leave policies are something that you just come to expect after a while of working in the restaurant or retail world. From the first time you go to book leave and are met with the strong insinuation that maybe you shouldn't be taking any leave at all, giving you reasons of being too busy or too understaffed to possibly afford to be a “man down," you're going to be feeling that old resigned feeling of knowing that this is going to be that kind of place. The reality is that you're…
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'I don't think you understand': Customer breaks into unopened store to shop for camping supplies

'I don't think you understand': Customer breaks into unopened store to shop for camping supplies

A customer was a bit too eager to shop at a new store in town. At some restaurants that are brand new, a “soft launch” will take place for the first few weeks they're open. During the soft launch, servers are being trained, the kitchen staff is learning how to make the food properly, and therefore the service might be a little slower than normal. That's all well and good for the restaurant industry, but there are no soft launches in retail. That didn't stop this woman from trying to break into…
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'In your dreams...': Queue jumper waits 3 times as long for assistance after demanding store manager grant him VIP access

'In your dreams...': Queue jumper waits 3 times as long for assistance after demanding store manager grant him VIP access

Serving customers is not always an easy task. However, you don't have to work in customer service to profit from the advantages that come with the position. For example, in the story that follows, the Original Poster (OP) talks about his experience with a demanding client who won't wait his turn to be serviced. OP works as a security guard at a well-known phone company in Dublin City Center. The Original Poster (OP) sets the scene by claiming that most staff members are reluctant to offer their…
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jobs job work customer service talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail retail worker karen-customer tales-from-retail - 2386951

'I don't work here': Guy gets accused of slacking at a job that isn't even his and accosted by another customer

Retail is brutal for a number of reasons, but one of the worst is the fact that you get absolutely no respect from the public whom you're servicing. This is clearly evidenced by the audacity and sheer entitlement they feel in being able to bark orders at you and admonish you for “slacking” as if they're your boss. The thing is, when they're at their own job, they probably browse Reddit and spend ample time gossiping with their own coworkers but for some reason, these sorts of customers seem to…
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customer support customer service karens workplace-stories talesfromretail entitled parents job retail karen-customer work customers karen-customers customer karens in the wild workplace entitled tales-from-retail karen entitled people - 24475909

'Not my problem, now leave': Retail manager puts Karen in her place when she blames him for her cancelled and unpaid cell service

At certain times in your life—particularly when things have gone sideways—it's important to take ownership of the fact that your own actions and decisions are the things that got you there. Unfortunately, most of us struggle with this and, as a matter of self-preservation, will seek to displace blame towards anyone or anything that we can point a finger at. Sometimes, this displacement is plausible, reasonable even, but at other times, it can get unreasonably ridiculous… Tell me again, Carl, ab…
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customer support customer service supermarket workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23971845

Karen chases customer out of store, employees lock her out with her stuff still inside: 'They just closed and locked the doors'

If there's one person you don't want to mess with, it's an EMT who has just finished their shift… EMTs are some of the hardest working individuals with a job that necessitates sleep deprivation, self-sacrifice, and trauma that reaches far, far above their pay grade. Even a shift for them that is “not bad” would be enough to send the rest of us looking for another line of work. While they're some of the nicest people, every EMT I've ever known personally gets through their job by being partially…
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'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

Two basic rules are taught to us when we work in customer service. First of all, we should never presume that consumers will read the small print at the bottom of our signage. The second universal guideline is to never, ever concede that you are correct and the client is mistaken. The story below is an account of a frustrated arts and crafts store manager. OP has been managing the store for a while, and quite frankly, presumably has encountered an endless amount of difficult customers. However,…
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail idontworkherelady retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23972101

Karen tells shopper they're dressed too casually for a job that isn't even theirs: 'I'm not at my job right now'

It's kinda sorta hard to dress too casually for a job you don't have. For one thing, it's not your job, and, for another—well, it's not your job. As long as you're wearing a shirt and shoes, you can pretty much go anywhere you'd like… Although those signs usually fail to mention any requirement for pants, so that one's up to you.
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customer support customer service workplace-stories talesfromretail retail karen-customer customers karen-customers tales-from-retail - 23969285

Off duty retail worker plays along when Karen mistakes him for an employee: 'Stop harassing other shoppers'

Being a retail veteran means that you're nearly immune to the tactics of wily entitled customers, hardened to the core with the scar tissue of encounters with other customers—that or just completely dead inside—but it's all the same thing, really. Even if you leave the retail industry far behind, you remember the way people can act toward retail staff long afterward and how it's almost like people become another person when they begin talking to someone they deem to be a “servant" and beneath t…
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customer support customer service talesfromretail petty-revenge-reddit retail revenge customers revenge-stories petty revenge tales-from-retail revenge-stories-reddit - 23755525

'She avoided eye contact with me': Customer gets back at presumptive sales associate for judging them based on appearance

We're silently judging each other all the time. Like it or not, it's a part of being human. Most of the time, these are calculated judgments, and they're made for good reason in order to avoid conflict and preemptively determine whether or not it is a good idea to broach particular topics of conversation with the person you're talking to—like deciding whether or not a political conversation is appropriate at your family's Christmas gathering. Even the most tolerant saint-like individuals among…
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‘She expected us to chase him’: Karen leaves her purse outside a store, then blames entire staff inside when it's taken

‘She expected us to chase him’: Karen leaves her purse outside a store, then blames entire staff inside when it's taken

Do people just leave their valuable belongings at random places hoping no one will take them, or is it just this one Karen? When I worked in retail, I had a few regular customers who would occasionally ask me to put some shopping bags behind the counter while they went to get their car. Some even asked me to keep an eye on their kids while they ran to a different shop or took a phone call outside. Either way, I am no stranger to weird requests from customers. But I have to say that when I read…
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