

 Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Micromanager’s criticism backfires as junior employee withdraws support, prompting boss’s desperate plea for help

Every business has a different hierarchical structure that is exclusive to it. The account provided in the story below comes from a former student. The original poster (OP) was a university student majoring in English. During her time as a student, she launched the department newsletter and helped with the editing and publication of the annual literary journal. She significantly improved the newsletter and the magazine, but since she was still viewed as a junior editor, she was expected to perf…
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Teacher gets back at principal for having to give a speech to the student body, ends up giving a 90-minute diatribe: 'You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it'

Teacher gets back at principal for having to give a speech to the student body, ends up giving a 90-minute diatribe: 'You wanted me to do the speech, deal with it'

Sometimes, the most rebellious folks in a school are the teachers. Here, we have one teacher who managed to successfully avoid a school tradition for over 30 years at the institution. That silly tradition involved a member of the faculty delivering a speech to the entire student body on significant historical dates. During said speech, the students were also forced to stand still in formation and in silence throughout the duration of the oration. This one teacher, whom the Redditor nicknamed Me…
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'If I catch that you were slacking off or lying, you are fired': Law partner demands summer associate to update him on whereabouts at all times, malicious compliance ensues

'If I catch that you were slacking off or lying, you are fired': Law partner demands summer associate to update him on whereabouts at all times, malicious compliance ensues

This is what it looks like when justice is served. This law partner may have been working in the industry for decades, but his outdated way of approaching workplace dynamics became a major problem. It seems like he's the kind of boss who chooses one lowly employee to direct all of his anger and frustration toward, as if there is nothing said person can do to meet his desires sufficiently. Unfortunately for this summer associate , they became the target of all his antics. Most of this unfair tre…
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Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Student glues classroom door shut and locks teacher inside as payback for unfair treatment all semester: 'The fire department had to come to free him'

Everyone has that one teacher who gave them a hard time in high school. If life were a movie, there would be some sort of inspirational and emotional arc to that teacher where the two of you come to understand, appreciate, and respect one another. However, in reality, there usually isn't much of an arc at all. Most of the time, the two of you end the year still resenting one another. The only real ending is one of you leaving the school and no longer being a part of one another's lives. This th…
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'Have fun failing the final': Dedicated student gets petty revenge on classmate who demands their notes

'Have fun failing the final': Dedicated student gets petty revenge on classmate who demands their notes

This student is getting really fed up with their classmate's annoying habit. The student, u/chewy200, is in that awkward position of being the person who gives notes to their classmate . They always take plenty of notes on the lesson (oh, and they regularly show up to class, which their classmate can't seem to do either). They shared that their classmate isn't very appreciative of the work they do, either. But how does one get out of sharing notes? After all, they already have to be in the clas…
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Teacher makes student do corrections on essay despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

Teacher makes student do essay corrections despite no feedback, cue malicious compliance: 'I rewrote my entire essay... word for word... TWICE!'

If a teacher is unwilling to give their student feedback, why should the student have to put in any effort? Clearly, this terrible educator had it out for this student despite the fact that he had been completing all of his assignments on time and to the best of his ability. When he received his essay back, he got a D with absolutely no explanation. Meanwhile, every other student in the class was given specific comments and instructions for their required revisions. The student even asked his t…
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'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

'I'm sure the damage was 10's of thousands': College kids get payback on a greedy landlord who wrongfully kept their deposit money by befriending the new tenants and trashing the house

Don't mess with college kids–what they lack in financial resources, they make up for in social alliances.
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'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

'At the age of 11 I received a speeding ticket... on my bike': 20+ Nonsensical reasons people got in big trouble

I think everyone has at least one time they got in trouble for reasons that completely baffled them. As a kid, you put a lot of trust and faith in your teachers and parents . So when your favorite third-grade teacher suddenly punishes an 8-year-old you for doing something ordinary, it's quite confusing. It startles you and makes you question authority. Although the reasons make no sense to the kids involved, maybe the adults in the room are just having a bad day. Especially when the person is a…
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family etiquette students student graduation reddit story family drama aita reddit thread amitheahole - 26041349

18-year-old daughter changes name without telling parents, Mom and Step-Dad learn at her graduation: 'I never wanted to be his kid'

Names are a personal thing… A personal thing that you traditionally have no control over—yet that defines your life before it even begins… and forms the basis of how others shape their understanding of you. It's understandable why we need them. The whole thing just makes sense and would be a little confusing if we didn't have ways of categorizing and referring to one another—even in the simplest means of communication… Imagine a world without names where you had no way of identifying who a mess…
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Campus resident demands student leash up his dog during an evening walk, only to be told canine is a wild coyote

Campus resident demands student leash up his dog during an evening walk, only to be told canine is a wild coyote

Sometimes it seems like folks are content to listen to themselves talk. For them, having their opinions heard is more essential than having any knowledge of the topic at hand. This is the story of a Caltech student who was left speechless. A man approached the original poster (OP) while he was wandering about the campus and said something absurd about a dog. OP initially thought the man was talking to the person behind him, but he soon realized that was not the case. The man seemed to be reques…
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‘I was embarrassed for him’: High schooler outsmarts computer expert after school computers shut down every 20 minutes and delete all unsaved work

‘I was embarrassed for him’: High schooler outsmarts computer expert after school computers shut down every 20 minutes and delete all unsaved work

Just because you have a degree doesn't make you smart, and that is pretty obvious when you take a close look at people who have graduated from college. Let's talk about school. A student's quick thinking saved the day when his school's computers encountered a recurring shutdown issue. The school relied on a program that reset changes after logout, requiring students to save work on the server. But a licensing issue caused the PCs to shut down after 20 minutes, deleting unsaved work and frustrat…
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‘The money better be back by the time I'm home': Housemate refuses to let broke roommate get away with taking $1,000 from his room while he was out

‘The money better be back by the time I'm home': Housemate refuses to let broke roommate get away with taking $1,000 from his room while he was out

Keep your friends close and your enemies closer. This housemate was in for a rude awakening when they arrived home one day only to discover that a whopping $1,000 in cash was missing from his bedroom. The money was there, and now it wasn't… living with a roommate, he only had one suspect to confront. This roommate was a real pain and was constantly complaining to him and creating 'boundaries'. Funny, isn't there such a boundary that is protected by the law called 'stealing'? People are wild. Th…
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'I can't wait to never see her again': Principal demands school teacher provide a doctor's note for 1 sick day despite being 17 days absent herself, teacher quits

'I can't wait to never see her again': Principal demands school teacher provide a doctor's note for 1 sick day despite being 17 days absent herself, teacher quits

Working as an educator is difficult. Rowdy kids, long hours, and meh pay all add to a common feeling of discontentment among teachers. They really aren't paid enough to deal with everything they're putting up with. One teacher described their experience with their new school principal who really had it out for them, for no apparent reason. It might be worth mentioning that the teacher works in special education, teaching kids who have learning disabilities… so it's sad that the principal's trea…
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'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

'The school doesn't have a problem with it, neither should you': Young mother told to stay out of kids' school park so a woman can use it for her dog instead, her son cries all the way home

People who believe that they own public spaces should be fined. A pregnant lady lived near a school that had a perfect playground for her young son. However, the park was only open when school was out. So one Sunday afternoon, after school hours, she got dressed, packed her kid in her stroller, and began waddling to the park, thinking how much she would like to take a seat due to pregnancy pains. Looking forward to some rest, she got to the gate and went to open it when she noticed some coats s…
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‘I won’t walk 3 miles, forget it': Teenager leaves brother stranded for 3 hours after his exam, pocketing the money their mother gave him to get home

‘I won’t walk 3 miles, forget it': Teenager leaves brother stranded for 3 hours after his exam, pocketing the money their mother gave him to get home

Being a teenager is bad enough when you don't have a sibling who thinks everyone should bow down to them. And on that note, this story is about sibling rivalry at its finest. One 15-year-old uploaded screenshots of a baffling conversation he had with his condescending sister who left him stranded for 3 hours at school after an exam he had. Apparently, their kindhearted mother had given his sister some money to use to get an Uber for him once he'd finished his exam. The money was meant for that,…
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Math teacher forced to use flawed software, maliciously complies with the help of her students: 'She had an army of eighth graders [...] send thousands of emails to the CEO'

Math teacher forced to use flawed software, maliciously complies with the help of her students: 'She had an army of eighth graders [...] send thousands of emails to the CEO'

Teachers have to put up with more in one class than what most folks have to put up with in their entire careers. As the child of a teacher, I can attest that it's far more than lesson planning, class time, and grading. It's also dealing with bureaucratic nonsense, entitled parents, difficult kids, and strange administrative policies that make absolutely no sense. In the case of this story, we are primarily dealing with the lattermost scenario. Here, we have an eighth-grade math teacher who was…
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