

Boss orders office demolition with forklift and it goes wrong | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/Naige2020 Drive forklift through oC M This may take while relate but lot happened working as Warehouse Manager pharmaceutical\cosmetic company. Our premises part large industrial complex had been walled off into three smaller buildings had three different businesses occupying them. My office free standing building inside warehouse about size shipping container. My company process

Boss Demands Demolished Office, Gets More than That

Unclear intentions make great big expenses.
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Tumblr sci fi story about aliens afraid of humans | dalekteaservice knew about planet called Earth centuries before made contact with its indigenous species course spent decades studying them afar first researchers had fight years even get grant course. They kept getting laughed out halls T-Class Death World had not only produced sapient life, but Stage Two civilization joke, obviously had be joke. And then wasn't. And all stopped laughing. Instead got very, very nervous watched as human

Tumblr Thread: Aliens Fear of Humans Is a Galactic Feels Trip

Gotta love a good twist ending.
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wholesome tumblr dragon story pun | Early one morning pull down favourite cup, only find small dragon, curled up and sleeping contentedly inside. archmarastyden Confused and still half asleep take cup outside empty dragon carefully onto grass, then return rinse cup and make coffee next morning he is back, curled snuggly inside cup as before and repeat process.

Wholesome Tumblr Dragon Story Makes Way for Dumb Pun

It's nice.
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customer realizes they've been scammed 6 years later | u/kingsooraj 7 hours ago TIFU by realising got scammed 6 years ago M So this happened 6 years ago. My laptop with 8 GB RAM stopped working so showed repair guy. He took laptop, repaired and returned after 2 days laptop started working again and really happy. However speed felt slower than before. Previously could open multiple chrom tabs and still be able play games while they were open but now would drop lot frames and my laptop would start

Customer Realizes They Were Scammed 6 Years Later

Better late than never?
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Funny loophole story of dry ice robotics competition | is funniest loophole have ever seen? Kevin Yue, studied at Massachusetts Institute Technology school, they held robotics competition pretty simple, conceptually had make firefighting robot would have navigate maze, find candle and put out (fully automated, no remote control can't remember exact size but think robot had be smaller than 1 foot length, width, and height. Scoring as follows start with time long takes search every room and put

Dry Ice Loophole Makes Mockery of Robotics Competition

It's not a robot, but it technically meets the criteria.
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aita reddit thread about secretly inviting family to anniversary party | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/throwaway343156197 2 days ago AITA walking then immediately walking out restaurant saw my husband's family present my our wedding anniversary? Not hole Pardon my English s not my first language. This happened last week, and getting scolded did by everyone told about happened. Last week mine 26F and my dear husband's 29M wedding anniversary, his mommy started calling asking about "our plans this

Husband Secretly Invites Entire Family to Anniversary

Sounds like a bad idea.
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Military nurse deals with Karen boss | Posted by u/BangarangRufio847 14 hours ago have find my own coverage? Alrighty then! oc Rule 8 Super long(sorry) TL;DR at end About 10 years ago got my first job at nursing home after coming off active duty military director nursing, who call Dawn reserves so hit off pretty quick got my nursing license while military and had only really cared young strapping soldiers, not elderly, but Dawn and other nurses taught ropes.

Ex-Military Nurse Gets the Drop on Karen Boss

Karen did it to herself.
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Student wins art contest to spite teacher | r/MaliciousCompliance Posted by u/ADrunkenScott My teacher called my work bad and my attitude even worse then got featured biggest art gallery country. oC L might not be right sub, my art teacher said wasn't good enough so worked my damn hardest prove him wrong is summary. Context school go is well respected my country, so not uncommon venues request display students work or ask students sing live them. On occasion question largest art

Student Wins Art Contest to Spite Rude Art Teacher

Motivation can come from anywhere.
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patient lists mistress as emergency contact | Posted by u/eatapeach18 3 days ago called d my patient's mistress, but just doing told oc L This happened back 2009 working part time at doctor's office while nursing school one receptionists and did all filing and cataloguing and such boring work, but doctor (my boss) guaranteed job after nursing school so 's why did This particular doctor an orthopedic surgeon had lots patients coming MRIS, CT scans, and X-rays. This one particular patient, Frank

Patient Lists Their Mistress as Emergency Contact, Gets Exposed

It's a strange decision for sure.
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weird things found in elevators | TheAyre 278 points 1 day ago Not an elevator technician, but can tell some dude, at some point is going find kindle at bottom shaft Toronto hotel elevator. Rules remember: Rule #1: Always check zipped carry-on and didn't leave gap bottom Rule #2: Kindles fit through small carry-on bag zipper gaps and elevator shaft gaps

Weird Things Found in Elevator Shafts

It's the forbidden zone.
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Boyfriend upset his girlfriend beat him in a steak eating challenge | r/AmItheAsshole Posted by u/SmallDare1986 17 hours ago AITA embarrassing my boyfriend at restaurant? Ok this is really stupid, and Im pretty sure not asshole, but this happened over year ago, and my boyfriend keeps bringing this up as an example trying undermine him. So, both my boyfriend and love food. Not too uncommon obviously also both pretty athletic runner, so relatively small (around 100 pounds at 5'4 while he's an

Girlfriend Beats Upset Boyfriend in Steak Challenge

Not many relationships face the steak challenge.
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Tumblr thread about a funny suspicious mob character | urbanfantasyinspiration Follow Ilike idea cop character who looks and acts like he's Mob He acts SUPER Italian >He always has some cousin can help them out on case (either as an informant or they can fix up car or whatever) and they're all different people, but they're all named Tony >Whenever he's interrogating suspect he always does borderline mob shit like sure would be shame if something were happen Hair and fashion sense are 10/10

Tumblr Thread: The Extremely Suspicious Not-Mob Guy

Absolutely would watch.
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Customers reject deposit find they have an extra payment | Posted by u/MeesterPepper 5 hours ago want cancel reservation? Okay! oc M About decade ago fresh out high school got summer job working at lakeside boat rental/bait tackle shop. My boss, Joe (not his real name) inherited shop his father and took massive amount pride keeping family business going. Still, he wasn't one give into bullshit, and clearly took personally customer complained about anything do with shop he loved so much.

Boss Plays Hardball With Customers Who Won't Pay Boat Deposit

Oh mama.
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Tumblr Thread on the collateral damage the Mythbusters caused | switch-up-snowfox Follow Oh cannonball ain't nothin compared esparto incident. nate2247 Follow now switch-up-snowfox Follow They were testing phrase "knock socks off" and because its mythbusters build team (which consists 3 boom addicted gremlins) they decided go quarry near Esparto california test myth by blowing shit up. This time they got 500 pounds ANFO detonation pretty damn big.

Tumblr Thread: Collateral Damage Caused by Mythbusters

Sometimes things got out of hand.
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Twitter thread ruth bader ginsberg | Scott Hershovitz @shershovitz Today happy RBG memory time talked her into talking trash OT06 clerks had fantasy baseball league. Some chambers had teams. Some individual clerks did. And Justice Alito wanted team himself, not his clerks. 1/11 38 t7 1K 3.4K Scott Hershovitz @shershovitz 6h last week term Ginsburg clerks were matched against Alito's team. RBG on losing end lot term. s Not this time destroyed him: 10-0.

Twitter Thread: The Time Ruth Bader Ginsberg Talked Smack

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cool CEO fires bad VP work story | Posted by u/PJExpat 5 hours ago "No one is above rules, and mean no one call if he pulls rank" oc L used work marketing company serviced small and medium-sized businesses across America multi-billion dollar revenue company CEO true rags riches story. He joined company right after he got out jail his early 20s small drug charge and worked his way up over 20 years eventually become CEO company CEO strongly believed success company did not come brilliant and

VP Pulls Rank and Screws Employee, Gets Canned by Cool CEO

A boss that listens to their employees?
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