
‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

‘She looked absolutely apoplectic’: Karen driver receives fines amounting to $1,000 for taking up two disabled parking spaces with her car

'She says that I should just be a silent owner': Coffee shop manager put in awkward customer conversations by company's owner

'She says that I should just be a silent owner': Coffee shop manager put in awkward customer disputes by company's owner

'They wouldn’t take no for an answer': Hardware store gives customer multiple lawnmowers, even though he insists they're not his

'They wouldn’t take no for an answer': Hardware store gives customer multiple lawnmowers, even though he insists they're not his

Top ‘I Was Fired’ Stories For Employees of the Year

Top ‘I Was Fired’ Stories For Employees of the Year

'I got fired over a $5 hamburger': Worker gets fired from gas station for eating an expired $5 burger during shift

'I got fired over a $5 hamburger': Worker gets fired from gas station for eating an expired $5 burger during shift

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

'[She] changed our sign to say 'open': Gift shop employee stops customer who insisted on shopping in a closed store

'At the end of day two, I have spent 36 hours at work': Hourly employee gets 'salaried' treatment from boss

'At the end of day two, I have spent 36 hours at work': Hourly employee gets 'salaried' treatment from boss who refuses to listen to them

Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

'My boss demanded I serve all customers': Deli coworkers slice cheese all night just to prove their boss wrong

'You want the exact amount, you get the exact amount': Sweet shop regular insists on buying food by weight, employee complies by giving him less food

'You want the exact amount, you get the exact amount': Sweet shop regular insists on buying food by weight, employee complies by giving him less food

'I smiled and waited for Joe to clock in': Customer wants a male employee help her, so department manager agrees

'I smiled and waited for Joe to clock in': Demanding customer insists a male employee help her, cue malicious compliance by department manager

30 Clever and Cringe Sign Flops

30 Clever and Cringe Sign Flops

'Everyone in line immediately started laughing at her': Customer realizes she has to wait in line like everyone else

'Everyone in line immediately started laughing at her': Entitled customer throws a fit after realizing she has to wait in line like everyone else

customer-service customer home-depot freakout public-freakout employee customer kevin karen irl retail customers department-store i-quit quit quitting cashier check0out cart rude video

'The customer is NOT always right': Cashier quits on the spot after a rude, Memorial Day shopper takes a price check way too far (VIDEO)

'I open the box to check the merchandise...she pretends to be surprised': 15+ Customers who thought they could outsmart cashiers to get free stuff

'I open the box to check the merchandise...she pretends to be surprised': 15+ Customers who thought they could outsmart cashiers to get free stuff

friends entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen - 20589829

'You're faking!': Karen believes woman doesn't need to use her wheelchair, woman reveals her post-surgery knee

karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen kevin entitled people - 20382469

'I'm going to sue you': Male Karen claims he slipped in the store the night before, story doesn't add up, he vows to sue anyway