
star wars

Star Wars, history's greatest science fiction series, and a timeless classic with enough Jar Jar quotes to wish you could forget. Enjoy the best puns and jokes from a Galaxy Far Far Away and take your humor interstellar.

'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

'Au revoir Shoshana': Top 20+ movie openings of all time, according to FAIL Blog Fans

Gladiator , Star Wars: A New Hope , The Lord of the Rings , and… did I mention Gladiator ? It seems like a lot of our readers here at FAIL Blog have the exact same cinematic library. When we asked all of you to share your favorite movie openings of all time via Facebook , it seemed like you all could not get enough of the same few movies. But look, some movies are worth repeating because they are just that good. Personally, I can't tell you exactly what the opening of Gladiator was like so many…
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sign star wars annoying book mildly infuriating food irritating tips - 20600069

'Got fired... same night, the CEO posts this': 20+ Most Mildly Infuriating Moments of the Week (May 22, 2023)

These people have some tiny little gripes to share. This week, we scoured the r/mildlyinfuriating subreddit for the best (and craziest) slightly irritating moments of this week . There's plenty to complain about in this world. From receiving a birthday cake that's way more questionable than you ordered, to getting stuck with the world's most annoying rideshare driver, people had some wild things to share. Check it out below! Then, click here to read about this bumbling roommate who needed his o…
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'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

'Mozart on a go-kart': 20+ Ultra-specific, out of this world AI paintings

AI artwork has been around for a few years, but as technology improves, there's really no limit to the strange things folks can create on AI platforms. Whether it's Dall-E-2, Midjourney, or Stable Diffusion, each of these powerful artificial intelligence sites can create the craziest works of art as quickly as you can think it up. Mozart on a go-kart? Done. Mona Lisa but make her a Minion? Also done. Your mind is the limit with AI projects ! Check out some of the craziest art on the internet to…
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Darth maul, cosplay, cosplay video, prank, prank gone wrong, funny video, cosplay makeup, makeup video, star wars, star wars cosplay

The Sith-est First Impression You Could Ever Make: Cosplay Prank Gone Wrong

Through passion, I gain strength.
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aita star wars drama fandom millenials parenting family Reddit - 16544261

Couple Plans to Name Their Child After 'Star Wars' Character, Angry That Family Isn't Supporting Them

They couldn't pick ANY other character?
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Funny Tumblr Thread on the Spice that Han Solo was smuggling | vanyaliful S novasstillintheair Follow prokopetz Follow know Star Wars extended universe treats "spice" like 's this big scary drug, but kind like imagine s basically just space weed, and only reason Han got trouble with Imperials over Jabba's cargo is he evading import tariffs. alexanderrm Follow If just looking at mentions original trilogy, is there evidence 's even drug and not something put on bland food make taste like something

Tumblr Thread: What Exactly Han Solo Was Smuggling

Spice. Not even once.
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george lucas star wars awesome Video win - 107348225

George Lucas Explains The Force

Well said.
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A funny Tumblr thread about how Darth Vader is actually a massive drama queen.

Tumblr Thread: Darth Vader Is The Absolute Queen Of Drama

Darth is on another level.
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star wars FAIL ewan mcgregor ridiculous cinema funny Video - 106724097

Ewan McGregor Pokes Fun At Title Of Star Wars Ep II

He couldn't keep it together.
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humor cracked disney star wars commentary ridiculous funny Video - 106630913

4 Star Wars “Legends” Too Hot For Disney+"

Oh boy.
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A funny Tumblr post about how Darth Vader is a bit of a drama queen.

Tumblr Post: Darth Vader's Such A Drama King

Vader just loves his drama.
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Graham Norton humor star wars carrie fisher Video Mark Hamill - 106538241

Mark Hamill Didn’t Tell Carrie Fisher the Big Star Wars Secret

Man, he really kept that secret for so long.
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playing the imperial march music from star wars on a coffee stirrer

Star Wars Fan Plays Imperial March On Coffee Stirrer

Mad skills.
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George Lucas shows up in background of Nuclear documentary

George Lucas Shows Up In Background of Random Documentary

There he is!
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funny twitter thread star wars coffee preferences | Violet Wilson @ViWiWrites Star Wars Characters and they make their coffee thread Obi Wan makes French press coffee and gently uses just weight his hand lower filter, so sediment isn't overly disturbed and acidity is controlled. | Kylo Ren uses an Aeropress because like, come on, just LOOK AT

Twitter Thread: Star Wars Characters' Coffee Preferences

It could use a squirt of blue milk.
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Church Uses Obi-Wan Kenobi Instead Of Jesus On Bulletin

Hello there.
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