

Carl Sagan explanation video earth is round

Carl Sagan Explains Why Earth Is Round

Thanks for the info, Carl Sagan.
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Interesting thoughts from various people that use Tumblr | blxxdfae dont think american filmmakers realise huge london is, because sure have london eye and houses parliament but say 'london has fallen so nandos catford is flames tesco peckham has descended into chaos? wtf furiouslyfeminist have states bigger than entire country Source: cherrygOre viralthings woman planning marry showed this pebble looks like guitar pick and with an entirely straight face said rock music sheepkind marry her

Nuggets Of Gold From Tumblr's Busy Brains

Good old Tumblr never fails to keep it entertaining.
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Stories of pranks people did | molnarg1102 72.9k points 18 hours ago Two my friends have never met eachother. Before they spoke told both them other is bit deaf. They shouted at eachother few minutes before they realized an asshole.

Sinister Pranks People Pulled Off

Some great ideas to make your friends hate you forever.
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Car Flipper Scam

Woman Dodges Car Flipper Scam By Bringing Friend Along

Pro move bringing the mechanic friend along.
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guy uses radio to contact astronauts on international space station

Guy Contacts International Space Station Using Ham Radio

Larry's out here talking to astronauts with a ham radio.
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Innovations and inventions | hallway with checkered floor that appears to dip in the middle of it: Perfectly Flat Floor, Designed Stop People Running Hallway. rubix cube with different textures instead of colors: Adapted Rubix Cube Blind

Useful and Interesting Innovations to Make Life Easier

Hey, that's kind of cool.
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People who didn't realize they were talking to experts on topics | Replying damiengayle Hello Damien reporter Guardian, is this video? could use with full credit Damien Gayle @damiengayle Lol l'm reporter with Guardian Damien Gayle @damiengayle So l guess can use. CircleToonsHD Someone just told On my own Instagram page give credit maker videos My videos Give credit is video maker man

When People Didn't Know Who They Were Talking To

It helps to read that username.
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Cringeworthy people who think they're very intelligent |  just spent most my Saturday reading loads Shakespeare plays and sonnets, and honestly don't see all fuss is about wrote better pieces work 5 minutes, his style is so outdated and simplistic s honestly laughable he is so highly regarded his work reminds stuff seen pre schoolers do lol. Not trying say bad person if enjoy his works guess my mind is more complex comes stuff like haha

Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Believe They're Geniuses

Ruining a comments section near you!
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Tips, advice, and life hacks | 1. Golden spending rule: If can't afford two can't afford 2 thinking about buying something don't necessarily need, imagine item one hand and cash other. Which one would take?

Various Tips and Life Hacks to Become a Slightly More Effective Person

Who wants to make marginally fewer mistakes!
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People who think they are very smart | listening Mozart some people listen rap rather than Mozart is objective proof some people are stupid yupisaidit

Cringeworthy Braggarts Who Covered The Internet With Their Supposed Genius

It's not a good look.
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Loopholes clever people used to save money | West Virginia there law waived taxes automobile title transfers between parents and children friend wanted buy car his uncle. So uncle sold car his father who then sold his other son who sold his own son, my friend. Three transactions. Zero taxes.

Loopholes That Clever Folks Exploited

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pizza smart awesome crime Video win - 100871425

Woman Disguises 911 Call By Ordering Pizza

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criminal smart crime teacher controversy education Video - 100492033

Teacher Fed Up With Students' Criminal Behavior Speaks Out

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People who think they are geniuses and brag about it online.

Self-Titled Brainiacs Who Stained The Internet with Their Cringeworthy Egos

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cool accessories images pictures water smart ocean Video - 100336641

Researcher Creates Algorithm That Removes Water From Underwater Images

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Bragging jerks who think they're geniuses.

Self-Titled Geniuses Who Smeared The Internet with Cringeworthy Bragging

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