

Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

Manager forces sick employee to come in or lose his job, employee infects coworkers and manager: 'Now everyone has it'

This manager has no one to blame but himself. How much more do we need to evolve culturally for managers to understand not to question employees when they tell their bosses they are sick? It's simply not worth the risk. This thread was posted to Reddit by u/Retired_DG_Key , who got the stomach flu from his roommate's kid and tried to call in sick to the managers of his four jobs. Two of those managers were decent humans. The others forced the employee to get a doctor's note or find a replacemen…
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‘That is a complete violation of my privacy’: Boss spies on employee on sick leave to make sure he is actually sick and not on vacation

‘That is a complete violation of my privacy’: Boss spies on employee on sick leave to make sure he is actually sick and not on vacation

It might be hard to come to terms with the concept, but there should be total and complete trust between a manager and their employees. If a manager is unable to trust that their employees are there to do the best they can, then maybe managing is not the best thing for them. Not to say there aren't any employees who take advantage of a job, but if an employee feels like they are not trusted and are being observed with every step they take, they are definitely not going to stay at that job for l…
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‘I wasn’t allowed to call out sick’: Employee scores a $14,000 severance after his boss denies him sick days and refuses to acknowledge a legitimate doctor's note

Big companies can get away with inhumane injustices simply because they have the sharkiest lawyers on retainer waiting to crush the opposition. Employees are only a tiny bug carcass on the windshield of massive corporations, so when the little guy attempts to stand up to them, all businesses need to do is blast the wiper fluid and brush away their problems.
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'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

'My job can be done 100% remotely': Sick employee has to get doctor's note in order to work from home, doctor writes sassy message

There are so many red flags to look out for in corporate culture these days, but having to produce a sick note in order to work from home for more than two days has to be at the top of the list. In this case, we have a sick employee who had to go to the hospital numerous times for a rare cold/flu that was not easy for the doctors to diagnose. Obviously, we know what you're thinking. This illness sounds like your worst nightmare or the beginning of a horror movie. Instead, the horror story reall…
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reddit reddit-thread malicious-compliance emt pto said-sick-leave sick-days leave underpaid paycheck payday employee holidays resignation quitting two-weeks notice sick

'I'm suddenly feeling feverish': EMT gives his 2-week notice then learns he will be shorted PTO, uses all of his sick days in his final two weeks

According to the Feds, employees are only allowed to get sick 3 days out of the year. At least, PTO and sick leave is intentionally convoluted and in America, some people actually feel guilty taking sick days (even when they ARE sick) because they have that vacation to Bermuda later in the year that they're saving those days for. But doesn't that defeat the purpose of a sick day? We should just call it what it really is: Floater days where you're paid to not work.
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'I was called into a meeting with the big boss': Medical worker with sick child is that their days off are 'suspicious'

Whether you have a kid or not, parents deserve your empathy. Just ask any parent, and they'll tell you--- raising kids is hard, but it's worth it. When your children are little, they require attention basically 24/7. You are always on call, feeding them, soothing them, putting them down for naps, playing with them, and keeping them safe. Parents will also tell you that breaks are few and far between. Since it is such a big responsibility to have kids, some employers look down their noses at par…
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sick pto sick-day sick-leave calling-out teacher teaching school students kids malicious-compliance reddit manager boss work tutor

'I had the plague': Sick teacher forced to come into work after calling out sick; admin thought they called her bluff but were horrified by her arrival

It seems like managers are always skeptical about whether or not their employees are actually sick. Perhaps it's a worker's inherent guilt of leaving your team in a bind with your absence, but most likely it's because managers don't trust their staff. Truth is, most people only have a handful of PTO to use per year, so workers would rather show up ill to the office once or twice a year instead of forgoing their 2 week trip to Bermuda.
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boss work from home workplace-stories jobs employee work stories toxic-workplace job sickness horrible-management Horrible Bosses sick home - 21512453

'My boss keeps calling me when I'm home with pneumonia': Boss texts sick employee 15+ times asking for 'quick tasks'

There are bosses with empathy, and then there's this dude. U/yodascousinkevin told this surprising story of what happened when they came down with a bout of pneumonia, only to find out their boss just would not leave them alone. We all want to feel unique and special and irreplaceable at our jobs . We want to think that the work we do is exceptional, and that the place just wouldn't run the same without us. In reality, everyone is replaceable. No one told that to the OP's boss, though, who is a…
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bartender calling-in-sick sick mother mom mommy boss voice calling-out sick-day work bar pub uk customers karen

'You shouldn't be here': Bartender calls in sick, but boss forces him to come to work anyways; gets saved by boss's mother who pulls the 'mom' card to send him home

Being sick as a little kid isn't so bad because you have Mom around to feed you soup, press her hand on your forehead, and tuck you in for a nap. If she says you're too sick to go out, you're too sick to go out. As an adult, you're forced to gauge your own illness, which, as mother always said, means you're going to be sick for weeks. In this case, OP tried to do the right thing by calling in sick to work, but his unyielding boss wouldn't allow it.
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employee fired sick quit quitting sick-leave leave company raise salary wrongful-termination boss money paycheck payday work reddit antiwork reddit-thread

'Not for less than $45/hour': Irreplaceable employee gets fired after falling sick; two years later, the company begs him to return; he refuses unless he gets a 40% raise

‘Know your worth’ is a phrase we usually hear when we're down in the dumps on a break up, but some of the unlucky few get this 3-word pep talk from strangers online when they get fired from a dead-end job. In this case, a loyal employee and construction manager for a large company, got fired after he got extremely ill. Because he had to call out sick for 2 months, the higher ups decided he was no longer ‘employee’ material and phoned in their pink slip.
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'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

Birthday obsessives are the bane of everyone's existence and we all have that one friend who can't stand it when people don't worship them once a year. Some random childhood trauma created the birthday-obsessed adults that we see today and, even though it's just a regular day marked on the regular calendar, folks get a little crazy about the anniversary of their birth. Like Disney adults, birthday obsessives tend to be emotionally immature...
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Manager forces me to get a doctor's note despite it being illegal to do so. Doctor writes him the most passive aggressive note signing me off for 2 weeks instead of 2 days to teach him a lesson.

'He never believed anyone who called in sick': Supermarket employee enacts malicious compliance on boss who insisted he needed a doctor's note

A manager who makes exceptions only for his friends sounds like bad news. That's how u/kathjoy was treated by their boss Steve in a story shared to r/MaliciousCompliance. This OP shared that they worked at a supermarket and came down with a terrible flu. It makes no sense to go to work when you're ill. At best, you'll get five minutes of work done and spend the rest of the day drinking tea and trying not to fall asleep. At worst, you spread it to the rest of the office. By the next week, everyo…
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‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

Older generations think that millennials and Gen Z have no work ethic. Obviously that's not true across the board, it's just that younger folks aren't inclined to work for jobs with no benefits, living wages, or humanity. One millennial recently got accused of faking being sick at work to get out of his shift, even though he had a fever, chills, and was violently ill in the bathroom.
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Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Critical care units at the hospital can be a bleak place, but one post-punk ICU nurse has one way to keep everyone smiling: his elaborate mohawk. Some people were just born to bring color into the world and Zach is no exception, expressing himself every day at work with the mega-fin on his head and colorful bursting designs. At the beginning of the pandemic, Zach struggled to find ways to keep his own kids at home entertained so to pass the time (and have some fun_, he shaved his head into a 6"…
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Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

According to HR, they're out 'sick' at least 100 times per year
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Sick shaming twice yesterday. Older generations should back off.

'We are not going to suffer [...] for our jobs like you boomers': Sick receptionist shamed by HR and guilted into coming to work

When will boomers realize that going to work sick does not make you brave?
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