
bartender calling-in-sick sick mother mom mommy boss voice calling-out sick-day work bar pub uk customers karen

'You shouldn't be here': Bartender calls in sick, but boss forces him to come to work anyways; gets saved by boss's mother who pulls the 'mom' card to send him home

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'Not for less than $45/hour': Irreplaceable employee gets fired after falling sick; two years later, the company begs him to return; he refuses unless he gets a 40% raise

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'Her mother had a fit': Caring father stands up for his daughter when superstitious mother refuses to pay for their child's life changing surgery because it's scheduled on her own birthday

Manager forces me to get a doctor's note despite it being illegal to do so. Doctor writes him the most passive aggressive note signing me off for 2 weeks instead of 2 days to teach him a lesson.

'He never believed anyone who called in sick': Supermarket employee enacts malicious compliance on boss who insisted he needed a doctor's note

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

‘I’m literally throwing up at work': Millennial employee gets accused of faking sickness to get out of work, boss threatens to fire them if they don't finish their shift

Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Wholesome Children's ICU Nurse With a Hardcore Mohawk Draws New Designs in His Hair Everyday to Entertain His Kiddo Patients

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Funniest Work Memes for People Who are Definitely the Toxic One in the Office

Sick shaming twice yesterday. Older generations should back off.

'We are not going to suffer [...] for our jobs like you boomers': Sick receptionist shamed by HR and guilted into coming to work

AITA for losing it on my husband for lying about an emergency to get me to leave my brother's wedding early?

Man-Child Fakes Emergency So His Wife Will Leave Her Brother's Wedding and Come Home

A manager forces their employee to get a sick note even though it's illegal to do so, so the doctor maliciously complies.

Manager Forces Employee To Get Sick Note Even Though It's Illegal, Doctor Maliciously Complies

AskReddit replies to people's best fake sick advice | pug wrapped up on a blanket post by berks99 If hang head off bed upside down will sound very congested!

People's Best "Fake Sick" Advice

Bike shop employee ruins his boss's Christmas by standing up to him and taking sick days

Boss Doesn't Allow Sick Days, Employee Stands Up To Him And Ruins His Christmas

School administration demands a kid with cancer take a Spanish test, so the teacher makes it super easy and everyone passes.

School Demands Kid With Cancer Take Final, Teacher Does Him a Solid

Sick guy's school requires him to show up to test or fail, so he shows up and looks awful.

Sick Dude, Shows Up Looking Scary Sick, After Being Told Attendance For Final Test Is Mandatory

signs that a restaurant serves bad food

23 Red Flags to Look for to Avoid Miserable Restaurants

intimidating signs

22 Intimidating Signs That Are Scarier than They Should Be