

Grandpa forgets to pay for a TV, and Tesco responds on Twitter | Tesco TESCO @Tesco Replying nikoowembleyway Hi Nico, thanks getting touch thank grandad his honesty. If he returns store explains mistake staff will understand. If like can let them know before he gets there? Car ask him store he will be able return? TY-Missy

Grandpa Forgets To Pay For TV, Tesco Responds, Faith In Humanity Restored

Grandpa's a sly dog.
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Owner decides to respond to ridiculous review of his auto shop | Be Aware recently changed starter here. They told 780 first, as student couldn't afford s 1/5 value my car. They brought down 700 with an $30 oil change value which initially appreciated as borrowed some money my friend and couldn't come up with more thought good deal as they helped made some phone calls after agreed change and guess quoted $580 at express oil change just across street And around $500 some different locations. Just

Owner Responds To Absurd Review Of His Auto Shop

Well done.
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A collection of weird moments from Facebook marketplace | Vintage Green Giant Niblets Radio Wakefield, MA GREEN GIANT Niblets, Corn frozen Butter Sauce clings every bite FLAVOR TIGHT COOKING POUCH | Clown collection large 2,000 $3,000 Listed over week ago Pelham, NH

Absurd Stuff People Are Trying To Sell

Some folks will try to sell just about anything.
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Man orders tons of empty boxes, and fails repeatedly ensue | dave meslin @meslin 1. Three weeks ago ordered box boxes PkgWholesalers, via @amazonca. Specifically ordered package 25 boxes, each 6x9x6: Packaging Wholesalers 9x6x6-Inch Shipping Boxes, 25-Count | delivery arrived at my door box Chocolate Sea Salt Granola packets. ith organie unth and chia. Awara 1trient dense ingredients SUGAR immune health Gree PROBIOTICS purely elizabeth. NET WT PROBIOTIC GRANOLA S ALTY-SWEET CRUNCHY CLUSTERS CHOC

Man Orders Boxes From Amazon, Fails Repeatedly Ensue

Maybe some robots won't rule the world.
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A collection of delusional moments between various individuals on Craigslist | video game  1/1 Grand Theft Auto V PS3 Wrapped Up never used $80 | Are still selling 30 inch TV No, sorry sold few days ago @decentbirthday about $200 already sold Sorry $250 literally do not have Then don't waste my time

Delusional Buyers And Sellers Fresh Out Of Sense

People will put a price on just about anything.
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Retail workers describe the most ridiculous instances of people prepping for apocalypse | reddawgmcm 3d People at my store treating pallet toilet paper coming out back like 's 1997 and just wheeled out tickle Elmo. Not single pack made shelf

Retail Workers' Craziest Stories Of Apocalypse Preppers

People are buying all kinds of stuff they might never need.
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people mass buying toilet paper at costco

The Costco Toilet Paper Dash

Mad times we live in.
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Retail workers describe their best methods for passing the time while at work | reddit posted by Bo-Po-Mo-Fo worked retail used go out and sloooowwwwly gather carts.

Retail Workers' Best Methods For Passing Time

Best way to pass the time is to forget about it.
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Someone replaces Costco's sold out signs with signs for magical items | are out boots levitation. Sorry inconvenience. QID sign hanging on a glass door

Genius Replaces Costco's Sold Out Signs To Signs For Magical Items

Really wanted those boots of levitation.
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Funny knockoff brands that tried to trick the world | kit kat knockoff copycat NeW KatKop Have break, Have Kat Rot New KatKot Extra Crispy Extra Creamy! Have break, Have Kat Kot New KatKoD Extra CrispY Extra Croa my

Funny Knockoff Brands That Tried To Trick The World

They're not fooling us, and that's the best part.
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Various people that were trying to sell mirrors and got caught in the camera shot | reflection of an older woman taking a photo of a mirror with a camera in a living room while a man in a grey vest watches from behind with his hands in his pocket

People Selling Mirrors

Caught in the act.
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Short Tumblr thread about how people can be artificially nice in the service industry | tumblr post punlich One time used my retail voice on coworker and she like Don't use customer voice on know dead inside like rest us s just frightening and weird

Tumblr Thread: The Art Of BS In The Service Industry

Those well manufactured smiles are an art form.
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An eBay exchange goes wrong when a buyer refuses to respond without anger |  Carhartt Men's Weathered Duck Cotton Detroit Jacket Black Large NWT Made In USA %3D <> Item: 233415581554 ebay tm (318 *) New message from: Hi L I have been traveling and haven't had a chance to log into Ebay, so haven't been able to ship out the jacket yet. I

eBay Exchange Goes Wrong With Unreasonable Seller

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A collection of images showing men that definitely don't want to be shopping.

Exasperated Men That Don't Want To Be Shopping

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Strange products that advertises.

Weird-Ass Products That Wish Throws In People's Feeds

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A collection of the most useless inventions in the history of the world.

The Most Useless Inventions Of All The Useless Inventions

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