
'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'I don't have to do half of my job anymore': Part-time grocery worker asks for raise after halting extra work

'Hey, guess what everyone!': Boss stops speaking to employee for two weeks after employee joins 'mass exodus'

'Hey, guess what everyone!': Boss stops speaking to employee for two weeks after employee joins 'mass exodus'

Update: 'I said, "Guess I’m not a team player"': Boss floods security guard employee with texts and emails while she's on vacation, employee brings in HR

Update: 'I said, "Guess I’m not a team player"': Boss floods security guard employee with texts and emails while she's on vacation, employee brings in HR

boss bad-bosses bad-boss hardworking employee employees underpaid overworked reddit antiwork manager gas-station convenience-store store part-time schedule shifts working paycheck pay second-job

'He's lucky I didn't quit on the spot': Hardworking employee gets a second job to make ends meet; get chastised by his first boss when he's no longer available 24/7

‘You can’t be here; I fired you': Employee gets reinstated after being fired for refusing to buy boss new drink, upper management reinstates employee despite boss's orders

‘You can’t be here; I fired you': Employee gets reinstated after being fired for refusing to buy boss new drink, upper management reinstates employee despite boss's orders

'You make me late going home? Enjoy [cleaning] the kitchen': Overnight hotel desk employee gets revenge on her colleague for being consistently 45 minutes late

'You make me late going home? Enjoy [cleaning] the kitchen': Overnight hotel desk employee gets revenge on her colleague for being consistently 45 minutes late

AITA for telling my coworker I don't like his attitude and he can take it up with our boss?

'I don't like this attitude you're giving me': Exhausted worker blasts micro-managing coworker

'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?': Dawn patrol worker who's woken up repeatedly by a drunken ditzy girl with the wrong number gets petty revenge at 4AM when he starts his shift

'WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS?': Dawn patrol worker who's woken up repeatedly by a drunken ditzy girl with the wrong number gets petty revenge at 4AM when he starts his shift

work memes monday mondays case of the mondays meme relatable work sucks boss employees clocking in work bestie shift

Relatable Work Memes for Employees With a Permanent Case of the Mondays

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