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'And then the keg blew': Trouble brews when manager dismisses bartender's advice, gets soaked with beer

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'[I was] called a Karen': Cashier freaks out on customer trying to correct a wrong order

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'They literally rammed the car in front of them': Drive-thru operator watches car full of impatient bros rear-end another customer

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

'The install guy had to call me three times': Internet provider refuses to cancel customer's service, customer makes them drive to the middle of nowhere to prove they can't install satellite internet

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'Three cop cars pulled in and surrounded them': Cheap couple gets cops called on them for refusing to pay for a $9 salad bar

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'I tipped her $21 on a $21 order': 30+ Customers who got exactly what they asked for when restaurant workers served up 'delicious compliance'

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'Someone changed my schedule without my knowledge': Shift worker gets accused of a no-call, no-show on their day off

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'Extra extra extra pickles': Chef shares his stories of petty malicious compliance to absurd customer requests

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'I have a coupon': Customer tries to order pizza from an arts and crafts store

'I would take my sweet time': Night-shift bakery worker who was forced to clean up everyone's mess maliciously complies, boss gets fired

'I would take my sweet time': Night-shift bakery worker who was forced to clean up everyone's mess maliciously complies, boss gets fired

'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

'You are ALWAYS like this': Karen's outburst makes a barista quit on the spot

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'CUT IT IN HALF!': Coffee shop Karen gets her wish after making rude demand

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'You were rude to me': Karen gets unreasonably angry over a kid's meal

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'I regret my two weeks notice': Server faces backlash from coworkers after quitting

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'She straight up called a tow company to tow seven cars': Karen tries to tow other hotel guest's cars

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'I don't work Mondays': Server gets fired for missing "mandatory" Memorial Day shift while on scheduled vacation