
School of FAIL

That's Probably Cancerous

mole puns math funny g rated School of FAIL - 8295882496
Via Sexy Slytherin Sadist

So Would This Count As Cheating?

school test image So Would This Count As Cheating?
Via W00dzy87

This Girl Made Her Graduation Dress From Old Homework

school charity graduation This Girl Made Her Graduation Dress From Old Homework
Via The Daily Dot

Distance Learning Graduation

school graduation image Distance Learning Graduation
Via EllenPaosCrustyC**t

Kids Line Up to Get Their Yearbook Signed by the Janitor

school yearbook image Kids Line Up to Get Their Yearbook Signed by the Janitor
Via wolfpack2421
technology robots science Video School of FAIL - 71613953

This Robot Has Learned to Move Heavy Objects Like Humans

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That's Dedication

school funny rick roll That's Dedication
Via JRobbyBob

Good Writing Tips

school writing image Good Writing Tips
Via Macaroni2552

This Display Stinks

school funny zoo This Display Stinks
Via johnnycleveland

Surprisingly Fewer Casualties Than Dodgeball

school gym funny Surprisingly Fewer Casualties Than Dodgeball

Use Your Powers for Good

funny yearbook quote Use Your Powers for Good
Via ChestPaddles

One of These Teachers is Very Committed to Honesty

school teacher quote One of These Teachers is Very Committed to Honesty
Via Jabman96

It's a Different Kind of Alarming

school test funny It's a Different Kind of Alarming
Via yik-yaks

The Yearbook Editor Is a Literalist

school yearbook quote The Yearbook Editor Is a Literalist
Via Uproxx

Dedicated Professor

parenting win image Dedicated Professor
Via dalul
school test Video School of FAIL - 68359

Student is Suing School After Failing Class Twice

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