
School of FAIL

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

'You said I needed to submit my essay, here it is': Professor denies college student's request for an extension, student discovers professor's grading secret

Lazy college professors should not be allowed to be strict. Like any social contract, everything should be a two-way street: if you're expected to deliver quality, they need to do the same. Otherwise, as far as we're concerned, the social contract is null and void. I remember when my high school teacher tried to solicit her students to contribute paragraphs that she would then compile into a research essay she was required to submit. We made sure that nonsense was shut down as soon as we could.
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'My school is repeatedly playing "Baby Shark"': 20 School fails for students who forgot their hall passes

'My school is repeatedly playing "Baby Shark"': 20 School fails for students who forgot their hall passes

You might want to skip lunch at a few of these schools . I know cafeteria workers have a tight budget, but some of the meals they create are the things of nightmares. The public school system in America has its good parts and bad. Many teachers care about their students and love to make creative lesson plans and engaging class projects. However, much like the lunchroom staff mentioned before, they're working on a shoestring budget, often using their own time, money, and resources to ensure thei…
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'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

'Teacher lost it': Student realizes he can get 100% on the final exam through extra credit alone, maliciously complies, infuriates teacher

Teachers should be careful when assigning extra credit. They just might get exactly what they asked for… There will always be students in this world who work hard, who complete every assignment to the best of their ability, and who impress their teachers to no end. And then there are the students who don't work hard but who work smart . This Redditor certainly falls into the latter category. He also had a gift for memorization. So when his English teacher said that students would receive points…
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'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini fridge

'Well it's mine and I got it for my stuff': Teacher calls out annoying coworker for hogging her own personal mini-fridge

When we think about the difficult lives of teachers, we often draw our attention to the annoying students they are forced to educate, but we rarely acknowledge that teachers may also have to deal with annoying coworkers just like everyone else. Having an insufferable coworker at your school has to be infuriating after a full schedule of teaching neurotic and whiny students all day. These teachers rarely get a moment of peace at their desks, and when they do, they generally need to do some lesso…
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'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, her Mom comes to the rescue

'Some teachers shouldn’t be teachers': Vice principal rejects student's excused absence, tries to force her into detention, Mom comes to the rescue

Some folks become teachers because they want to educate the next generation; others just want to be in a position of authority. Let's be honest: we all have had teachers like this, and while we respect how difficult the job is, we can also recognize that these bad apples should never have chosen this profession if they despised working with children so much. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/pettyrevenge subreddit by u/JumoreJay88 , who shared a story from approximately 15 years ago when she…
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'Who you are on graduation day is absolutely not who you will become': 10+ cringeworthy high school reunion stories

'Who you are on graduation day is absolutely not who you will become': 10+ cringeworthy high school reunion stories

Is there no greater social experiment to observe how people change and/or how people don't than a high school reunion? Even just attending your reunion requires some degree of posturing. You want to present the best version of yourself to the people who used to make fun of you, the people you used to have a crush on, and the people you had a crush on who also used to make fun of you. Sure, the purpose of attending your high school reunion is to show people just how well you're doing and to pote…
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'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

'I let him off easy with an F in the class': Professor regrades student's paper after they 'felt strongly they deserved a better grade'

One teacher was asked to take a closer look at a student's paper ---the student wasn't happy with their B minus grade. College professors do a lot of work for a little bit of money. This person, u/sushkunes, writes that when they were a “poorly paid and overworked adjunct professor,” they had an experience with an entitled student that stuck with them. After you read this story, check out this guy who decided to call their HOA every single time they put their trash out to the curb.
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'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

'My classmates knew me as the sleeper': 20+ people confess what they were most known for in high school

Everyone has at least ten cringe memories from high school and perhaps a few wholesome ones too. For me, it's mostly cringe but every so often I remember that one time I knocked my Halloween costume out of the park or when I got a big solo in chorus. For the most part, though, I'm just like everyone else. I was known for something, and that was being in the school plays. I was largely protected from ridicule, though, because my theater kid status meant I did have some cooler, older friends. But…
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'I decided right then that, no matter what, I wasn't caving': Student won't do mandatory senior project, school's administration makes it their mission to get student to comply

'I decided right then that, no matter what, I wasn't caving': Student refuses to do mandatory senior project, school's administration makes it their mission to get student to comply

This student is single-handedly tanking their school's project scores, and in typical teenage fashion, they don't care about the project at all. By senior year of high school , a lot of students are fully checked out. At that age, you probably have a car, a job, and dreams of life after high school, like attending college or moving out of your parent's place. Senior year rolls around and students find it hard to take it seriously. High school is so close to no longer mattering to you that schoo…
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20 Relatable memes for studious scholars trying their hardest

20 Relatable memes for studious scholars trying their hardest

The weather gets chillier, leaves turn brown, and school is back in session . After a long summer full of fun and relaxation, it's time to hit the books once and for all. From pre-K students to college students , there are some things that never change during your days at school. You'll always have that one crazy teacher who gives mountains of homework and loves to dish out failing grades. Or maybe you'll end up with a really nice teacher… but then find out that she takes teaching so seriously…
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'My new English professor is my uncle only he has no idea': 15+ Funny Back to School Flops and Mishaps

'My new English professor is my uncle only he has no idea': 15+ Funny Back to School Flops and Mishaps

Now that we're officially back in session, it's time for some amusing high school and college anecdotes for any folks who have confused feelings about the school year. Even if you're no longer in school and all your loved ones are out of school too, there is something about the dawn of autumn that brings back those funny, wild, and cringeworthy school memories. Of course, I have many but the one I will reflect upon today took place during orientation week from my freshman year of college. I was…
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'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

'[She] tried to force me to write with my right hand': 20+ terrible teacher stories as told by their former students

No matter how you feel about your childhood school days, chances are you had one teacher at some point whose impact was long-lasting and not in a good way. Sure, there are excellent teachers out there, ones who recognize good potential and understand how to motivate and encourage students from all walks of life. Those are the kinds of teachers you never forget in a good way. But at some point, you probably also had to deal with the opposite kind of educator, the kind who made your life difficul…
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'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had creative answers to their teacher's questions

'I don't know the sound a lemon makes': 35+ Students who had extra creative answers to their teacher's questions

“I mean, it was a true answer, just not what I was looking for,” one teacher admitted.
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'My first real kiss was witnessed by the ENTIRE school': Top 20+ cringe school memories

'There are reasons I never go to my high school reunions': Top 20+ cringe school memories

No matter how popular you were in school, there was definitely a moment when you either literally or figuratively fell flat on your face. That moment is seared in your memory for as long as you are living. Perhaps it haunts you when you go to sleep and you wake up in the middle of the night completely paranoid that you forgot to wear underwear to class. Perhaps it affects your daily routine somehow, like always bringing an extra change of clothes with you in case you have an uncontrollable bath…
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'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

'Ham in [my] public school lunch is just frozen in a block of ice': 25 Strange school lunches that left students still hungry

The cafeteria chefs who cook for public school kids are doing a very important job, but the meals they serve up can sometimes miss the mark. I want to take this opportunity to use my platform to talk about Italian dunkers. These were a top tier lunch food , and as a very picky child, it was my saving grace. These Italian dunkers were basically just mozzarella cheese sticks wrapped inside dough, but they tasted heavenly. Looking back, giving an 8-year-old four cheese sticks for lunch with a side…
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'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

'Let me do my work, ok?': Lit professor forced to give more failing grades, maliciously complies to protect students

Every once in a while, a great teacher comes along and defends his students by way of some glorious malicious compliance.
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