

‘What have you done to my car?’: Unprofessional car dealer constantly demands buyer returns new car for inspections, causing buyer to suspect their intentions

‘What have you done to my car?’: Unprofessional car dealer constantly demands buyer returns new car for inspections, causing buyer to suspect their intentions

Nobody knows how many things need to go into consideration when buying a new car before they actually have to do it themselves for the first time. It is not only about the miles and the price, and it's not even about what brand and model it is, there is so much more you have to consider before you make a purchase. For example – Getting the car inspected. Before you buy your first car, most people will tell you that you shouldn't rely on the inspection your car dealership performs and that you s…
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Guy gets scammed out of £1000 on an online marketplace, gets revenge by getting the swindler fired: ‘I went digging and found their Linkedin’

Guy gets scammed out of £1000 on an online marketplace, gets revenge by getting the swindler fired at his dayjob: ‘I went digging and found their Linkedin’

Don't try to rip off someone who's really good at sleuthing.
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'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

'Try to scam me? [...] I'll scam you back': Guy gets even with petty scammer after being sold broken furniture

It's always a risk when you're buying something from Marketplace. Like anything you purchase, you have to do your due diligence and assess the product carefully before going for it and making the purchase. Sometimes, we're overwhelmed and we forget to be careful when we buy products that appear to be perfectly fine. This Redditor certainly acknowledges his own part in that when he bought a broken ottoman. That being said, when he tried to return said item, it became clear that the previous owne…
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customer service scammer satisfying malicious compliance revenge invoice work phone scam scams petty bill scam Reddit payback fake email - 25311237

'Fortunately, I didn't have anything urgent at work that day, so I kept calling': Man gets petty revenge against scammer after falling for fake invoice

There are so many scams out there nowadays. And with AI, they are becoming more and more believable, too. There are AI scams where scammers use relatives' voices to make it sound like they need money urgently and ask for card information, most often prying upon grandparents. There's also the infamous work gift card scam, fake charity scams, overpayment scams, and so many more. A lot of us experience the agony of getting multiple calls to our cell phones from random numbers. It can be pretty irr…
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'Got back at a scammer': Guy gets scammed by mover, bands together with other conned folks and spams him until they get their money back

'Got back at a scammer': Guy gets scammed by mover, bands together with other conned folks and spams him until they get their money back

Moving is already stressful enough; getting scammed during a move is about as low as a scammer can go. The closest I have ever been to getting scammed during a move would be during the apartment hunting process in New York City last summer. After applying and securing an apartment that was already near the top of our budget maximum, the listing agent decided that this place was in such high demand that he could then add a ton of extra fees on the place, none of which were communicated to use be…
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boss scammer workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace job work workplace scam tifu reddit thread Reddit - 23095557

'I realized that not only was I getting scammed, but I was also out $3,000': Newly hired employee discovers his job was a scam posing as a legitimate company

Have you ever been so deep in the job search that you started applying for anything and everything that slightly piqued your interest? Especially with those “easy apply” buttons on job boards. It makes it way too easy. Well, you might want to think twice before you hit the panic-applying stage. So, the OP was right there with us, exhausted by his job search. When he got his first offer, he couldn't be more ecstatic. In my opinion, everything he described about the company and the offer seemed p…
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hilarious scammer email gift card trolling scam reddit thread Reddit funny - 23058693

'SHOW ME THE CODE': Woman trolls scammer for hours, turning away his request for gift cards with hilarious responses

We've all heard of the gift card scam via email. And if you haven't, maybe you should read this…
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catfish ask reddit relationship advice scammer ex girlfriend scammed relationship-drama girlfriends relationships girlfriend online dating dating - 22567685

'When I asked her about the differences in looks she had a meltdown': 20+ Singles share their experience being deceived and catfished by dates they met online

A lot of things in life aren't what they seem, but at least we're terrifyingly used to disappointment, thanks to having most things oversold to us by advertising only to have the reality be somewhat lackluster in comparison. The liberal usage of old or adjusted photos on dating apps is just the same strategy that real estate agents use when they photoshop a tiny bed into a photo of a closet-sized room in order to make it bigger and justify selling a two-bedroom house as a three-bedroom. In both…
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pro revenge scammer petty-revenge-reddit malicious compliance car revenge revenge-stories cars scammers petty revenge car accident revenge-stories-reddit - 22571525

'My dash cam was running the entire time': Family tries to pull scam after car accident they caused but guy has a dash cam

There is no shortage of dishonest people in this world, a fact that becomes readily apparent as soon as you get in even the most minimal of traffic collisions. There are honest people, too, but you're hardly going to remember the time you got into a traffic collision with the nicest guy on earth, are you? At that point, you're exchanging information and going your separate ways, and while inconvenient, it becomes kind of a non-issue. People don't like owning up to accountability, and to be fair…
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air travel karens scammer twitter Twitter Thread airlines scams passenger airline tweets scam entitled traveling karen airplane entitled people passengers - 21165317

'We're sorry for any disappointment': Dude's Twitter thread sparks online debate around popular Southwest Airlines "wheelchair scam"

Who wants to be sitting on an airline for longer than they have to? Well—due to Southwest's unique seating arrangement, where no seats are assigned, and all seats are first-come-first-serve, the less honest among us are hugely incentivized to vie for priority boarding without having to fork out extra for it. The way people do this is by asking for a wheelchair before they arrive at their gate, which qualifies them for priority boarding from the airline. This frustrated passenger hit out against…
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 'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of customer who thought he found a loophole

'The grin slid off his face and his mouth went agape': Employee foils the plans of scam artist who thought he found a loophole

We all love a good loophole. Social media is full of people telling their favorite loopholes to get cash after a cancelled flight, return kids' clothing years after you bought it, or ‘hack’ a stores' return policy to your benefit. As a customer, finding a loophole can be great, but when too many people start to abuse the system, it results in a crackdown to stop customers from getting free stuff. Next up, this employee refused to do something his boss kept insisting on — but it was actually rea…
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neighbors scammer tales-from-the-neighborhood scammer-scammed revenge homeowner nuclear revenge neighborhood-stories petty revenge Neighborhood Story porch pirate - 20728837

'Two weeks worth of dirty kitty litter': Woman gets revenge by leaving bait package for a "porch pirate"

There's nothing more violating than having your things taken from your own home, even if it's just on your front doorstep. For this reason, “porch pirates” are derided in neighborhood chats
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scammer text message scammers quityourbs scam texting Reddit called out choosing beggar - 20869637

'Scams don't work on me': Marketplace scammer gets called out, apologizes, asks the target for money

If, at first, you don't succeed… tell a sob story and beg your target for cash instead. This is the scammer's creed—at the first sign of their scam going sideways, they'll crumple like paper and resort to tearful begging instead. That, or get overwhelmingly aggressive. The begging is really just the continuation of the same initial scam, and just because you were wary and caught them out on the initial attempt doesn't mean you won't be suckered in by the crocodile tears that follow. Commenters…
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'I didn't get any donations': Manager collects money on behalf of a grieving mother, then keeps all the cash for himself

'I didn't get any donations': Manager collects money on behalf of a grieving mother, then keeps all the cash for himself

Everyone knows a good ol' fashioned scam when they see one. "Take the money and run", is a scumbag's catch phrase, right? Usually scams involve some grifter making a quick buck on empty promises, weaponizing human emotions and taking advantage of every weakness before dipping out– just like your crummy manager at work!
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pro revenge reddit-revenge-stories scammer contractors revenge fun-reddit-stories homeowner revenge-stories crazy stories nuclear revenge reddit story petty revenge scams workplace scam contractor - 20688133

'His jaw was on the floor': Small business owner scams guy out of $400, loses $15,000

Sometimes it's amazing just how much force a karmic pendulum can swing back with, paying you back for your misdeeds ten-fold. This thread was posted to Reddit's r/ProRevenge subreddit by the avenger's friend, Redditor u/Three-Nations, who tells the story of how their friend got even with a scammer after the scammer tried to cheat them over a used water heater that they had sold. The scammer came back several weeks after the sale, trying to tell the friend that it was not working. The friend off…
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Don’t want to be asked for anything more? Okay. No problem. | So a few years ago I worked as an administrator at a finance company. It was my job to create contract documents and ensure everything was secure and legit. E

'He was getting ruder every time we spoke': Scammy business guy tries to bully administrator and gets shut down, loses sale

It's often the case that treating people with respect will net you the best result, no matter how frustrating you find something to be. That doesn't mean that you won't need to lean a bit of weight on an ineffective organization or bureaucratic nightmare; the fact of the matter is that, often, in these cases, being the squeaky wheel will get you the grease. But, again, you should always do this with as much kindness and respect as possible. Having been on the other side of this in customer serv…
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