

funny guy trolls scammer and wastes their time

Dude Gets Targeted By Scammer, Takes Them For A Ride

It's the right thing to do.
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A collection of obvious scams that people end up falling prey to.

Obvious Scams That People Still Fall For

Come on people, wake up.
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Scammer gets their time wasted in glorious fashion.

Scammer Pretends To Be Neighbor In Need, Gets Time Wasted

Inspiring work, really.
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funny stupid scammer fails

Incompetent Scammers Who Were Their Own Worst Enemies

Maybe consider another career.
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Scammer pretends to be dude's neighbor, so dude wastes scammer's time. t

Scammer Pretends To Be Man's Neighbor, Man Wastes Scammer's Time

Gave them a righteous taste of their own medicine.
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Person gives the facts to Multi-Level Marketing scammer, but they double down

MLM Hun Gets the Facts, Won't Accept Them

Hopefully some day they'll turn around.
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People describe the things they say to scammers instead of hanging up right away.

AskReddit Thread: Things People Say To Scammers Instead Of Hanging Up

Evil geniuses.
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Scammer thinks they have foolproof plan for a free vacation, and they pay for it in the end. | r/TalesFromTheFrontDesk Join u/MrsRononDex 1y 1 2 Scammer thought she had foolproof plan free vacation But she paid end! Long will always remember this wanna-be scam artist working Corporate Guest Relations and received VERY long email guest about their stay at our Resort property Mexico. This very nice All- Inclusive Beachfront Resort. She put lot effort into email, which basically day-by-diary her

Scammer Thinks They Have Foolproof Plan For Free Vacation, Pays For It In The End

Nice try, but not today.
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Scammer "CEO" unknowingly gets trolled and ends up wasting their time | Hi Paul conference right now, can't talk but let know if get my text CEO Hey Bruce got Let know free and l'l| make myself available

Scammer "CEO" Gets Unknowingly Trolled

Precious time wasted.
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scammer satisfying technology ridiculous Video win - 106695425

Man Shows Scammer His Own Webcam

Got him real good.
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scammer getting trolled in messages | aliyah_officiall Active now Are interested making some extra cash Today 6:45 PM Yea Insured by State Farm Insurance am Certified Cash Promoter do is "flip money instance, if were interested and depending on much wanted flipped would flip 200 into $2,000 $400 into $4,000 or 500 into $5,000 If interested can flip as much money as want. This process flipping cash guarantees cash will be flipped 30 minutes All transfers are through cashapp,zelle or PayPal Could

Ridiculous "Cash Flipping" Scammer Gets Trolled

Who would believe this.
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scammer found out by IP address | sake my daughter AA can be sure u gonna give back? Imma give back on Tuesday promise swear on my kid area do u live do she need Tavon replied do she need? She's not feeling good

Persistent Scammer Foiled by IP Check

This guy was given too much benefit of a doubt.
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confronting an internet bully revenge scammer

Modern Hero Confronts The World's Worst Scammer

Way to go, Jim.
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hacker gets revenge on phone scammers

Tech Wizard Gains Access To Scammers' CCTV's

A+ work, my dude.
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Aunt offers exposure as payment, gets called out, and her scam ends up falling apart | r/ProRevenge JOIN u/KindredCocaCola 2y My Aunt tried use don't need money giving experience and exposure some art did business She got called out, now her entire scam (and life) is unravelling and while don't like gloat can't help but snicker originally posted my question on O r/relationships on Monday so whole backstory please click on my profile but;

Auntie Karen Offers Exposure As Payment, Gets Called Out, Scam Falls Apart

Exposure is not financial compensation.
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satisfying karma video dodging a scammer

Woman Dodges Classic Car Flipper Scam By Bringing Mechanic Friend

Nice try, but not today.
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