
'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family disagrees over who owns a birthday cake

'The waiter... asked us to stop eating the cake': Family birthday celebration turns into dispute over who owns a birthday cake

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'Tell the chef to make this for me like he [hates] me': Customer asks for extreme spice, lives to regret it

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'It's mandatory': Worker gets fired for not attending an unpaid "cleaning party" with two-hour's notice

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'[He has] zero managerial or real work experience': Restaurant worker shares story of their nightmare nepo-baby new owner

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

‘Don’t You Know Who I Am?’ : Entitled Rich/Famous Customers Who Are Total Karens to Servers and Tip Horribly

Waitress Shares Viral Stories of Insane Serving Experiences While Working in a Restaurant

Waitress Shares Viral Stories of the Most Insane Serving Experiences While Working in a Restaurant

restaurant work memes

Restaurant Industry Memes To Help Deal With The Heat

weird and funny ways restaurants served food

Absurd And Ridiculous Ways Restaurant Tried Serving Food

Restaurants serving food in things that aren't dishes | entire roasted chicken sitting in a chair with an parasol | soup dish served inside an umbrella

Restaurants That Served Food In Everything Except Dishes

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29 Regretful People Share Their Cringe-Tastic Worst First Dates

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25+ Ridiculous Knock-Offs That Failed to Hit Their Mark

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14 of Twitter's Bad Reasons to Date Someone

Moments of Instant Karma

16 Well-Deserved Moments of Instant Karma

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29 Wonderfully Terrible Off Brands That Deserve Shelf Space in Our Hearts

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25 Ridiculous Off Brands That Might Be Better than the Real Thing

restaurant fails and bad food

25 Ridiculous Times Restaurants Failed at Presentation