

Man buys electric space heater to combat entitled roommate's control over the thermostat, which was leaving his room at around 30 degrees Fahrenheit

‘Lord of the thermostat’ roommate micromanages man's heating usage in their poorly-insulated apartment, so the man purchases an electric heater while roomie unknowingly fronts the bill

"He's also a landlord for another property and knows that you need to keep heat on at least 60 to be legal and up to code."
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landlord lawn drama yard property manager petty landscape renting Reddit Renters - 37344773

'As we discussed, you’re paying': Renters casually suggest a lawn upgrade, landlord plants grass and hits them with a surprise $4.2K invoice

When you’re renting, you never expect to be stuck footing the bill for long-term upgrades on someone else’s property—especially when it comes with a hefty price tag. That’s exactly what happened to one couple who casually mentioned to their property manager that it would be nice to have grass in their front yard instead of dirt. When they moved in, they were told the dirt yard was due to pipe maintenance and thought that was the end of it. But soon after their impromptu conversation with the la…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor evicted renting

Apartment dweller gets terrible neighbor evicted, putting an effective end to his business: 'Pure bliss watching him pack up his car and leave for the last time'

City living is a different beast than other kinds of living; the high-density population leads to close proximity to other people at pretty much all times. Also, offering the unique opportunity to live in an apartment directly above a business like you're in some sort of 90s sitcom. While living in a sitcom sounds nice, the fact remains that in this type of living situation, even in your own bed, you're only really a few feet away from another person, either next to, above, or below you—separat…
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Messy roommate gets what she deserves when she constantly leaves her fellow roomie's bathroom a mess, so the fellow roomie teaches her a well-deserved lesson with bleach

‘Very satisfying’: Woman is fed up when roommate leaves a recurring mess in her bathroom, so she cleans the space with bleach and indirectly ruins her roommate's clothes

The roommate was given three separate warnings... can't really blame the woman at this point.
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Man gets revenge on entitled roommates after months of them mooching off his food and throwing his groceries in the dumpster, he ends up on top

College roommates try to mooch off of man's food for months and throw his groceries in the dumpster as a ‘prank’, man returns the favor and gets their admission on tape

"I told them I'd take that recording to the dean if they didn't make things right."
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Entitled landlord attempts to pin $5600 of damages on innocent tenant, so they enact petty revenge to make sure no other tenants have to deal with his shadiness

Landlord tries to falsely pin $5600 of rental damages on tenant after they move out, so they compile evidence from other tenants to prevent landlord from scamming again

"Using the legal background of my fiancé, we send a strongly worded letter building on my input. As a result the landlord paid the deposit in full two weeks later and I never heard back of him."
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landlord landlords tenant tenants renting pro revenge university students Student Friends family drama neighborhood-drama Roommates bad roommates

Live-in Landlord refuses to return deposit, inspiring tenant to win it back in court: 'I just wanted my deposit back'

It's always best not to let money come between friends, and it's even better not to let money come between distant acquaintances because, in those situations, you don't even have that tight of bond to keep things even-keeled when the going gets tough. Making matters worse is the fact that you're not complete strangers who can handle business without letting it get personal. You're better off not knowing them at all so that all parties can remain objective because you're never going to look at f…
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hoa neighbors neighborhood homeowner neighborhood-drama bad neighbors neighborhood-stories terrible neighbors Bad Neighbor neighbor landlord landlords rental renting

Landowner ensures unscrupulous landlording neighbor pays them the $4k they're owed: 'The following week he came with a check for $4k'

“Slumlord” landlords really don't do much good for anyone. Sure, they “provide housing” in the barest sense, but really, their landlord is just an extra convenience for them in addition to the land banking they're partaking in, the fact that there happens to be a barely inhabitable We found ourselves living in one of these places just out of university, desperate to find any available housing with our lease expiring and new jobs set to start. It was a pretty dingy building in an otherwise nice…
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entitled landlord backtracks on prior payment agreement with tenant, he breaks into her apartment and dumps her stuff as a way to warn her of eviction

‘He hid my keys’: Roommate-turned-landlord dumps woman's belongings outside despite an agreed upon late rent payment agreement, her wallet is stolen as a result

“[He left] a note stating if I can't do what was agreed upon he would evict me.”
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‘All I did was make small talk’: Landlord's wife goes ‘unhinged’ on tenant for high school-level drama, tenant has enough and starts packing

‘All I did was make small talk’: Landlord's wife goes ‘unhinged’ on tenant for high school-level drama, tenant has enough and starts packing

The rent is too high these days to be forced into petty drama.
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pro revenge landlord student university students revenge landlords college student problems university housing petty revenge renting college student - 36234501

Students stand up to landlord for refusing to repair heating, withholding rent and later winning lawsuits against them: 'The judge finds for us for double damages'

For some reason, there's a log of predatory landlords going on in and around universities. Something about the melting pot of higher-density areas, where tens of thousands of desperate students are vying for limited accommodation. The entire system further holds student tenants hostage based on the fact that they need references from previous landlords to get accommodation for the upcoming year. The problem is that, as a young student, you're very limited in your options for previous references…
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reddit landlord landlords tenant tenants renters renter renting deposit money sued karma karmic entitled court courtroom payback revenge

'[They thought] we were bluffing': Tenants sue ex-landlords for $2,700+ in damages when they unlawfully keep their deposit, resulting in satisfying courtroom karma

Never underestimate your opponent
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reddit thread rent renting renter landlord tenant bad clean money repair pay story plumbing remodels dirty gross terrible

'I can reimburse you up to $150': Sink erupts with rancid water, flooding a renter's apartment, then their lazy landlord risks everything to save a few bucks

The best part about being a renter is that you're not liable for explosive home malfunctions. However, if you're stuck with a lazy landlord...
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landlord malicious compliance malicious-compliance-reddit tenant landlords bad landlord renting - 35875589

Landlord demands access to home to paint and sand, tenant makes them regret it with loud grating music: '[My] landlord tried to strong-arm me into letting him into the home'

It's never a good sign when your errant and aloof landlord suddenly takes a keen interest in shaping the place up. In almost every instance, it's likely that this means you're going to be looking for a new place pretty soon as they're either aiming to move back in themselves, renting the place to a relative—or even selling the place and cashing up. They probably won't divulge this to you directly, fearing that advance notice will lose them their income (—you). In the meantime though, there will…
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‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,300 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

‘To think they [felt] entitled to MY money is beyond me’: Plotting roommates try to dupe third roommate out of her $2,370 security deposit return, turns the dupe on them instead

“Just because you don’t get along with someone doesn’t mean you can steal from them kiddos!!! Careful who you live with…”
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reddit viral video landlord public freakout landlords neighborhood neighbors housing apartment rental rent renting renters tenant tenants complaint rotting deck

'[He said] he's going to evict us because of how ‘ungrateful’ we are': Guy exposes his scummy landlord's gaslighting tactics, rent-raising greed, and strategic naivety on video, goes viral

The 'World's Worst Landlord' Award goes to...
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