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'[I] emailed them their arrest warrants': Landlord sues terrible tenants who destroyed their home

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'[Don't] charge senseless, greedy fees': Landlord charges tenants $10/month to pay rent online; thrifty tenant mails a paper check instead, forcing the landlord to go to the bank every month

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'It was such sweet revenge': Scorned renter costs 'corporate monster' that bought their mobile home lot thousands of dollars required in 30 days

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'He's moving in on Friday': Landlord tells tenants he's moving in with them

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'I cost the property management company over $500k': Property owner gets back at scammy apartment management company for messing with his tenants

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'This is a typo!': New York landlord tries to strictly uphold the terms of lease, backfires

'Update: She was yelling and stomping': Roommate threatens to sue woman for putting vegetables in the food the roommate is trying to steal

'Update: She was yelling and stomping': Roommate threatens to sue woman for putting vegetables in the food the roommate is trying to steal

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'I took detailed pictures and videos of the apartment when I moved in': Landlord demands extra month's rent on move out, tenant shuts them down

'What do you mean she doesn't pay rent?': Woman goes on rent strike after finding out sister doesn't pay a cent

'What do you mean she doesn't pay rent?': Woman goes on rent strike after finding out sister doesn't pay a cent

'Send us a check': Landlord refuses to take $0.02 payment in cash, tenant maliciously complies

'Send us a check': Landlord refuses to take $0.02 payment in cash, tenant maliciously complies

'All that just to spite [a jerk]:' "Really rich guy" buys apartment complex and fires manager who was rude to him

'All that just to spite [a jerk]:' Really rich guy buys apartment complex and fires the manager who was rude to him

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Top Landlordiest Landlords Leeching Their Tenants This Week (June 16, 2023)

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'This is pretty much theft, so I don't plan on just sitting back with my arms crossed': Tenant gets revenge on shady landlord by planning to boobytrap his apartment before moving

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

'I'm not feeling safe in my own apartment': Cheapskate landlord gets fined $10,000 for jerry-rigging electrical instead of replacing a faulty stove after endangered tenant reported it to the fire department

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'The judge ruled in our favor': New landlord demands existing tenants revert house and garden to original state, tries to sue them when he sees the barren wasteland of his own making

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'They tried to nickel and dime me': Tennant ditches out on lease because of dodgy landlord and their cheap tactics