reddit thread

Fresh Memes for People Who Fail Themselves On a Regular Basis

Fresh Memes for People Who Fail Themselves On a Regular Basis

Had a guy try walk out on his bill, and when we blocked the exits and threatened to call the cops he tried to pay with Big 5 Sporting Goods receipts

Customer Does Everything to Avoid Paying His Bill At Restaurant, Even Trying to Use Sporting Goods Store Credit

customer service reddit stories car used car reddit story Car Dealership customer talesfromthecustomer reddit thread Reddit - 1730311

'I told them I wasn’t interested': Customer flees after shady car dealership tries to trap them and force them into paying a higher price

Sick shaming twice yesterday. Older generations should back off.

'We are not going to suffer [...] for our jobs like you boomers': Sick receptionist shamed by HR and guilted into coming to work

You better open this dang door

'You want me to open the door? I'll open it': Thief tries to steal beer from convenience store, cue malicious compliance

AITA I yelled at a student's dad and told him to eff off.

'I tell him that it's not really his business but we are sisters': Horrible dad mistakes waitress for his son's teacher and shames her

AITA For walking out in the middle of my shift?

'I didn't receive a paycheck and my boss cut my pay': College student walks out of shift after bosses try to manipulate her

I was laid off today. This is the letter I have for the CEO.

Former Insurance Company Employee Gets Fired After 22 Years, Then Confronts the CEO

AITA for reporting my son's therapist for sharing private information with his stepdad?

'He showed me texts between him and my son's therapist': 14-year-old's therapist sends private info to evil stepdad

AITA for calling my stepmother delusional for thinking I would change my mind on her adopting me?

Stepmom Refuses To Admit That Her Stepson Does Not Want Her To Adopt Him

Funniest Starter Packs We've Identified On Reddit This Week

Funniest Random Starter Packs From This Week on Reddit That Actually Make Sense

AITA for not wanting to be involved in my brother's divorce?

'She said a lot of stuff...but I, well, just don't care?': Woman asked to financially support her brother's ex-wife despite barely knowing her

AITA For begging my boyfriend not to being Heinz Ketchup to Omakase?

'He's only going if he can bring a bottle of Heinz ketchup': Immature boyfriend insists on bringing ketchup to fancy sushi dinner

My brother is bringing his pregnant mistress to Thanksgiving dinner on Monday

Cheating Dude Brings Pregnant Young Mistress to Thanksgiving, His Daughter Refuses to Come

My entitled dad throws coffee at waiter and demands he gets fired

Male Karen Throws Coffee in Waiter's Face and Demands That They Fire This 'Ignorant Useless Server'

AITBF for ending a friendship over recording a woman without her consent?

Creepy Dude Gets Caught Spying on His Girlfriend While She Watches His Apartment