reddit thread

Vaping Karen gets called out during plane ride, later drops her luggage on a woman.

Entitled Karen Gets Called Out for Vaping on a Plane, Cue Karen Tantrum

AITA because I slammed the door in my uncle's face and laughing at him when he tried to get me to watch my cousins.

'I slammed the door in my uncle's face': Homophobic uncle asks for gay nephew to watch his kid, gets what he deserves

What a comparison! Do you guys think s***posting can get better than this?

LinkedIn User Makes Idiotic Comparison Between His Arranged Marriage and His Unemployment

AITA for not including my group member's name on the sheet I gave to my teacher?

'I don't consider him a member of my group': High school student removes classmate's name from group project

AITA because I told my father if he wants to live with me he needs to get a job and help around the house?

'I gave most of my money to him from 14-18': Self-made daughter gets bullied by father and brothers who want to move in with her

AITA for lying to my gf about how the pizza I made was gluten free?

'I didn't have the heart to tell her that it wasn't gluten free': Horrible guy lies to dieting girlfriend about the pizza he made for dinner

AITA for telling my daughter that her grades are more important than her pain right now?

'Her grades matter more than her pain': Mom dismisses daughter's injuries from a car accident as justification for low grades

AITA for what I did when my friend's husband wanted us to have dinner "alone" together?

'His face turned red': Married dude embarrassed after trying to cheat with his wife's best friend

Make my coworkers cry I will help karma turn your life upside down.

'I am not quite finished with him yet': Hotel employee gets massive revenge on entitled guest

No, that is not a company spot, that is my spot...

Senior Worker Visits Office and Takes Employee's Parking Spot, Gets His Vehicle Towed

Crawled into work still drunk from the night before

Fast Food Worker Comes Into Work the Morning After Their Birthday Party in Quite the State

AITA for flipping out at my husband for canceling my daughter's job interview?

Daughter Refuses to Work At Stepdad's Toxic Company, He Retaliates By Canceling Her Interview Behind Her Back

AITA for how I responded when my coworker told me that the reason I got a promotion was because of my breast size?

Entitled Misogynist Says the Reason His Coworker Got a Promotion Was Her Breast Size, She Gives the Best Comeback

Lady with coupons in self checkout

'No, I'm stupid': Entitled Karen causes problems scanning coupons at self-checkout

AITA for saying my father needs to stop having kids?

Daughter Scolds Absent Father For Having Too Many Kids

AITA for firing an employee returning from maternity leave?

'I had to do right by the team': Horrible boss fails to justify firing new single mother after she returns to work