reddit thread

I left a bad job in 2021 with a resignation letter. Last week they sent me this

'Your employment [...] is being terminated for job abandonment': Employee resigns, then hears from HR 2 years later saying they were fired

karens neighbors toxic-workplace revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 20002565

Top Petty Revenge Stories of the Week (April 5, 2023)

karens wheelchair karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit store karen - 19998725

'What about the wheelchair you're sitting in?': Tired old Karen requests wheelchair user's wheelchair so she can shop without having to stand

boss workplace-stories work stories malicious compliance coworkers Office reddit thread Reddit - 19968005

'I told you to throw that chair away': Boss demands that employee's squeaky chair be taken out of the office, cue malicious compliance

malicious compliance refund shopping loophole reddit thread Reddit store grocery store - 19966725

'Company policy, right?': Customer finds loophole in store's return policy, enrages manager

stalker aita siblings sister reddit thread Reddit parents - 19965445

‘AITA for turning up at my sister’s work?’: Woman learns about her long lost sister, surprises her at work, internet reacts

workplace-stories employee toxic-workplace Office workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19965701

‘The work I did wasn’t on him, it was on you’: Leadership tries to block employee from opportunities, he ends up with a more senior position than them

Manager tried throwing me under the bus, so I showed everyone her incompetence.

'Small win against toxic management': Employee pushed out by toxic manager, exposes that they have been doing manager's work for over a year

court legal petty revenge petty ticket reddit thread Reddit parking - 19954181

'I've been waiting for someone to bring this up': Dude gets parking ticket for literally no valid reason, fights it in court and WINS

high school entitled reddit thread Reddit money entitled people vacation choosing beggar - 19941637

'The trip was awful': Entitled choosing beggar refuses to pay her share of spring break trip, ruins whole vacation

karens karens in the wild entitled reddit thread video games Reddit karen entitled people - 19953925

'Don't tell me what I did or didn't see': Karen drums up conspiracy theory because she can't purchase the video game she wanted

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'You got it Karen': Nurse has to get broken computer fixed by IT every single morning, Karen Boss blames her for slacking off instead of fixing the problem

hoa neighbors trash malicious compliance neighborhood reddit thread trash can Reddit - 19939589

'HOAs are a scourge to society': HOA enforces ridiculous trash rule, neighborhood bands together for some trashy compliance

customer service retail customers entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people ebay - 19919877

'I don't have the patience': Entitled Karen customer sends unhinged messages demanding response from retail store during closed hours

workplace-stories manager job work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19921413

'He tried to ruin my chances': Employee poached by new company with double the salary, old boss calls company and tries to sabotage employee

FAILS embarrassing askreddit reddit thread Reddit funny crush dating - 19900165

'I accidentally sent her a message about her': 20 cringe embarrassing fails in front of your crush