reddit thread

revenge flight plane petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny airplane - 19918085

'Well played, Petty Crocker': Passenger keeps getting up mid-flight and pulling on back of person's seat every time, cue petty revenge

boss work stories workplace entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19902981

'Hire me and then I’ll leave': Entitled Karen barges into office and demands job, security guards take her away

boyfriend aita relationships girlfriend reddit thread Reddit parents dating - 19898629

'Just obnoxious': Dude wears messy informal shirt when meeting girlfriend's parents, girlfriend throws a fit

boss workplace-stories malicious compliance mechanic workplace reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19897093

'You can say goodbye to your bonus this month': Mechanics pressured to prioritize extra work, CEO takes away their bonuses, they band together for revenge

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 19864325

'If [you] only want to work 40 hours a week then you should leave': VP makes tone-deaf demands on company call after no one receives a raise

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Top 5 Karens of the Week (March 28, 2023)

workplace-stories work stories job work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview college - 19863301

‘She accused me of lying’: Job applicant has to prove he went to Brown because his degree is written in Latin

toxic-workplace job work reddit thread Reddit job interview interview toxic-work-environment - 19863557

‘Thank you for your application for my labor’: Dude gives hiring managers a taste of their own medicine, drafts mass emails rejecting offers

Upper class Karen disrespected my family, then tried to attack me when I retaliated

Entitled Karen Goes Into Full Rage Mode at Movie Theater, Guy Dumps His Water Bottle on Her

karens amusement park karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 19855109

'My grandma says I can': Waterpark Karen and entitled teen throw temper tantrum at lifeguard

workplace-stories employee work stories manager lunch workplace reddit thread Reddit - 19851269

'If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it': Manager creates mandatory lunch break schedule, employee finds loophole to get paid overtime

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'He has no right to treat me like this over chicken alfredo': Married couple has wild argument over chicken alfredo

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'I do not schedule interviews for candidates who are currently employed': HR shows true colors with bogus hiring policy, internet reacts

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'She blushed a color I'd never seen before': Nosy HOA busybody keeps pestering lady about her social media profile, lady gives petty response

boss workplace-stories work stories Horrible Bosses entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 19836421

'A week after I left, my boss fell into burnout': Employee quits after doing her boss's job for her, boss can't keep up with her own tasks, gets fired

boss work-story workplace-stories manager workplace Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit - 19834373

'Expect surprise visits from me': Boss enforces strict no phone policy filled with ridiculous typos