reddit thread

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'He got five tickets': Dude parks boat across all handicapped parking spaces at restaurant, diner gets revenge

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'She was let go': Boss takes credit for employee's report, gets exposed as incompetent

my coworker has the system beat and they can't do anything to fire him

'He seriously is only seen at breaks and lunch': Coworker spends every work day in the bathroom and HR can't do anything about it

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‘What screams bad parenting?’: 20+ hot takes on what not to do when you have kids

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

Top Wholesome 'I Don't Work Here Lady' Stories This Week (April 17, 2023)

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‘That is my personal time’: Employee tells coworker she can’t stay late, gets caught having a solo picnic

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'Sir, you are required to wear pants': Hotel security guard shares stories of boozy wedding guest and paranoid lady

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Top Tales From Your Server This Week (April 16, 2023)

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'I know this is petty': Roommates share thermostat with neighbors, neighbors keep setting it to wild temperatures, cue revenge

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'AITA for posting a video of my girlfriend crashing her car?': Dude posts embarrassing video of GF and sells footage, friends and coworkers find the video

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'The kids confessed to throwing the trash': Neighborhood kids enact trashy revenge on local Karen

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'I will need a refund': Newly divorced woman tries to get money back from wedding photographer

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'My boss decided to chow down on my meal': Employee calls boss witch, boss gets petty revenge by eating his lunch

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'Petty revenge on my own truant son': Mom stages epic prank to force son to stop skipping school

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'I walked out': Mother keeps trying to set her kid up on dates against their will, cue dating fail

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'I was asked to take a 30%+ cut in pay': Boss asks employee to be a 'team player,' employee quits, company goes under