reddit thread

parking space reddit thread Reddit roommates college college student parking entitled people - 20207621

'She thinks [...] he has a right to park there': College students confront roommate's boyfriend after he keeps parking in their driveway

landlord guests Airbnb host reddit thread Reddit vacation apartment - 20209157

'AirBnB denied the refund': Vacation upended when guests find eviction notice on host's apartment door

aita coworkers relationships reddit thread Reddit money couple - 20189701

'It's my money to give': Couple's plans to save for vacation are upended when girlfriend gives $110 to help coworker

boss workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace petty revenge reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20206085

'I got fired for being sick': Employee gets fired for ER visit, boss loses customers

Karen demands I don a costume and hand out candy to her kid, three days after Halloween

Karen takes her kid Trick-or-Treating 3 days after Halloween, demands neighbor to don costume and give candy

AITA for asking my friend to move a picture of him and his wife because it made my wife uncomfortable?

Married Couple Moves in with Friend, Conservative Wife Asks Friend to Remove 'Scandalous' Wedding Photo in Her Presence

pets birds pet entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20187141

'She was going to take my bird': Guy brings pet bird out on errands, woman attempts to take her from owner

public transportation passenger old lady entitled reddit thread Reddit bus entitled people - 20188165

'I got here first': Bus passenger refuses to give up seat to elderly woman, others rally around the woman

students malicious compliance grades Professors reddit thread Reddit college exams - 20175109

'I obviously submitted subpar work': College student proves professor wrong by following their own grading policy

I put salt in my drinks to find out who's been stealing them

'I will never forget the look on her face': Woman gets glorious revenge on coworker for stealing her drinks

entitled parents malicious compliance kids nanny babysitting entitled reddit thread Reddit - 20172293

'I looked at her like are you serious?': Mom refuses to discipline tantrum-throwing kid, nanny complies, mom lives to regret it

Asked my HR rep why new hires were getting paid more than people who have been there for years. I don't know what I expected...

'I hope this addresses your concern': Employee asks HR why new employees are getting paid more, gets ridiculous response

FAILS landlord email tenant scam reddit thread Reddit apartment - 20173829

'Rent increase mid-lease': Landlord tries to trick tenant, tenant disputes and wins

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace work Horrible Bosses reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20170245

'Quit my job suddenly via email': Employee leaves without notice, boss insists on having face to face conversation, internet reacts

AITA for asking my daughter to uphold her end of the deal?

'You made a deal with a TWELVE YEAR OLD for THOUSANDS of DOLLARS?!?': Karen makes daughter pay for half of their swimming pool

aita baby Party cupcakes pregnant reddit thread Reddit gender reveal - 20133381

‘Her fault so she eats the cost’: Woman hires baker for gender reveal party, baker’s dog destroys the cupcakes