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Top 5 Worst First Dates as Told by the Waiters

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'We want to ask you to delete this comment': Job candidate leaves honest review about interview experience, CEO claps back and gets lawyer involved

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'Maybe I was a bit too harsh': Wife makes inedible home cooked meal for husband's birthday, husband calls her out, regrets his decision

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'He just wanted a good reason to let me go': Employee fired for breaking company policy, debates exposing his boss to HR

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'Oh we aren't signing it': Tenants undergo monthly apartment inspections, they move out without informing management

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'They said they'd fire me if I didn't sign': Company with high turnover institutes new policy on resigning, prompting backlash

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'We won’t pick up your trash next week': Kevin goes on a power trip about trash rules, neighbor gets revenge by canceling their scheduled pickup

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'It’s the one day for it to be all about me': Bride fires Maid of Honor over worry that she'll get pregnant before her wedding

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'You amuse yourself in little petty ways': Underappreciated office manager sabotages photocopy machine with a paperclip

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'That's my seat': Mother uses kids as an excuse to take passenger's window seat, kid apologizes for mother's outburst

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'If you're able to crawl to your desk, you should be at work': Employee compiles list of problematic quotes from management for exit interview

oh my paper isn't long enough? k.

College Student Told His Essay Was Too Short, Gets Revenge By Writing Extra Long Paper Next and Getting It Published

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Job Applicant Undergoes Four Rounds of Interviews and Free Labor Only To Be Rejected

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'I had been broadcasting my baby talk to my entire team': Employee does baby talk with cat while unmuted on work call

I just deleted thousands of hours of work from my old job

Freelance worker discovers his former company still uses the work he owns, gets even by deleting the folder

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'Dumping [him] was the right decision': Couple breaks up, dude chops down 'their' special tree, she gets petty revenge