reddit thread

aita fired friends wife celeb reddit thread Reddit airplane - 20559365

'If she got caught she’d likely be in some big trouble': Guy accidentally gets friend fired for looking up information on celebrities

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace malicious compliance reddit thread Reddit business toxic-work-environment - 20556037

'That is when I lost my job': Employee tasked with making a business plan discovers major discrepancies, gets fired for calling them out

Not even entitled to my own leave. Requested it a month and a half earlier btw.

'Your request cannot be granted': Employee denied PTO request because boss can't plan ahead

Don’t want my help? Sure! Go ahead and get yourself fired

'Go ahead and get yourself fired': Movie theater worker tries to help out entitled coworker, he refuses, cue petty revenge

customer service manager malicious compliance customers entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20543749

'Where's my 40% coupon?': Karen demands multiple discounts on her order, manager steps in and sides with employee

boss FAIL revenge petty revenge reddit thread Reddit funny parents - 20552965

'I asked my boss for those days off [...] but she refused:' Single mother gets PTO denied, gets petty revenge on boss, internet reacts

My boyfriend asked for a paternity test for our child. As soon as the results come and show he is the father, I'm leaving him.

'What a way to start the new year': New Dad demands girlfriend take a paternity test, comes out negative but she leaves him anyway

Karen Welcomes Me to the HOA

'Never give Karen an inch': Guy stands up to entitled neighbor Karen, then has to work with her to fight HOA

aita flight entitled reddit thread Reddit karen airplane entitled people - 20540165

'The mom went off on me': Parents change baby's diaper at their seats on the plane, passenger asks them to stop, flight crew intervenes

neighbors neighborhood revenge petty revenge entitled reddit thread Reddit entitled people - 20506885

'He called [...] for noise complaints any chance he got': Kevin gets neighbor fined $800, neighbor gets petty revenge

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace manager toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20536837

'You are a true asset to the team': Boss rewards employee's extra work with a shady pack of gum

customer service repair internet cable karens in the wild entitled reddit thread Reddit karen entitled people - 20505605

'NO DRILLING IN MY HOUSE': Karen makes it impossible for cable guy to fix internet issues, she tries to get free TV from him

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace coworkers toxic-boss reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20505349

'Coworker got sued and then sued the company': Boss refuses to let employee see his sick mother, employee retaliates, causing lawsuit

aita kids relationships reddit thread Reddit married vacation couple - 20500741

'My partner hasn't done a load of laundry in ten years': Wife takes vacation away from family, husband doesn't know what to do with himself

workplace-stories work stories toxic-workplace birthday coworkers reddit thread Reddit toxic-work-environment - 20498181

'No, sorry. Not the best time': Employee asked to contribute to multiple coworkers' birthday gifts despite never receiving his own gift

Heat revenge cold petty revenge driving entitled reddit thread Reddit rude - 20494597

'An ice cold move': Mechanic treated poorly by driving instructor, gets petty revenge by disabling heat in his vehicle