reddit thread

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‘My sister wanted to eat like a dog’: Daughter vows to act like a canine at the dinner table, Mom tests her by only feeding her dog biscuits

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'Loyalty will make you poor': Coworker quits after getting final raise, gets competitive offer elsewhere

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‘The HOA was bent out of shape’: Dude builds a fence to keep nosy neighbors away, HOA intervenes, he finds a clever loophole

they CAN NOT be serious

'An overpayment has been identified': Former CVS employee receives request to send a check for one cent after overpayment error

Literal Karen tries to avoid mandatory tip by ripping up receipt

'Terrible service, never coming back': Cranky Karen refuses to pay mandatory tip, rips up the check

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'You're faking!': Karen believes woman doesn't need to use her wheelchair, woman reveals her post-surgery knee

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Top Karens of the Week (May 21, 2023)

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'Your coworker is a child': Coworker accuses employee of being responsible for having to pay $4,000 for hotel room

I was fired the same day my job gave me a 50 dollar gift card for being the top performer in the department.

'Nobody likes a snitch': Evil coworker gets top performing competition at work fired for taking breaks

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'My mom had to literally be the one to fire my sister': Mom gets unemployed daughter work twice, daughter gets herself fired both times

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'We weren't doing the $25,000 when you hit 25 years': CEO gifts employees $25K for working 25 years, but employee going on 27 years there gets nothing

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'I decided to evict them this morning': Mother of three kicks out roommates for throwing a party against her wishes

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Top Choosing Beggars of the Week (May 19, 2023)

Fired 2 hours into new job for going off camera for 10 minutes

'He told me I can reapply once I'm more prepared for this job': Dude gets fired less than 2 hours into his first day

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'I'll bet they feel pretty deflated': Jealous neighbors puncture hole in dude's new fancy car, he gets petty revenge

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'If she got caught she’d likely be in some big trouble': Guy accidentally gets friend fired for looking up information on celebrities