reddit story

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'Don't be such a cry baby...': Mother uses son's credit card, spending $500, leading him to file charges

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

'You expect me to work an 18 hour shift without extra pay?': Overworked bookkeeper finds a way to get even with upper management after their refusal to allow changes in work shifts

family drama bride entitled parents drama brother mother askreddit reddit story wedding angry family sister Reddit rude son Father Mean People - 24059397

'They wouldn't even notice I'm gone': Man cuts off contact with family after being excluded from sister's wedding

'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

'He lost big time!': Manager fires employee following prolonged illness, employee sues employer and wins the case

'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

'You've messed with the wrong guy...': New guy on block gets back at entitled neighbor for confiscating his chickens by calling HOA

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

‘I’m gonna give your dog away': Woman gifts her sister and boyfriend a puppy but they break up, now the sisters can't decide who is responsible for the dog

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'The customer is always right—I am the customer!': Entitled customer demands manager drop everything and rearrange store to her liking

'You did this to yourself...': Client locks alarm company installer outside of building without notice to ensure they stop showing up unexpectedly

'You did this to yourself...': Client locks alarm company installer outside of building without notice to ensure they stop showing up unexpectedly

gym petty-revenge-reddit annoying workout reddit story petty revenge influencer camera Media social media entitled Reddit rude entitled people - 23989509

‘You can’t record in here': Entitled woman storms out of gym after several people tried to stop her from recording her and other's workout

'Your wish is my command': Bookkeeper ends up costing their company a fortune after demanding employees take 'cost effective' routes to work

'Your wish is my command': Bookkeeper ends up costing their company a fortune after demanding employees take 'cost effective' routes to work

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

‘I won that money fair and square': After woman wins grandpa's secret competition to see who visits him the most, rest of the family protests that she gives the prize money back

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

'She's not a puppy you can just rename': Woman's pregnant sister demands they rename their adopted kid so she can use the name for her own child

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

‘Sell your car and give me the money’: After having an expensive wedding, entitled groom asks friends for a loan, and goes as far as asking them to sell their car for him

'Sounds like a you problem now': Woman denies neighbor access to building's washing machine after neighbor throws all her clothes out on basement floor

'Sounds like a you problem now': Woman denies neighbor access to building's washing machine after neighbor throws all her clothes out on basement floor

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

'All I did was settle the score': IT employee gets manager fired after finding a bug in code that allows entire company to access clientele

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state

'He needs more money than his brother': Father gives younger son bigger inheritance than the older, based on their in-laws’ financial state